Inactive [FUN] Incantatio v1.2.3 - A new take on magic [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by orion304, Jun 18, 2011.

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    Incantatio - A new take on incorporating magic into Minecraft.
    Version: 1.2.2

    So, I just spent all of today porting and polishing a plugin I made in python for eventscripts into a genuine .jar plugin for Bukkit! Allow me to introduce Incantatio!

    What is Incantatio? Well, there can never be enough unique ideas for magic in Minecraft, right? Wrong! There are already too many, so drop whatever other plugins you're using for magic and use this one! It's got cookies! Well, not quite.

    Incantatio is a plugin that requires players to actually fully type out a spell to use it. It's based more on the ideas of magic in Harry Potter or Buffy or other AWESOME things than on the idea of MMO magic. See, this plugin doesn't make it so you press Q to use Fireball or jump three times to teleport home. That's for illiterate people!

    So how does it work? With Latin of course! Everyone knows Latin sounds all exotic and powerful and mysterious, and it turns out once you put this plugin into your server, it too will know to bend to the will of Latin!

    For example, I want light. But I don't want to use torches, I want to use MAGIC! So, I look at a block that I'd like light from and utter the word "lux". Lo and behold, the powers of LATIN make the block under your cross-hair turn into a Glowstone Block!

    There are many spells - 31 actually, and increasing - that can be cast.

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    These are the spells that you're probably going to use most often, and they're a good deal of fun.
    * "Salio" - 'hop': Turns out there isn't a Latin word for 'teleport'. Who'd've guessed? Luckily, 'hop' does the trick and teleports you to the block your block could smell like - I mean the block before the block you have targeted. Caution: you can use it to get yourself nice and stuck or dead. Or both. Try not to aim at the sky when using it.

    * "Respiro" - 'breathe': OK, so you didn't aim for the sky. But you've managed get your face stuck in a stone block. Kudos, I honestly wasn't expecting that. Well, lucky for you there's this nifty spell called "respiro" which changes the block your FACE is at into air. Yay breathing! No, I don't pretend to know how you can possibly say "respiro" when you're chocking on solid stone. Yes, you can use this underwater for a breath, but who would want to do that?

    * "Mutatio" - 'mutate': Are you being chased by a Creeper? Wow, that's impressive, considering you're reading this at the same time. Kudos! There are a great number of ways to fix this Creeper problem (I recommend "fulmen" for example), but if you're looking for one that'll let you make it out alive, use this spell. It'll morph bad creatures in an area around your cross-hair into harmless, fun ones!

    * "Vello" - 'pull': Now that your Creeper is a fluffy chicken, let's have some (humane) fun, shall we? Use this spell and it'll fling any creature around your cross-hair towards you! Careful, if you use this too close to yourself, it'll affect you too!

    * "Urgeo" - 'push': Or maybe you want a different way to deal with that Creeper issue, and you're being MANLY about it and still reading while it's chasing you. Well you should screw with it with this spell! It's the opposite of "vello", and it pushes creatures near your cross-hair away from you. Spiffy! As with the previous spell, this one will affect you if you aim it too close to yourself. But you don't care, you're a MAN!

    * "Lux" - 'light': A great example, and an awesome LoL champion, this spell simply places a glowstone block at the location you're looking at. Very pretty and efficient way of getting light.

    * "Ignis perpetua" - 'perpetual flame': You're never satisfied, are you? "Lux" isn't good enough, you need something more ominous. Fine, this spell here sets down a netherrack block and sets it on fire. Please, look down at your feet when you do this. And when you 'accidentally' catch yourself on fire, don't look at me.

    * "Extinguere" - 'extinguish': Are you on fire? Is there no water nearby? Do you not feel like creating a bubble of water with magic and would rather just STOP being on fire anymore? Then this spell is for you, just use it and you will be no longer on fire! Just remember: stop, drop and roll is for the illiterate type, you have WORDS!

    * "Remedium" - 'heal': So, you're no longer on fire, right? Fu----antastic! Then I suppose you'll be wanting a heal and there aren't pigs around for you to slaughter (murderer). If you have a book in your hand, this spell will consume it and instantly heal you to full! If you don't (illiterate heathen), this nifty little word will heal you for half a heart every second, provided you stay relatively still. Use only if you don't care about the quality of the hearts, as we offer no guarantee that they didn't come from orphans. Monster.

    * "Accendit" - 'enflame': Remember how you may or may not have set yourself on fire? You should look at the ground and use this. Really, nothing could go wrong. Except flames engulfing the area around your cursor.

    * "Praemium" - 'explode': Have you had enough dying yet? If not, I dare you to take a book in your hand and use this spell. If you do, the book will be consumed and the block you're looking at will instantly explode very forcefully. If you don't have a book, it'll instead place a primed TNT block where you're looking at. Nice, isn't it? Now run from the primed TNT.

    * "Fulmen" - 'lightning': Makes the sky incredibly angry at your cross-hair so that it sends down an inordinate amount of charged particles down there faster than the speed of sound! Also known as lightning. This becomes especially powerful if you have a book in your hand.

    * "Frigidus" - 'freeze': So Jesus lifted up a stick and parted some lame sea, right? Well it'd have been way COOLER if he had used this spell. It freezes all water in a sphere around your targeted block. Additionally, it coats the area and snow and freezes all lava into obsidian. Cool, right?

    * "Concalesco" - 'thaw': OK, so you don't have to get twitchy at those puns. Just use "concalesco" and the area you've targeted will thaw out. Except the obsidian - that's gonna stay that way forever.

    * "Sereno" - 'calm/sunny': Rain sounds lovely and all, but sometimes you'd just like some peace. This spell requires a reagent - a book - in your hand in order for it to work. It will clear all the weather for you so you can be anti-social in the sun instead of the rain!

    * "Pluvia" - 'rain': And then there are those that actually want the rain. Maybe you're dealing with an above ground lava pool or combating a forest fire and changing the weather is your best bet. This spell also requires a reagent (book), but think of the trees you might save!

    * "Tempestas" - 'storm': Rain not good enough for you? Well this spell will create a storm for the cost of 1 book in your hand. Of course, there's no telling how long the storm will last, but you don't care do you? You just want your thunder.

    * "Noctem" - 'night': You're the adventurous type. You want to go caving, fight for your life, then come out to the SUN? How inconvenient, you can't prove your manhood when all of the baddies above ground are dead thanks to not wearing sunscreen. Instead of crying EXTREMELY heterosexual tears at the lack of blood you get to shed, use "Noctem". It'll cost a book, but that pesky sun will be on the horizon and getting lower, making the night YOURS for the picking.

    * "Lucem" - 'day': Or maybe you've had enough picking of the night. I mean, there's only so many times you almost die to a creeper before you decide to call it a day. Literally. Just utter the word and a book in your hand will be consumed to give rise to day - precious, safe, manly day.

    * "Implete aquas" - 'replenish water': So, if you're using the PROPER amount of magic, your world should start showing signs of unseemly holes from 'accidentally' disintegrating large sections of water. This nifty spell will fill in all the water in a small plane at sea level where you're looking. Basically, it's to un-disintegrate (not to be confused with integrate, which will be on the test later) that water you may have destroyed.

    * "Itero" - 'repeat': Did you just cast "magna sphaera aeris augere vi" and don't feel like typing all that out again? Well, if you use "itero", it behaves as if you repeated the last thing you said, be it a spell or not. This will be used A LOT.

    * "Tueri" - 'protect': Do you have this sinking feeling in your stomach? Is it because you're about to fall to your doom? No? Did you just use "praemium" when someone entombed you? Ah, yeah, that'll do it. Too bad you're screwed. Nothing could possibly save you. OK fine, I'll be honest. You aren't dead yet? Arg, was hoping to stall. "Tueri" prevents the next source of damage you take, regardless of source or amount of damage. You can't use "itero" on this spell, but I'm not sure why you'd want to... it's the same number of syllables and keystrokes.

    * "Domus" - 'home': Was this experience a bit much for you? If you're going to chicken out like a little girl, then you might as well do it with magic. This spell will consume a book in your hand and teleport you to your world's spawn point. You're welcome. Wimp.

    Show Spoiler
    These spells each have selectable components/materials for a wide variety of use. They're pretty nifty. For example:

    "bulla vitrea" will create a bubble ("bulla") of glass ("vitrea") around you. Here is the full list of components:
    * "aquae" - 'water'
    * "aeris" - 'air'
    * "vitrea" - 'glass'
    * "glacies" - 'ice'
    * "aranea" - 'web' <- Removed until further notice
    * "folia" - 'leaves'
    * "silice" - 'lava'
    * "ignis" - 'fire'

    Note: not *every* spell listed here can be used with all of these components. For instance, "silice" can only be used in conjunction with "evanescere" or "uanescere". But for the most part, all spells below can use these components.
    * "Evanescere" - 'disintegrate': Well you just trapped yourself using "tholus aranea", didn't you? I swear, the ideas some people think are good... Well lucky for you, "evanescere aranea" will fix your problem - it'll disintegrate all of the web around you in a large hemisphere. There, now you can escape, even though I REALLY wanted to see you slowly crawl your way out.

    * "Uanescere" - 'vanish': "Evanescere" is great and all, but sometimes you really want to be a jerk at a distance. "Uansecere" works nearly identically to "evanescere" except its centred around your cross-hair, its effect is a full sphere, and it has a smaller radius.

    The following spells are meant to merely replace air in their affected areas with the component of your choice. "Libyes" is an exception to this, but I can't move it for fear of disrupting the space-time continuum. There are occasions where you'd like these spells to replace more than just air, and for that there is an augment. If you append "augere vi" to the end of these spells, it'll replace every non-bedrock block in its area of effect to the component of your choice. For instance, if you're on a flat plane of grass and you cast "sphaera vitrea", it'll only fill in everything above the grass. If, however, you used "sphaera vitrea augere vi", then it would replace everything with glass save the safe zone in the centre.
    * "Bulla" - 'bubble': By bubble here, we mean a bubble that is one block thick at a certain radius away from you. Really spiffy for making shelters on the fly from those pesky skeletons and their arrows.

    * "Sphaera" - 'sphere': This'll create a nice sphere of your component, with a safe zone in the middle so you don't suffocate yourself or anything. I mean, we're not *that* mean!

    * "Libyes" - 'entomb': OK so maybe we are that mean. This spell will entomb the area around the block you're looking at with the component of your choice. Granted, it won't actually suffocate them. It is, however, incredibly obnoxious and hilarious to use right before someone presses enter on their "praemium" spell. Oh... good times. *Note, this cannot be augmented with force.

    * "Tholus" - 'hemisphere': This is identical to "sphaera" except it doesn't affect blocks below you.

    * "Annulus" - 'ring': Creates a spiffy ring of a component of a predetermined height around you. Nice if you want to make something like a circular structure with no roof. Well who needs a roof when you can control the weather? Oh, and blow up spiders, that's important too.

    * "Murus" - 'wall': This spell uses MATHS to do strange things. It makes a wall (of a component) that is a plane whose normal vector is parallel to the x and z components of your eye's directional vector. Basically, it makes a wall.

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    That's "it" for the spells! Boy, that's a lot to remember. Actually, there's more to remember. Every spell except world altering ones, "itero" and "tueri" can be further augmented to be cast silently. If you append "augere silentium" to a spell, its effect will go through but it will not broadcast to other players. You know, if you want to be sneaky. Keep in mind that a spell can only be augmented once per cast, so you can't use something like "magna sphaera aeris augere vi augere silentium" or any other combination.

    ONE MORE THING: A good deal of these spells can be *further* augmented with the prefix "magna" ('large') or "parva" ('small'). If you use "magna frigidus" it'll freeze a larger area than "frigidus" which freezes a larger area than "parva frigidus". Not all spells are affected by "magna"/"parva", but even if they aren't affected by it, they'll still work (so "magna lux" has no greater effect, but still functions as "lux" does).

    OK, that's actually it, for now. Try dueling someone with it, it's pretty wonderful. It's a contest of knowledge and cleverness, instead of how fast you can press certain keys. Well, OK, typing speed is really useful, but still. The power of an individual lies not within intangible levels, but within (intangible) memory and experience. It's pretty cool.

    Since version 1.2.1, this plugin now has a configuration file and permissions compatibility! It is highly recommended that you use the .config file included in the links below, as it's not a pain to read. The .config file goes in the folder with the server (AKA the .bat/.sh file you run your server with). Details are below:

    Show Spoiler
    The configuration file should be pretty self-explanatory. Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a way to have Java create a configuration file in a neat, ordered fashion, which is why I've included a properly pretty-fied one in the .zip. Here are the options:
    * <spell>_enabled - whether or not the spell is enabled by the server
    * <spell>_consumes_book - whether or not the spell consumes a book upon casting
    * <spell>_<component> - can this component be used with this spell
    * <spell>_magna_parva - can this spell be augmented with "magna" or "parva"
    * <spell>_book_augment - can this spell be made more powerful with a book consumed
    * <spell>_can_augere_vi - is this spell allowed to be made forceful with this augment

    On top of these options, there are two more general options:
    instant_spells - do spells make their effects instantly, or take some time
    all_spells_require_book - do you need to have a book in your hand to cast spells (it won't necessarily be consumed)

    Finally, there's the "version" option. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE. If you do, Incantatio will detect that it's out of date and will re-create the .config file. While this will preserve all of your settings, it will make your configuration file a pain to sort through and read!

    Note: All options in the .config file take precedence over the permissions setting. If you have "salio" disabled in the configuration file but admins have the permission "salio.allow", they will NOT be able to cast salio.

    Show Spoiler
    So, this is now compatible with permissions. If you have dealt with permissions, you're aware that it's a bit of a pain to go through and add all 31 of these spells to your permissions file. This is why I have attached this section of code - this is proper formatting (12 spaces before the -) of each spell for your permissions file. As such, you can (instead of typing each spell every time) just copy and paste the ones you want where you want them.
                - remedium.allow
                - vello.allow
                - urgeo.allow
                - mutatio.allow
                - domus.allow
                - fulmen.allow
                - sereno.allow
                - tempestas.allow
                - pluvia.allow
                - noctem.allow
                - lucem.allow
                - extinguere.allow
                - implete_aquas.allow
                - uanescere.allow
                - evanescere.allow
                - concalesco.allow
                - frigidus.allow
                - respiro.allow
                - ignis_perpetua.allow
                - salio.allow
                - lux.allow
                - accendit.allow
                - praemium.allow
                - libyes.allow
                - murus.allow
                - annulus.allow
                - tholus.allow
                - sphaera.allow
                - bulla.allow
                - tueri.allow
                - itero.allow

    Behind the scenes:
    This is a simple .jar plugin for Bukkit. I hope to keep it updated and would love your feedback. I'm posting this at 4AM after learning Java today to port the code over. I'm kind of REALLY liking Java for Minecraft modding, much more robust than Python was. But that's for another time. This plugin adds no new blocks or items, so it won't break your server if you drop it for some reason. Unlisted modifications are more for aesthetics, but ice breaking does not turn it into water. The only thing this plugin allows you an infinite supply of is water - but that's easy enough to get without mods.

    Obviously, this would give an incredible tool to griefers, so I suggest you don't use it in any public setting where you don't trust someone.

    Note: every spell is case INsensitive. So "Frigidus" == "frigidus" == "fRIgDus".

    Show Spoiler
    7/5 (v1.2.3)
    * Removed threading, unfortunately. This means instant_spells option no longer functions.
    * Remedium now heals 3 hearts on each cast again.
    * Fulmen looks less cool again
    * Annoying bug that was happening (probably due to improper threading) has been fixed. Spells that create blocks now function 100% of the time again. Supposedly.
    * Eventually, when I'm not tired of looking at code, I'll re-incorporate many of these features. But for now, I just want a working version!

    7/1 (v1.2.2)
    * Fixed "fulmen" so that it does work without a book.
    * Fixed opposite day where magna and parva wouldn't work unless you set them to "false" in the config file.

    6/30 (v1.2.1)
    * Added a configuration file - "Incantatio.config"! If you have no configuration file (and I highly recommend you use the one included with the .zip), it'll create a fresh one for you! There are many customizable options, just fool around if you'd like.
    * Added compatibility with Permissions! If you do not have the permissions plugin, then Incantatio will give all players permission to cast all spells. Permissions are given by "-<spellname>.allow". If a spell has more than one word, and it's not a component, it's separated by an underscore (e.g. "-lux.allow", "-uanescere.allow", "ignis_perpetua.allow", etc).
    * Praemium now functions properly everywhere, and spawns a genuine primed TNT block instead of some work-around.
    * Fulmen's augmented effect with a book has been changed slightly to look cooler.
    * Many spells now have visual cues. You'll see what I mean when you "uanescere" a wall of glass.
    * Version numbering has changed to x.x.x.

    6/22 (v1.1)
    * Added "domus" - 'home': Consumes a book in your hand to teleport you to this world's spawn location.
    * Added "mutatio" - 'change': Transforms all mean creatures in a radius from your cross-hair to harmless animals.
    * Added "vello" - 'pull': Will telekinetically pull all creatures near your cursor towards you.
    * Added "urgeo" - 'push': The opposite of 'pull'. Go figure.
    * -Brings the current total of spells to 31.
    * Accendit can now be modified by magna/parva.
    * Remedium now heals 0.5 hearts a second so long as you stay still. If you use a book, it'll instantly heal you to full.
    * Lux, ignis perpetua and praemium now modify the block *before* the block you're looking at, so it should no longer replace blocks.
    * Praemium now creates already primed TNT, removing the need for fire above it and allowing it to work in water.
    * If using Fulmen with a book in hand, the book will be consumed and the effect will also randomly dot an area around your cursor.
    * Removed the component "aranea" from spells. Spiderwebs now cause suffocation and are unaffected by "respiro" somehow, so it was very unbalanced to have.

    6/18 (v1.0)
    * Posted

    Future goals/Known bugs:
    * Make a barrage spell that creates arrows or something from above and flings them downwards.
    * Create a spell that'll increase movement speed and remove falling damage for a while.
    * Think of more spells - suggestions welcome!

    Download (v1.2.3)
    Mediafire: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Mediafire: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Github link coming when I can get to my desktop.

    Firstly, have no fear. I will be posting pics and/or a video soon. I just figured I'd get this plugin out there.

    Secondly, I'm aware this is not quite Latin. I've ignored to proper changing of words based on genders, but I've done it for a reason. This is based more off Latin keywords as opposed to Latin sentences. "Magna frigidus" is technically incorrect Latin (so I'm told), but I don't want my users to legitimately have to learn Latin to be able to use this plugin. Plus, I have no idea how to properly say "large bubble of glass, augment silence".

    Thirdly, yes, it's a lot of spells. Treat it more as you would Runecraft, where you have the guide right next to you as you play and you pick and choose what you want until you get proficient enough you don't need the guide. I promise it's more intuitive than you'd think!

    Donate - Paypal
    I DO NOT NEED YOUR MONEY. I am not asking for it, I promise. I was just genuinely curious how to even do a "donate" button, and I wonder how effective these things are. I am *not* a poor soul, I do *not* expect any more compensation than feedback and downloads. Just felt like putting that out there, more of a science experiment than anything.

    Edit: Omnicrash has created a variant of Incantatio 1.1 that's vastly different and in a lot of ways more balanced. Check it out here if you're interested.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2016
    Noppoly, sddddgjd, vrox and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    You're correct, Permissions 2.x is inactive. Permissions 3.1.6, however, is perfectly working and not in alpha (like GroupManager). I think that's the plugin you're wanting to use anyways :)
  3. Offline


    Okay, you're my second favorite person right now (my girlfriend is first, naturally). So I'm gonna delete GroupManager and get Permissions as soon as I'm done with breakfast. Thank you so much for the link, I never would've found it otherwise!

    I look forward to casting spells and eagerly await new updates!

    Thanks again,
  4. Offline


    I love this plugin but could I ask one question. Could you make it so that you can left click with a book and it would list the names and effects of the Utility Spells and then a right click with a book will show the Component Spell names and effects as well. It's a pain going back and forth trying to read all the spell meanings and etc.
  5. Offline


    While the request isn't unreasonable, it's not what I want, fundamentally, for this plugin. The measure of a person's power is how much knowledge (in real life) they have of these spells.The difficulty in remembering how to spell them and what they do is the only learning curve. The idea of this magic was similar to that in Harry Potter, Buffy, etc. You never have a spell that tells you all the spells. (Edit: or something equivalent to a spell, like waving a book around)

    OK, I have tried to debug this issue and am running around in circles. Apparently, occasionally, CraftBukkit has an issue with "block.setType(Material.AIR);" and the like. I have no idea why, but it seems like that and sometimes some "lighting" screws a server over sometimes.

    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    (Let me know if the link doesn't work.)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2016
  6. Offline


    Uhm... I have a problem to report. So I got carried away with the Frigidus spell... And I tried to use it near a boat. For some reason this caused a NullPointerException and crashed the server... So yeah, I don't know if that happens every time you use the spell near a boat but it's certainly something to test. Warning: Frigidus may freeze server as well as everything else. :p
  7. Offline


    Are the rest of your issues fixed? Also, that issue may not have anything to do with a boat. It seems like every time you cast an area-of-effect spell, there's a chance it'll freeze your server. This is the bug I'm referring to earlier and haven't been able to fix.
  8. Offline


    Ah, okay, I gotcha. Yeah, trying to unfreeze things gave me the same problem. But other than that all my other problems went away with permissions 3.1.6, so thanks for the link; the plugin is a lot of fun. :D

    EDIT: Could the NullPointerException have anything to do with pointing at an object that isn't necessarily a block?
  9. Offline


    I love this plugin, alot, But lately, anytime my players cast any spell having to do with altering/creating/removing water, or pulling/pushing when items are on teh ground, the whole server crashes. Next time the error comes up again, I'll put it in a spoiler here,
  10. Offline


    I'm not sure if this has already been said, but Praemium means Reward, not Explode. I'd replace it with Periculum, which means Danger.
  11. Offline


    Okay, sadly v1.2.3 has been released. I say sadly because it actually removes functionality thanks to this bug that's so ubiquitous in the previous code.

    • Removed threading, unfortunately. This means instant_spells option no longer functions.
    • Remedium now heals 3 hearts on each cast again.
    • Fulmen looks less cool again
    • Annoying bug that was happening (probably due to improper threading) has been fixed. Spells that create blocks now function 100% of the time again. Supposedly.
    • Eventually, when I'm not tired of looking at code, I'll re-incorporate many of these features. But for now, I just want a working version!
    As for the couple of people who pointed out that "praemium" means gift and not explode, I blame Google. On the other hand, I love that irony, so it may stay as is :p

    So, the NullPointerExceptions should no longer happen. Sorry it took so long, I didn't think the issue was related to threading. Hopefully, eventually, I'll be putting these features back in. But for now, enjoy the stable release! Also, please report any further bugs :D
  12. Offline


    Alright thanks for the web. And I get the whole not wanting to give people for free thing. I was trying to think of a solution to that, and there were a few things I thought of.

    #1 I don't know if it's possible, but maybe you could make it so the the stone that is spawned magically doesn't drop when it is destroyed. Again I am not sure if it can be programmed to do that, but if it could, I thought it would be a cool way to trap someone using a material stronger than the one's available.

    #2 This isn't really an idea, but maybe you could allow stone to be spawned since it is so abundant anyway.

    #3 Maybe make it so some material that is spawned with Latin can only be destroyed with Latin. I don't love this idea, since it seems like it could cause some serious problems.

    And don't take folia out, since there are already only a few materials to be created with Latin.
  13. Offline


    I'm actually on a server where someone is undertaking such a large project that being able to farm cobblestone with Incantatio would be WAY exploited. I do believe I cam make magically spawned blocks break and give nothing. I can also make them disappear after a set amount of time. However, these features would take a great deal more involvement, so even when I get to 1.3, they might not be in there.

    As for folia, I'll probably keep it in there and leave it to the admin's discretion, since it can be disabled as easily as enabling web.
  14. Offline


    Multi-world support ? I can't use Lucem, Noctem and Tempestas in other worlds...
  15. Offline


    orion304, check your messages. I've been making a plugin based on yours for my personal server, and I made it so all magical blocks break and give nothing / disappear over time.

    What was your problem with threading? I also encountered a problem and I have a solution ready, I'm willing to implement it in your plugin if you like.
  16. Offline


    Can you make a spell that will active the piston you are looking at? So we can make secret passages open with our spells :$
    Anim8s4u likes this.
  17. Offline


    I definitely like this really awesome plugin :D

    Do you plan to add Mana and Cooldown ?
  18. Offline


    Hey, could you tell me how to make smoke appear where the componental spells are made? I am learning Java and want to try making a test plugin.
  19. Offline


    I think Permissions already has multiworld support, doesn't it? There's a GlobalGroups file and a GlobalUsers file, did you try using those? Or you can always copy and paste the groups.yml and users.yml into the other world folders; that's what I do and it works.

    Hey Orion, is it possible to make it so Salio makes the people near you teleport as well if you're holding a book while casting? I think that'd be useful for a shuttle-like spell; for example, if I made an arena for spleef and had the entrance only accesible by using Salio, and I was the only one who had the spell, I could then as the Admin allow people access into the arena only when I was there to monitor it. Creating a different spell for this would be useful too, if it's too much to do this way; or maybe you can make something like Augere Humus (augment the spell to work for a group of players near you)for use with multiple spells. Please tell me if you think this is a good idea.


    P.S. I've been using Vello while looking down to jump up high and access the tops of buildings, so I'd appreciate if you kept the functionality of the spell affecting all mobs including the player. :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  20. Offline


    That's easy to do:
    player.getWorld().playEffect(player.getLocation(), Effect.SMOKE, 1);
  21. Offline


    Okay I have a bug for you:
    Evanescere Glacies replaces all ice with water. Also, component spells only work in lowercase for some reason.
  22. Offline


    - Please, please add a cooldown function!
    - Can you let us activate redstone behind walls like a button? (But without the button and through a command offcourse)
    - Is there a possible way for people to first learn the magic from a tutor or something like that before they can use it?
    - Water walking spell?
    - Can you let the effect of Lux dissapear after like, 120secconds?
    - A spell to change all waterbuckets in your inventory to lava and vice versa
    - Nether teleport spell? (or any other world)
    - Bonemeal effect in spellform?
    - An offensive spell that can be cast on players (no visual effect though)
    - Herobrine spawning spell?
    - A paralyze spell that will paralyze any player for 5sec so they can't use spells anymore?
    - A following torch spell, which will follow you everywhere untill you get hit.

    Enough idea's for the moment, please take a look at it and like if you like it.
  23. Offline


    Hm, that's strange. The code calls the world the player who chatted was in for these effects. Unless you have Permissions telling you no, all of those spell should work in any world you are in.

    I'll see what I can do about this, but I've seen other plugins report issues with this type of functionality, so I don't suspect it'll work anytime soon.

    Probably not mana, as that would be pretty ad-hoc. You'd have to use commands or something to give you a visual of how much mana you have, or use the durability of some item to indicate this. In all, that's a pretty complicated endeavour that's hard enough to balance (coming up with balanced mana costs for each of the 31 spells would be a pain).

    Cooldowns, yes. Eventually, once I fix that threading problem I was having, cooldowns and blocks disappearing after a while should be implemented. Cooldowns will be customizable through the .config file.

    I really like the Salio idea, and that's simple enough to implement. As for your concern with Vello, I've put the functionality you speak of in the .config file. Vello will continue to affect players unless you set "vello_affects_players" to false in the .config.

    Ah, yeah, in debugging I accidentally broke "evanescere/uanescere glacies" since I was worried that might've been a source of a bug. I never re-fixed it. As it's something incredibly minor, and you can get around it with "uanescere aquae" after you've "concalesco"d, I'll not be fixing it until, probably, the next content patch.

    As for component spells only working in lowercase, that should most certainly not be the case (no pun intended). I don't have this issue, and my source code says you shouldn't be having this issue too :p Maybe you misspelled it when you did different cases?

    -Cooldowns and redstone, read above in this comment ;)
    -The learning magic bit is *not* something I want native in Incantatio. However, since Permissions is incredibly robust, it would take nothing for you to do this. You can make 31 different groups, say, named after each spell. In those groups, allow the user to cast 1 spell. Then you can give spells away on a user-by-user permission basis. If you need more help on this, I'm certain I (or one of my friendly helpers on this post already) can oblige.
    -I like the idea of water walking, so probably.
    -Probably the same patch (no ETA yet) that'll introduce cooldowns will allow users to edit their .config file and choose how long each spell should last.
    -Waterbuckets to lava and vice versa is something that is way too unbalanced for me to add.
    -A teleport-to-other-world spell would really cheapen the otherwise arduous task of creating portal the real way. Perhaps, much later, when I work on rituals, maybe.
    -Something similar to bonemeal effect in spellform, yes. The idea has already been talked about a bit, and the spell will be something like the Latin word for "oasis". It will not, however, copy bonemeal's effects exactly.
    -If you're referring to an offensive spell that just damages a player and doesn't show it visually, that's (in my opinion) lame. Perhaps a paralysis spell...
    -Herobrine is too powerful to be summoned by magic, even magic powered by LATIN.
    -Paralyze spell, I like the idea of that. Dunno how I'd implement it or when, but I'll look into it.
    -Torch following I like, although if I can manage it I'll just make it so that you light up the ambient environment as you walk around. No idea how to implement this either, but I'm on it!

    Thanks for all the feedback and helping each other on this post!

    To clarify: I have NO IDEA when the next content patch will be. I am a bit busy with work and a social life and things, and I really have another Bukkit project I want to do before I continue my work on this one. If the other project goes as well as I hope it will, you'll definitely be able to forgive me ;)
  24. Offline


    A little sad you don't want to do the spell learning personally, but I understand that. I've been following this plugin for awhile debating about adding it, and that woulda made it for sure, but I might be able to play with a permissions group adding to make it work.
  25. Offline


    @ PluginDeveloper

    Thanks! For reading my comments, i'll be using this plugin for a unique type of server :D
  26. Offline


    I'm using Permissions 3.1.6 and it seems like some of the <spellname>.allow nodes are working with it. It seems anyone with a book can cast the following spells so long as it's enabled in incantio.config

    The ones I've noticed that aren't working (anyone can cast, regardless of having <spellname>.allow) are:
    • mutatio.allow
    • vello.allow
    • urgeo.allow
    • lux.allow
    • sereno.allow
    • lucem.allow
    • domos.allow

    A few that seem okay are:
    • itero.allow
    • remedium.allow
    • implete_aquas.allow
    • fulmen.allow

    I haven't tested them all, but hopefully that's enough to help you find the issue. I'm hoping it's just a typo in a few of these :)
  27. Offline


    I've been thinking about adding spell learning in my version of the plugin, but how could this be implemented? Where do you learn them from, from other players?
    I almost finished a water walking spell myself, orion304 feel free to copy the code for it to your plugin.
    I tried implementing a piston state altering spell also but to no avail. Currently trying to find a workaround.
  28. Offline


    Just WOW. Perhaps there could be a spell that spawns a water source block at your cursor? That would be awesome! Great job with the plugin :D
    Edit: Is there a word for all the blocks, or just them? :D
  29. Offline


    Hello, Im using this for my server.. There are 4 members, 2 wizards 2 normals.. Im trying to use permissions so only me and my friend can use magic but i can't get it to work..

    This is what i typed in groups.yml

    I typed this to the groups.yml in the world folder inside the plugins folder,
    Also to the globalGroups.yml inside the Permissions folder that is inside the plugins folder..
    Also to the groups.yml inside the world folder that is inside the Permissions folder that is inside the plugins folder... lol...

    And this to users.yml

    I wrote this to users.yml, globalUsers.yml, and the users.yml inside the worlds folder thats inside the permissions folder..

    I dont know what im doing wrong but drainage can cast spells :(

    Please give me a tutorial about how to do this..

    PS: Admin is for wizard.
    And i use All_Spells_Require_Book: true


    Edit: The tab stuff didnt show :S
    Like Tearfalas:
    - admin
    permissions: []

    Edit Again: I putted space but didnt work again !

    Third Edit: I changed it to all_spells_require_book: false
  30. I didn't realize that they weren't commands ;D
    Very fun plugin, going to have the vouch plugin give some spells, and then paid get the rest.
    Thank you, if any extra cash comes my way, I'll probably donate:D
  31. Offline


    Hello, Orion!

    My computer broke last friday, right when I was typing a comment.
    So I am going to post something brief this time.

    1)When I was saying about "not instantaneous effect" I of course didn't mean just delay! It is so boring!
    I meant that a sphere and a bubble etc. should appear layer by layer... not all the structure at one moment!
    Delayed effect is just lesser consolation.

    2)About making people really educated in spells to sooth their boredom and decrease "MMORPG style suggestions":
    What if all the magic is depend on which planet is in power now or which constellation is.
    It is possible to make few calendars (hidden)... not only day/night schedule!
    For example: every 15 days the moon changes from newmoon to oldmoon, every 5 days changes the aspect of animal (rabbit, monkey, snake etc), every day changes the aspect of element (fire, earth, metal, water, tree), and 4 times a day the aspect of daytime is changing (rise, up, set, down).

    The power of spell will depend on how many of these aspects the mage will correctly spell!
    To find out moon aspect you should type a command at night (look at moon and analyse), you will know which aspect of moon is now and when the next change is.
    To other aspects will be able to recognize through some rituals... and the aspect of daytime is completely depends on time and you can guess easily.
    So every moon aspect will have 3 changes of animal aspect, every animal aspect will have all the 5 elements, every element aspect will have all daytime aspects.

    Complete cycle of moon aspect will have 2 moon change 6 animal changes, 30 element changes and 120 daytime changes.
    Now! If there will be 12 animals (for example) - it will take 2 cycles of moon (4 moon aspect changes) to go through all available combinations!

    SO EXITING! It will be able to write: "It happened at the rise in the day of fire of rabbit aspect at newmoon... the world has changed completely..." yammy, isn't it?

    And of course if you specify all the aspects right (in some way, i didn't think of yet) - your spells will become incredibly might!

    Do you like the idea?
    Move on! Good luck.

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