[FUN/MECH] MessageBlock 1.0 - Program messages into blocks, to be shown upon punching. [1240]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by lachy2901, Oct 9, 2011.

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    MessageBlock by lachy2901
    Version: 1.0

    This plugin lets you set a message into a block which will be shown to a player when they punch it. This could be used for rule boards, news boards, feedback boards, scavenger hunts and anything else you can come up with!

    * Easy install, just drag and drop!
    * Simple command with shortened version.
    * Auto deleting files, no having to use a delete commands; the text is deleted when the block is broken!

    The commands are:
    /messageblock create
    /messageblock add <text to add>
    NB: /messageblock can be replaced with /mb

    Type /messageblock create to make your target block a message block and use /messageblock add <text> to add text to the block. Anyone can punch the block and read its text.

    To Do:
    * Permissions support - for creating/using/destroying.
    * Configurability - Display colour, etc.
    * A /mb add newline command.

    Known bugs:
    * None so far! :)

    To Install:
    Simply drag and drop the .jar file into your \plugins\ folder, the plugin will do the rest.


    + Initial release.

    Previous Versions (open)

    Please leave feedback, this is my first public plugin so I need to know what to do differently / better and what I need to update in the plugin itself.
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    Dont know if it works, but cool :D

    Will the messages still be there if i reload the server. Basically did you use a HashMap?
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    They will still be there, they are stored in *.txt files in plugins\MessageBlock\

    You can also directly edit the message; the block's file is called 'x<xpos>y<ypos>z<zpos>.txt'.
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    Please upgrade to latest RB

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