[FUN/MECH] AdvancedMobs v0.3.7 - Mob variants for your normal, nether, and skylands worlds [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by TheTennessee, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Offline


    AdvancedMobs - Mob variants for spawning in normal, nether, and skylands worlds
    Version: 0.3.6
    Tested with: CB 1060

    Latest JAR:
    MediaFire - <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    MegaUpload - Version 0.3.7 JAR

    Previous Versions:
    0.3 - MegaUpload - Version 0.3 JAR
    0.2 - MegaUpload - Version 0.2 JAR
    0.1 - MegaUpload - Version 0.1 JAR

    As my first plugin, I decided to do some of the things I couldn't find with other plugins. I've run AngryWolves (with hellhounds), and Tossers on my server before. These plugins added new variations on old enemies. This got me started thinking about what I could do. So, I learned java (I have been doing C++ for years), read and listened to some plugin tutorials, and learned from looking at some other source code that the plugin developers have been kind enough to upload. This is the culmination of that work.

    AdvancedMobs is a plugin meant to add advanced mob types to your worlds. The nether too bland for you, the skylands nice to look at, but utterly devoid of anything to do? Maybe you just want giants to work in your world. This plugin has all of that, and more is going to be added too. The nether will get fire immune versions of zombies, skeletons, spiders and slimes, the skylands will get ghasts, creepers with new attacks, and animals, and your normal world will finally get to see zombie pigmen, and they are none too happy about being yanked out of their normal world. All of this and giants too, and they have a few surprises of their own.

    <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)">Important: If you find any bugs or adherent behaviors while using this plugin, please give a list of the mob changing plugins you have besides this one, the startup messages for AdvancedMobs (it will show [AdvancedMobs] in front of it) as well as any errors you get in the console. Your config file would also be helpful if you changed any values. </font><font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)">Also be sure to include your CB version. I will not be responsible for versions I don't support.</font>

    <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)"><font color="rgb(255, 153, 0)">Warnings: Skylands mobs use velocity in their attacks. They will cause you to sometimes move too fast and get kicked. This is rare under most circumstances, but if you have a fly mod enabled on your server it can do this. There are several ways to solve this, including enabling fly, adding the plugin "NoMovedTooQuicklyKick", and also possibly handling the velocity with anti-hack plugins. If you do not want this, you can turn the force down on their attacks, or turn them off altogether.</font></font>

    * Zombie Pigmen can spawn in normal worlds (and can be spawned hostile)
    * Zombies, Skeletons, Spiders, and Slimes can spawn in the nether, and are immune to fire

    - * Nether Slimes can set YOU on fire too
    - Ghasts, Powered Creepers, Pigs, and Sheep will spawn in your skylands worlds
    * Aether Ghast fireballs explode into snowballs instead of explosions
    * Powered Creepers can explode with air power instead of damage, possibly knocking you off the skylands
    - Giants spawn in all worlds!
    * Normal Giants will toss TNT at enemies to give them a ranged attack (TNT won't destroy terrain)
    * Fire Giants spawn in the nether and spit fireballs instead of TNT
    * Storms cause normal giants to gain the power of lightning, calling it down on you
    * Custom loot tables for giants (since they normally don't drop anything)
    * Configurable health
    - Advanced Hostile Wolves for all worlds
    * Hellhounds are immune to fire and spawn in the nether and normal world
    * Winter Wolves spit blasts of cold at you, and spawn in the skylands and in snowy terrain in the normal world
    * A super secret special wolf type - fear the sitting wolves
    * Configurable loot tables for both
    * All special wolves are tamable!

    - * (Hit them with a raw porkchop to calm them for 10 seconds)
    - Configurable spawn rates for everything, and the ability to turn on and off most special properties for advanced mobs
    - Multiworld support - turn off mob types in certain worlds
    - Much much more to be added

    Multiworld Setup:

    In order to set up multiworld support, you will need to create files in your "AdvancedMobs" folder. These files will be named the name of the world you want to modify plus "_config.yml" ([world]_config.yml). So if your world "world_nether" needs to have some creatures changed, you need to make a file called "world_nether_config.yml" and put it in that folder.

    Once you have made this file, you do not need to turn any creatures to true. Any creature names not found in the config will default to true. So, if you wanted to turn off nether zombies for instance, you would put on a line inside the config file "Zombie: false". All creatures have their normal names, and zombiepigmen are called "PigZombie". You can only turn off a creature type that this plugin is spawning, it will not effect natural spawns or spawns from other plugins.

    Example contents of "world_config.yml"
    PigZombie: false
    Wolf: true
    That would turn the ability for this mod to create pig zombies in the world "world" to off, but leave Hellhounds and Winter Wolves on. Conversely, since the default is true anyways, "Wolf: true" could have been left out and they would still be on.

    Change Log:

    Version 0.3.7
    * Fixed a ClassCastException error that was happening
    * Added an example world config file to the default config files

    Version 0.3.6
    * Toned down the secret wolves' attacks some
    * Fixed the log message for autosaving (it was saying AnimalCompanion because that's where I copied the auto save from)
    * Fixed a bug in the world loading section of loadWolves()

    Version 0.3.5
    * Fixed nether slimes getting giant fire effects
    * All tick rate timers were 3 times too fast, fixed
    * Added force variables in the config for ghast/winter wolf snowballs and creeper explosions
    * Fixed a bug with the "secret wolves" that was leaving behind junk in the world
    * Added hookups for the AnimalCompanion plugin

    Version 0.3
    * Made all wolf types tamable - hit them with a raw porkchop to calm them down long enough to tame one
    * Tamed special wolves are persistent between server restarts
    * Added a super secret wolf type, fear the sitting wolf
    * Gave hellhounds a small tick fire bite
    * Ghast fireballs in the skylands now explode with snowballs and deal a small amount of damage + knockback

    Older Notes:

    Show Spoiler
    Version 0.2
    * Added multiworld support
    * Added Hellhounds and Winter Wolves
    * Added loot tables for advanced wolves
    * Tweaked Aether Creeper explosions
    * Added version identifier to console output

    Version 0.1
    * Initial Release

    Known Issues:
    * Slimes that catch fire have huge fire effects on them
    * Fire giant fireballs sometimes don't show up but will still damage you
    * Ghasts in the skylands can sometimes get stuck in terrain (Should be resolved)
    * Winter Wolf smoke effects can sometimes become disembodied
    * Winter Wolves in the normal world become normal angry wolves on server restart
    * Hellhounds in the normal world near water or after/during a rain storm can lose their fire effect until they find a target
    * Winter Wolves/Ghasts/Powered Creepers in the skylands can under rare instances with some other mods enabled cause a "Kicked for moving too fast" client kick

    Planned Features:
    * Aether Slimes (high jumping slimes that push you away when they land)
    * Aether Ghasts shoot snowballs (instead of fireballs, do less damage, but have a high spread)
    * Adventurers (humanoids with armor on that can attack you)

    - * Valkyries for the skylands
    * Demons for the nether
    - Advanced Wolves (hellhounds for nether, winter wolves for skylands/normal world)
    * Make advanced wolves tamable and persistent
    - More configuration for everything
    - Add a check to make sure giants don't spawn underground
    - Full multiworld support
    - Spout support for skins
    - Custom mob spawning and hookups for other plugins

    Possible Features:
    * Giants can kick you if you get too close to them
    * Giants might throw up slimes onto you if you hit them (rare chance)
    * Flying/floating mobs for the skylands (pigs and sheep that can fly!)
    * Ghasts for the normal world that do... something
    * Depth dependent normal world mobs (like elemental creepers or harder mobs of some kind)
    * Biome specific normal world mobs (like cactus creepers that explode in arrows)
    * Mob riders, like spider jockeys but with different mob variants

    Related Plugins: (Not made by me)
    * AngryWolves - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/me...lf-spawns-now-with-hellhounds-953-1000.11256/
    * Tossers - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fu...hat-jump-up-jump-up-and-chow-down-1000.16844/
    * Creeper Rods - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-misc-creeperrods-v1-2-lightning-rods-not-bombs-860.20691/
    * NaturalGiants - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-naturalgiants-v1-30-make-giants-spawn-naturally-1000.10746/
    * OtherBlocks (for loot dropping) - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/me...op-editing-ultimate-customization-1000.21074/
    * sRPG (for advanced normal mob behaviors) - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/rp...ustomizable-rpg-and-combat-system-1000.19180/
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
    Meechel likes this.
  2. Offline


    in all our worlds combined, ive found only 2-3 snow wolves, and thats with it set to 50% of wolves in snow biomes are snow wolves. our entire server has spent several ingame days at a time searching for snow wolves lol.

    Edit: @TheTennessee as far as mobs not spawning, idk if that is this plugin anymore, cause i disabled it until you release an update, and we are STILL having minimal mob spawns. hard to say either way. i can stand afk outside our poorly lit village for forever and never get attacked... or even see a mob for that matter.
  3. Offline


    Absolutely love this plugin! Can't wait to see what you come up with next. :D
  4. Offline


    i set it to like 80% and still cant find any :/
  5. Offline


    Any news on an update? Love this plugin, but hating the errors, although it still does work...mostly. :D
  6. Offline


    Can you add in a config for turning off the autosave messages for this too? Thanks!
  7. Offline


    Would it be appropriate to add in loot tables for all monsters with this plugin? I know there are others that do this, but I just figured since it was there for special wolves and zombies, why not, ya know? Plus, maybe we could have different monsters in different worlds drop different items, which is something I've not seen another plugin do! :)
  8. Offline


    i am a big fan of this plugin, but i was wondering if it would be possible to make it mob-spawner compatible? I wish i could find a hellhound dungeon...
  9. Offline


    @TheTennessee god mode doesnt work for the mobs they deal damage through godmode
  10. Offline

    Codex Arcanum

    Is there anywhere I can find the source for this plugin? I am trying to slowly learn java by tinkering with people's source cods for my own use.
  11. Offline


    awesome plugin i wish i knew how to use java lol id love to make plugins of my own or customise other peoples and make them better!

    But i realy cant be bothered but you could and you made an amazing plugin
    <3 YOU!

    DO NOT rename any config files thats wut i did i renamed it to world and it didnt work so i deleted files and ran server to get them back and changed what i wanted to then put my server back up

    AND make sure you havnt turned mobs off in essentials and on the server.properties file thats what i also did

    1. delete both files in the folder (dont delete jar file)
    2. reload/restart server
    3. go into advanced mobs config and change what you want
    4. save config (DO NOT RENAME ANY FILES!)
    5. IMPORTANT: Make sure you turn mobs on in every plugin that turns them off (including server properties in the folder before plugins)
    6. Restart server

    NOTES: I hope it worked for you because the same thing happened to me

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  12. Offline


    i know that, they are just extremely rare.
  13. Offline


    I know you havnt commented on this plugin in a while, but I LOVE it, there is nothing else like it out there...

    It was working perfectly, now it seems to stop ANY wolves spawning, no enemy mobs spawn in Aether...
    There is no problems in config and I dont have any other plugins controlling mobspawn, please help.
    I am using latest version of CB and as there has not been an update to Advanced mobs, could that be it?
  14. Offline


    is it possible to spawn the mobs
  15. Offline


    u said u set them to 80%
  16. Offline


    ya i did. still really really really rare
  17. Offline


    so its no issue
  18. Offline


    its kinda an issue since at 80% there should be SOME but after several hours of looking there are none.
  19. Offline


    How does this plugin interact with the Skyland Animals plugin? I have it installed with yours, and have a chicken spawner that only produces animals (which is what I want). But, will AdvancedMob replace the randomly-spawned chickens with monsters? Haven't seen it happen (but there aren't many chickens spawning in my sklyands world). Just curious.
  20. Offline


    well 80% of the type of wolf u want to spawn will spawn but normal wolfs r hard to find too so eather ur lookin in the wrong spot or u have wolfs disabled in some plugin/option u have
  21. Offline


    How well does this work with the RPG plugin "Heroes"?

    Edit: Also, is it possible to change spawn rates in a config? Like placing more "weight" to spawn zombies, and less "weight" on another mob?
  22. Offline


    Could you add in a larger pig zombie as well? Im looking for a mod that adds humanoids in-game with different levels. A larger pig zombie or simply a different kind of pigZombie would be great! Maybe even the functionality to create variants of these mobs would be even better!
  23. Offline


    can you allow the same skylands features to be allowed in normal worlds? i use a plugin that allows my skylands worls to act like normal worlds preventing the features of this plugin i want. If you could maybe do this that would be great!
  24. Offline


    Boy, TheTennessee you have a lot to alter for the new versions of MC with all the new mobs :p cant wait to see the next update of this!

    @xShiFTyy Not really, because I didnt have any other animal plugin that can disable them and I had the same issue. I think the entire time i used this plugin i only saw 2-3 winter wolves. And actually, i find normal wolves rather often.

    @happypumkin sometimes i didnt see one for a few irl days, and this was while zooming around the snow areas with flying. saw plenty of normal wolves
  25. Offline


    Can't you just make the Ghast spawning in the normal World :0 ?
  26. Offline


    Does this plugin have a setting so that mobs dont burn in daylight?
  27. Offline


    crys i wish this guy hadnt abandoned this plugin
  28. Offline


    As far as i know, he hasnt. As far as i know hes waiting for the new bukkit verion.
  29. Offline


  30. Offline


    I haven't seen an update for this in a while. I loved running it on my server. Hearing people scream out "GIANT ZOMBIE!? OMFG!" I hope you update to latest. I'll be keeping an eye on it. :)
  31. Offline

    Emiya Shirou

    Any way with this plugin to leave all the mobs default, but make slimes to spawn at surface in normal world ?

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