[FUN] MachineCraft v0.8 - Transform chests into machines [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by hubertnnn, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. MachineCraft - Transform chests into machines:
    Version: v0.8

    This plugin transforms special prepared chests into machines.

    • Grabbing items from ground
    • Transporting items between chests, furnances and minecarts
    • Using items (digging with pickaxes, placing blocks...)
    Download v0.8

    Older versions

    Source Code


    Version 0.8
    • Fixed ItemData managment
    • some crashbug fixes
    Version 0.7
    • TransporterMachine dropping system
    • SelectiveGrabberMachine added
    Version 0.6
    • TransporterMachine fully supports ItemData
    • Added Hoe+Seed support to UserMachine
    • Added ItemData support to UserMachine
    Version 0.5

    • Added CreatorMachine
    • Fixed TransporterMachine
    • Added ToolUsage position in config
    Version 0.4

    • Added configuration
    • Fixed water digging bug
    Version 0.3 - Download

    • Fixed bug - loosing item details by transporter
    Version 0.2 - Download

    • Crashbug fix
    • UserMachine no longer digs water and bedrock
    • UserMachine drops dirt insted of grass blocks when digging grass
    • UserMachine have 10% chanse to drop flint when digging gravel
    Version 0.1

    • First release
    Known bugs:

    • Transporters are loosing item details (charcoal->coal, colored wool->white wool...)
    • Not all blocks are supported by userMachine

    • Fix known bugs
    • Release creator machine (automatic crafting table)
    • Add configuration

    Basic machine:
    To make a basic machine, you need to place a number of books (code) in the middle slot of a chest. Other slots are used as direction codes, that mean:​
      • Top line = blocks above the chest, bottom line = under chest
      • 3x3 part on the left means north, on the right means south from the chest
      • first column of each 3x3 part means east, third means weast
    Machine will do 1 cycle each time it is powered by redstone.​

    User machine:
    Code: 21​
    This machine will use items on corresponding blocks (direction codes)​
    Tools will be used to mine blocks​
    Item stacks will be used to place blocks​
    Machine will leave 1 block (or 1 durability for tools) on each slot and stop (more info @ Transporter machine)​
    1 Cycle will place 1 block from each stack. Digging 1 block requres multiple cycles (less cycles for better tools eg. diamond pickaxe, and more for worse tools eg. wood pickaxe)​

    Grabber machine:
    Code: 22​
    This machine will take all items from the ground around the machie on each cycle and store them in its own inventory (direction codes not used)​

    Transporter machine:
    Code: 23​
    This machine will transport items between chests, furnances, machines and minecarts. Using this machine to put items into userMachine will put items on direction slots that are already "programmed", thats why machine leaves 1 block. Machine also repace broken tools (1 durability) with new one (if tool is not fully broken yet, it will not repace it, old tool is destroyed after remove)​
    To make this machine you need to specify source by placing 2 books on direction slot and destination by placing 3 books. Machine also requres you to specify what item shuld be transported by placing 1 block on any slot of the chest.​
    To transport items to/from minecart, the direction block shuld be 1 block above rais.​
    You can place 4 books to select drop point, where items that dont fit in destination chest (eg. it is full) will be dropped on ground. If no destination specified all items will be dropped. Only one drop point can be specified when including destination chests (if more, first one will be used).​


    Creator machine:
    Code: 24​
    This machine will produce items like crafting table.​
    South part (9 slots on the right) is the blueprint.​
    North part (9 slots on the left) is the resource storage (only resources from here will be used to make items)​
    Middle part (8 slots around books) is used to store created items. Created items will not stack to full ( for example creating sticks will make stacks of 4 sticks each insted of 64)​
    Transporter will put items only on corresponding places to protect from using all slots for one material and blocking the machine so if you will put a shovel blueprint, only 1 slot will contain stone and 2 slots will contain sticks.​

    On the image:​
    Wood = here will be materials for item (eg. stone, sticks)​
    Pickaxes = this slots shuld be empty, created items will be stored here​
    Blueprint on the right = pickaxe​


    Selective Grabber machine:
    Code: 25​
    This machine will take all items from the ground around the machie on each cycle and store them in its own inventory (direction codes not used) only if it have at least 1 item of that type in its own inventory.​

    killerx243 and Coarse like this.
  2. Offline


    I'm making a factory, so the items will be like an assembly line, so the 'unwanted' stuff will need to be sorted to various streams. Sorting it via a chest is EXTREMELY tedious.
  3. Offline


    The transporter doesn't work in build 1060,im absolutely sure i did it 100% correct.Every other machine works fine,though.
  4. It works for me. Culd you make a screenshot of chest and config file(not need if default config), maybe it dont work for some specific configurations.
    And whats the source and destination (chest, machine, furnace...)?
  5. Offline


    i havent touched the config file yet,but the chests are like this:
    C C
    C C=Chest North is up^^ and i have the books in the correct place..

    whoops the chests are like this:

    both source and destination are chests

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  6. Offline


    Did you power it with a redstone wire? Or just place a redstonetorch/lever there?
  7. Offline


    @hubertnnn Can you support double chests? (ie. 23 transports an item into a large chest and the items move to the top of the chest, not the 2nd half OR 23 can take items from the bottom also.)

    Also, what's stopping you from allowing 22 to pick up selective items? It really means a lot to me. If I'm not wrong,
    public void DoWork(Block block, Inventory inventory) {
            for(Entity e : block.getChunk().getEntities())
                if(!(e instanceof Item)) continue;
                Item it = (Item)e;
                 //Insert Stuff here
    from the GrabberMachine.java has to be editted so that it has to look through it's own inventory if there is any other item other than ChipCode. If so, it only picks that item, else, pick all. How do I go about doing that?


    --Editted to attempt to look at the source
  8. 0.7 relesed
    New grabber machine at code 25 (grabs only items that are alredy in chest).
    Thx capeguy for the idea. Thing that was stopping me was that i culdn't find a good way how to implement the selective grabber, and I was working on 2 other projects in same time, so development of machinecraft slowed a bit.

    I also added a new feature to transporters: drop points.
    When you specify a droppoint (4 books), you can use it to make a itemCheck (droppoint @ preasure plate if you know what I mean), item dispose (droppoint @ lava) or just a quick way to transport items to lower levels (droppoint over a hole and grabber in the bottom)

    About double chests: I was thinking how to support them, but found many problems that could make it horrible, but in fact if you just use them like 2 nearby chests

    About double chests:
    I will not support them as one chest cose it will make too many problems. If you want to have double chest just make transporter put items to both parts (like if it was 2 nerby chests). It worked for me very well.
    capeguy likes this.
  9. Offline


    OMGG Thanks!

    @hubertnnn found a bug: Machine 25 cant suck up signs.
    Log: [SEVERE] Could not pass event REDSTONE_CHANGE to MachineCraft

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  10. Problem was not only in machine 25, all machines failed when working with items that dont stack (eg. tools, signs, etc). Fixed in v0.8

    This was probably scottbenjamin's problem with transporter, cose he transported tools.
    capeguy likes this.
  11. Offline


    actually,i was trying to transport iron ore.
  12. Offline


    Then, there must be something wrong with your setup. Care to share a screenshot?
  13. Offline


    I have found an bug, normal config.

    EDIT!: My Bug has another Reason: If a Grabber is connected to Redstone by two (or more sides) sides, it will grab the items two or more times.
    For Sides with same redstone wire = 4 Items....
  14. Offline


    I just nerdgasmed reading this, I'm currently pleading with the admin to add this, any chance we could see an update? Also does it have permission support?
  15. Offline


    is there a way you could make the grabbers pick up mob drops? i have a machine working and it doesnt pick up mob drops it only picks up player drops.
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


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