Inactive [FUN/ECON]MonsterHunt v1.5.1 - Who kills most mobs? [1.1-R4]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by matejdro, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Offline



    Are your players building at day, but bunker into their houses, when night comes? Make them hunt monsters!

    This plugins adds another layer of fun against monsters. It's absolute must have, if you have monsters turned on.

    At night, when monsters come out, plugin will count how many monsters each player kills. At the end of the night, name of the player with most kills is announced globally.

    Additionally, you can enable reward to add another way of gathering stuff to the server or to simply motivate players to hunt monsters.

    (BIG thanks to @Samkio for the video)

    See BukkitDev page for more information and download links:
    (you can use your minecraft forum username and password on BukkitDev)
  2. Offline


    @andrewkm oops. Try redownloading.

    @TibTuner04 oops, you cannot use any commands without permissions or op currently. Will fix it in next version.
  3. Offline


    Mysql fixed and working.
    New bug:
    On of my users sent me the following pm:
    I've yet to confirm this and test what he means, very busy at the moment, thought id post it here though before i get around to it.
  4. Offline


    Could you add something to prevent time changing ? (vouchers specially) ?
    I would love to use this though people shouldnt be able to just skip it or rather cut it for those who want to hunt.
  5. Offline


    alright confirming above bug reported by one of my users
    The night does show over 100% remaining, such as 145%, ect...
    seems the hunt goes from 200% to 100%
    instead of 100% to 0%
  6. This could really do with some text formatting to give it a more classy look ;)
  7. Offline


    This exists. My text looks epic :) Colorful and what-not... its in your config. (Everysingle message is configurable, colors everything)
    Joy likes this.
  8. Ah, does it have reasonable defaults, or are those still all white? :p
  9. Offline


    Defaults are all white, other then the monster hunt start message (Which defaults to green) [I think] I do know however all messages are configurable in any possible way you want. =)

    Here is default config look:
        MessageAlreadySignedUp: You are already signed up!
        MessageHuntStatusNotInvolvedLastHunt: You were not involved in last hunt in this world
        MessageHuntTeleNoHunt: You cannot teleport to hunt zone when there is no hunt!
        MessageHuntStatusNotActive: Hunt is currently not active anywhere
        MessageTooLateSignUp: Sorry, you are too late to sign up. More luck next time!
        StartMessage: '&2Monster Hunt have started in world <World>! Go kill those damn
        HighScoreMessage: 'You have reached a new high score: <Points> points!'
        MessageStartNotEnoughPlayers: 'Monster Hunt was about to start, but unfortunately
            there were not enough players signed up. '
        MessageSignUpPeriod: Sharpen your swords, strengthen your armor and type /hunt, because Monster Hunt will begin in several mintues in world <World>!
        FinishMessageNotEnoughPoints: Sun is rising, so monster Hunt is finished in world <World>! Unfortunately nobody killed enough monsters, so there is no winner.
        SignupAtHuntMessage: You have signed up for the hunt in in world <World>. Now hurry and kill some monsters!
        SignupBeforeHuntMessage: You have signed up for the next hunt in world <World>!
        RewardMessage: Congratulations! You have received <Items>
        MessageHuntStatusCurrentScore: Your current score in this world's hunt is <Points> points! Keep it up!
        KillMessageArrow: You have got only <MobValue> points because you used bow when killing <MobName>. You have <Points> points so far. Keep it up!
        DeathMessage: You have died, so your Monster Hunt score is reduced by 30%. Be more careful next time!
        NoBowMessage: Your kill is not counted. Stop camping with your bow and get into the fight!
        MessageHuntStatusLastScore: Your last score in this world was <Points> points
        MessageHuntStatusTimeReamining: Keep up the killing! You have only <Timeleft>% of the night left in this world!
        FinishMessageNotEnoughPlayers: Sun is rising, so monster Hunt is finished in world <World>! Unfortunately there were not enough players participating, so there is no winner.
        KillMobSpawnedInsideMessage: Your kill was not counted. Stop grinding in caves and go outside!
        MessageHuntTeleNotSignedUp: You cannot teleport to hunt zone if you are not signed up to the hunt!
        KillMessageWolf: You have got <MobValue> points because your wolf killed <MobName>. You have <Points> points so far. Keep it up!
        MessageHuntStatusHuntActive: Hunt is active in <Worlds>
        FinishMessageWinners: 'Sun is rising, so monster Hunt is finished in world <World>!
            Winners of the today''s match are: [NEWLINE] 1st place: <NamesPlace1> (<PointsPlace1>
            points) [NEWLINE] 2nd place: <NamesPlace2> (<PointsPlace2> points) [NEWLINE]
            3rd place: <NamesPlace3> (<PointsPlace3> points)'
        MessageLead: <Player> has just taken over lead with <Points> points!
        MessageHuntStatusNoKills: You haven't killed any mob in this world's hunt yet. Hurry up!
        KillMessageGeneral: You have got <MobValue> points from killing that <MobName>. You have <Points> points so far. Keep it up!
    (So yeah , by default only hunt start message is in pretty green lol, other then that its white - best to make it all the way you want. Mines is totally custom)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2016
  10. Offline


    Yes, they are all white. That's what admin's job is: to configure plugins that they work and look best :)
  11. Offline


    Any news on the formatting of the time remaining running down from 200% to 100% now as opposed to 100% to 0% like before. Or am I configuring/doing something wrong? (Plugin works perfectly fine other then that visual aspect when using huntstatus)
  12. Offline


    It's not that big of an issue, so i will fix it in next release.
  13. Offline


    Yup not too important, just mentioning incase you dont know of it. Thanks =)
  14. Offline


    works for 1000?
  15. its a good mod, only i got translate it to dutch, because some people on my server cant english,
    maby you can use it somehow,

  16. Offline


    @GayJuice probably. I assume that @andrewkm and others are already using 1000.

    @jellewie That is the point of these configurations :)
  17. Offline


    it works but for some reason the text won't colour.

    MessageSignUpPeriod: &c Mob Hunt is about to start type /hunt to join now for your chance to win rewards!

    just comes up as white ingame.
    thanks for this brilliant plugin btw.
  18. Offline


    Indeed we are. Works fine for 1000+ :)

    MessageSignUpPeriod: '&c Mob Hunt is about to start type /hunt to join now for your chance to win rewards!'
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  19. Offline


    Oh i see! i'm missing out the these > ' thank you very much
  20. Offline


    I am sure it says somewhere in this thread I just can't find it. I am trying the Hunt Zone - is it working yet?

    If it is working, how do you set the Zone ? I have tried diagonal corners and it seems random as to what counts and where. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    Cool thanks I knew I was missing something :)
  23. Offline


    Would it be possible to add a MinimumPointsPlaceEveryone setting?

    so that everyone who participates will need to at least gain 20 points to win rewards.
  24. Offline


    Sounds good. Please add it to issue tracker so i won't forget it.
  25. Offline


    Players are getting the msg to not kill mobs in caves because I set the option to true but the issue is that they get the same msg on every mobs spawned outside and no one can actually use monsterhunt heres the config incase u needit
    SkipDays: 0
    EnableSignup: false
    MinimumPlayers: 2
        MySQLConn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
        UseMySQL: false
        MySQLPassword: password
        MySQLUsername: root
    AllowSignUpAfterHuntStart: false
    CountBows: true
    EnabledWorlds: FactionAction
    DeathPenalty: 30
    OnlyCountMobsSpawnedOutside: true
    EnableHighScores: true
    StartTime: 13000
    OnlyCountMobsSpawnedOutsideHeightLimit: 0
    AnnounceLead: true
    SelectionTool: 268
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
    SkipToIfFailsToStart: -1
    Debug: false
        RewardEveryone: false
        RewardParametersPlace2: 264 2
        RewardParametersPlace3: 264 1
        NumberOfWinners: 3
        RewardParametersPlace1: 341 1
        EnableRewardEveryonePermission: false
        RewardParametersEveryone: 3 1-1
        EnableReward: true
    HuntZoneMode: false
        SecondCorner: 0,0,0
        FirstCorner: 0,0,0
        World: FactionAction
        TeleportLocation: 0,0,0
        MessageAlreadySignedUp: You are already signed up!
        MessageHuntStatusNotInvolvedLastHunt: You were not involved in last hunt in this world
        MessageHuntTeleNoHunt: You cannot teleport to hunt zone when there is no hunt!
        MessageHuntStatusNotActive: Hunt is currently not active anywhere
        MessageTooLateSignUp: Sorry, you are too late to sign up. More luck next time!
        StartMessage: '&2Monster Hunt have started in world <World>! Go kill those damn
        HighScoreMessage: 'You have reached a new high score: <Points> points!'
        MessageStartNotEnoughPlayers: 'Monster Hunt was about to start, but unfortunately
            there were not enough players signed up. '
        MessageSignUpPeriod: Sharpen your swords, strengthen your armor and type /hunt, because Monster Hunt will begin in several mintues in world <World>!
        FinishMessageNotEnoughPoints: Sun is rising, so monster Hunt is finished in world <World>! Unfortunately nobody killed enough monsters, so there is no winner.
        SignupAtHuntMessage: You have signed up for the hunt in in world <World>. Now hurry and kill some monsters!
        SignupBeforeHuntMessage: You have signed up for the next hunt in world <World>!
        RewardMessage: Congratulations! You have received <Items>
        MessageHuntStatusCurrentScore: Your current score in this world's hunt is <Points> points! Keep it up!
        KillMessageArrow: You have got only <MobValue> points because you used bow when killing <MobName>. You have <Points> points so far. Keep it up!
        DeathMessage: You have died, so your Monster Hunt score is reduced by 30%. Be more careful next time!
        NoBowMessage: Your kill is not counted. Stop camping with your bow and get into the fight!
        MessageHuntStatusLastScore: Your last score in this world was <Points> points
        MessageHuntStatusTimeReamining: Keep up the killing! You have only <Timeleft>% of the night left in this world!
        FinishMessageNotEnoughPlayers: Sun is rising, so monster Hunt is finished in world <World>! Unfortunately there were not enough players participating, so there is no winner.
        KillMobSpawnedInsideMessage: Your kill was not counted. Stop grinding in caves and go outside!
        MessageHuntTeleNotSignedUp: You cannot teleport to hunt zone if you are not signed up to the hunt!
        KillMessageWolf: You have got <MobValue> points because your wolf killed <MobName>. You have <Points> points so far. Keep it up!
        MessageHuntStatusHuntActive: Hunt is active in <Worlds>
        FinishMessageWinners: 'Sun is rising, so monster Hunt is finished in world <World>!
            Winners of the today''s match are: [NEWLINE] 1st place: <NamesPlace1> (<PointsPlace1>
            points) [NEWLINE] 2nd place: <NamesPlace2> (<PointsPlace2> points) [NEWLINE]
            3rd place: <NamesPlace3> (<PointsPlace3> points)'
        MessageLead: <Player> has just taken over lead with <Points> points!
        MessageHuntStatusNoKills: You haven't killed any mob in this world's hunt yet. Hurry up!
        KillMessageGeneral: You have got <MobValue> points from killing that <MobName>. You have <Points> points so far. Keep it up!
    SignUpPeriodTime: 5
    StartChance: 100
    TellTime: true
    EndTime: 23600
    MinimumPointsPlace2: 500
    MinimumPointsPlace3: 250
    MinimumPointsPlace1: 1000
  26. Offline


    I think the monster hunt may be causing lag again on my server while it's active, anyone else getting this? around 30 players online during the hunt.
  27. Offline


    I have a little bug with CB1000 and MonsterHunt 1.3.1.
    MinimumPlayers is set to 3 in global.txt, But the Hunt still start if there's only 1 player.

    Also, players uses Beds during the night IRL, when there's not much ppl on the server, to pass day and night really fast and get to the next hunt. Any idea to fix that?
  28. Offline


    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'huntstop' in plugin MonsterHunt v1.3.1
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
            at java.lang.String.substring(
            at com.matejdro.bukkit.monsterhunt.RewardManager.Reward(
            at com.matejdro.bukkit.monsterhunt.RewardManager.RewardWinners(
            at com.matejdro.bukkit.monsterhunt.MonsterHuntWorld.stop(
            at com.matejdro.bukkit.monsterhunt.commands.BaseCommand.execute(
            at com.matejdro.bukkit.monsterhunt.MonsterHunt.onCommand(
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            ... 12 more
    Bukkit RB: 953
    Got this error when tried to stop manually started hunt. Also my points don't reset to 0 and after typing /huntstop world i get rewards and internal error occurs.

    and my config:

    SkipDays: 0
    EnableSignup: false
    MinimumPlayers: 2
        MySQLConn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
        UseMySQL: false
        MySQLPassword: password
        MySQLUsername: root
    AllowSignUpAfterHuntStart: false
    CountBows: true
    EnabledWorlds: world
    DeathPenalty: 30
    OnlyCountMobsSpawnedOutside: false
    EnableHighScores: true
    StartTime: 13000
    OnlyCountMobsSpawnedOutsideHeightLimit: 0
    AnnounceLead: true
    SelectionTool: 268
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
            General: 10
            Arrow: 4
            Wolf: 7
            '283': 20
    SkipToIfFailsToStart: -1
    Debug: false
        RewardEveryone: false
        RewardParametersPlace2: 264 R0.025,0 R7,5
        RewardParametersPlace3: 264 R0.02,0 R5
        NumberOfWinners: 3
        RewardParametersPlace1: 264 R0.05,0 R10
        EnableRewardEveryonePermission: false
        RewardParametersEveryone: 3 1-1
        EnableReward: true
    HuntZoneMode: false
        SecondCorner: 0,0,0
        FirstCorner: 0,0,0
        World: world
        TeleportLocation: 0,0,0
        MessageAlreadySignedUp: You are already signed up!
        MessageHuntStatusNotInvolvedLastHunt: You were not involved in last hunt in this world
        MessageHuntTeleNoHunt: You cannot teleport to hunt zone when there is no hunt!
        MessageHuntStatusNotActive: Hunt is currently not active anywhere
        MessageTooLateSignUp: Sorry, you are too late to sign up. More luck next time!
        StartMessage: '&2Monster Hunt have started in world <World>! Go kill those damn
        HighScoreMessage: 'You have reached a new high score: <Points> points!'
        MessageStartNotEnoughPlayers: 'Monster Hunt was about to start, but unfortunately
            there were not enough players signed up. '
        MessageSignUpPeriod: Sharpen your swords, strengthen your armor and type /hunt, because Monster Hunt will begin in several mintues in world <World>!
        FinishMessageNotEnoughPoints: Sun is rising, so monster Hunt is finished in world <World>! Unfortunately nobody killed enough monsters, so there is no winner.
        SignupAtHuntMessage: You have signed up for the hunt in in world <World>. Now hurry and kill some monsters!
        SignupBeforeHuntMessage: You have signed up for the next hunt in world <World>!
        RewardMessage: Congratulations! You have received <Items>
        MessageHuntStatusCurrentScore: Your current score in this world's hunt is <Points> points! Keep it up!
        KillMessageArrow: You have got only <MobValue> points because you used bow when killing <MobName>. You have <Points> points so far. Keep it up!
        DeathMessage: You have died, so your Monster Hunt score is reduced by 30%. Be more careful next time!
        NoBowMessage: Your kill is not counted. Stop camping with your bow and get into the fight!
        MessageHuntStatusLastScore: Your last score in this world was <Points> points
        MessageHuntStatusTimeReamining: Keep up the killing! You have only <Timeleft>% of the night left in this world!
        FinishMessageNotEnoughPlayers: Sun is rising, so monster Hunt is finished in world <World>! Unfortunately there were not enough players participating, so there is no winner.
        KillMobSpawnedInsideMessage: Your kill was not counted. Stop grinding in caves and go outside!
        MessageHuntTeleNotSignedUp: You cannot teleport to hunt zone if you are not signed up to the hunt!
        KillMessageWolf: You have got <MobValue> points because your wolf killed <MobName>. You have <Points> points so far. Keep it up!
        MessageHuntStatusHuntActive: Hunt is active in <Worlds>
        FinishMessageWinners: 'Sun is rising, so monster Hunt is finished in world <World>!
            Winners of the today''s match are: [NEWLINE] 1st place: <NamesPlace1> (<PointsPlace1>
            points) [NEWLINE] 2nd place: <NamesPlace2> (<PointsPlace2> points) [NEWLINE]
            3rd place: <NamesPlace3> (<PointsPlace3> points)'
        MessageLead: <Player> has just taken over lead with <Points> points!
        MessageHuntStatusNoKills: You haven't killed any mob in this world's hunt yet. Hurry up!
        KillMessageGeneral: You have got <MobValue> points from killing that <MobName>. You have <Points> points so far. Keep it up!
    SignUpPeriodTime: 5
    StartChance: 100
    TellTime: true
    EndTime: 23600
    MinimumPointsPlace2: 1
    MinimumPointsPlace3: 1
    MinimumPointsPlace1: 1
  29. Offline


    I only have one thing to say: Emacs
  30. Offline


    Can you recieve Money from Iconomy? This would truely make my server EPIC! Please Reply! =)

  31. Offline


    @buku111 in RewardParametersPlace2 change R7,5 to R7.5 (dot instead of comma)

    @Apasalic you can already do that. Enter item id 0 to give out iconomy.
    buku111 likes this.

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