Inactive [FUN/MECH/EDIT/TP/ECON/ADMIN/SEC] SpecialEffects - PayBlock [1.4.6-R0.3]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CevinWa, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I would be willing to be a beta tester. This plugin seems amazing and would be extremely useful on my server. If there are any special requirements, please let me know.
    Also, on the Bukkit Dev page there's a spelling error. Under the features for "gun" it says "Stick becomes a leafal weapon" it should be "lethal"
  2. Offline


    Thx im setting up the server right now. I will fix the spelling error.
    I'l pm you when it's done :)
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    The next version featuring block effect teleporters and more potionffects is neaing completion expect a new 1.5 beta soon.
  5. Offline


    A new 1.5 beta is out.
    SpeialEffects 1.5 ​
    this file adds Effect block teleporters. Just watch the provided video on bukkitdev or here
  6. Offline


    Next version of Specialeffects beta is out
    SpeialEffects 1.5​
    And it adds fixes for most of the bugs in se. Ex. The teleporters now checks if there's blocks above and don't throw the player in the air.
  7. Offline


    I know the 1.5 update's release date has been moved forward continuasly but i had much work from the school have started fixing bugs and a 1.5 version will be up soon.
  8. Offline


    Have collected both payblock and specialeffects plugin as one thread :D

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