[FUN] Citizens v2.0.11 - Human NPCs for Bukkit [1.7.2]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Citizens, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Citizens - Human NPCs for Bukkit
    Version: 2.0.11
    Authors: @fullwall and @aPunch
    Source: Citizens on GitHub

    Citizens is now on BukkitDev

    This thread will no longer be updated. We encourage you to use our page on BukkitDev. You can find information, links to our wiki and website, and the download page there.

    Showing Your Support

    We work hard to maintain Citizens. We've been working on Citizens2 around the clock on new and exciting features. A little motivation never hurts, so feel free to donate to us - fullwall and aPunch.

    If you can't donate, we appreciate a "hello" every now and then. Stop by the IRC channel #citizens on irc.esper.net to discuss Citizens and give thanks!
  2. Offline


    you need to install permissions....
  3. Offline


    I've got Permissions working for me and the players on my server, and every command I've given them works fine, except /npc list. It's in the Permissions file exactly as it should be, and every other command works, but it says they don't have Permission to use it. Any ideas?
  4. Offline


    So I guess Bukkit Contrib will become mandatory to use Citizens?
    That's a bad news :(

    Will the client side mod of Bukkit Contrib will be mandatory too?
  5. Offline


    The /npc list permission node is incorrect in v1.0.9d. Change it to 'citizens.basic.modify.list' for now.
  6. Offline


    The client side mod will not be needed at all. We only need the BukkitContrib (now known as "Spout") server plugin for its Inventory events to fix the many trader bugs present in the current release. Unfortunately, any server wishing to use traders will need Spout until Bukkit implements Inventory events into the API.
  7. Offline


    Hey @aPunch
    I've been trying to update to the new versions of Citizens for the last couple of days. Each attempt is met with me loading up the new version and finding all the npc's missing. I've tried looking back at other people with the same problem, I noticed something about removing single quotes fixing it.

    I think I must be doing it wrong, as the problem persist. Any advice or tips on getting my server updated with the latest Citizens - With out loosing all our tasty tasty npc's would be very much helpful.

    Here is my NPC-profile, if it helps.

            name: Hatfield
            color: '15'
            look-when-close: 'true'
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            location: world,868.1654135852561,108.0,1117.2090771096857,276.30145,12.005484
            owner: BLahblah
            inventory: 261/1/0,264/64/0,266/64/0,22/50/0,82/64/0,30/64/0,341/64/0,352/64/0,79/64/0,19/64/0,AIR*26,
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            stock: 22/1/0/,45.0/true,false,;266/1/0/,7.0/true,false,;341/1/0/,1.0/true,false,;82/1/0/,5.0/true,false,;264/1/0/,12.0/true,false,;30/1/0/,1.0/true,false,;19/1/0/,100.0/true,false,;79/1/0/,1.0/true,false,;352/1/0/,0.25/true,false,;
            toggle: 'true'
            balance: '2237.0'
            unlimited: 'true'
            inventory: 267/1/0,AIR*35,
            name: McCoy
            color: '15'
            location: world,860.0861207106867,108.0,1106.699999988079,205.11484,0.0
            owner: Sir_Falstaff
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            look-when-close: 'true'
            toggle: 'true'
            balance: '4001.0'
            stock: 49/1/0/,0.25/true,true,;263/64/0/,1.92/true,true,;22/1/0/,6.75/true,true,;260/1/0/,0.4/true,true,;331/16/0/,0.8/true,true,;2256/1/0/,10.0/true,true,;344/1/0/,0.5/true,true,;322/1/0/,10.0/true,true,;265/1/0/,0.25/true,true,;348/1/0/,0.4/true,true,;86/1/0/,2.0/true,true,;48/1/0/,0.1/true,true,;2257/1/0/,12.0/true,true,;266/1/0/,0.75/true,true,;329/1/0/,10.0/true,true,;
            unlimited: 'true'
            name: Bartok
            color: '15'
            inventory: 17/64/2,17/64/0,17/64/0,17/22/2,17/64/0,17/64/0,352/64/0,352/64/0,17/64/0,17/64/0,17/64/0,17/64/0,AIR*2,348/64/0,352/8/0,352/64/0,348/64/0,288/51/0,348/49/0,AIR*16,
            items: 0,298,0,0,0,
            location: world,-56.082664293015554,100.0,76.26808054937746,91.529816,0.0
            text: Hello! I have all manner of alchemical items for sale.;
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            look-when-close: 'true'
            owner: Mordaith
            stock: 289/5/0/,0.1/true,true,;297/16/0/,0.01/true,true,;260/8/0/,0.01/true,true,;87/64/0/,0.64/true,true,;46/1/0/,0.2/true,true,;2256/6/0/,0.01/true,true,;260/8/0/,0.01/true,false,;348/64/0/,40.0/true,true,;288/10/0/,1.0/true,false,;5/64/0/,5.0/true,false,;297/16/0/,0.01/true,false,;352/1/0/,0.25/true,false,;12/4/0/,0.05/true,true,;
            toggle: 'true'
            unlimited: 'false'
            balance: '201.25000000000023'
            color: '15'
            look-when-close: 'true'
            items: 276,0,311,312,0,
            inventory: 276/1/0,AIR*18,271/1/0,3/17/0,274/1/0,289/5/0,288/12/0,52/9/0,295/1/0,338/5/0,AIR*1,262/28/0,344/2/0,322/1/0,322/1/0,322/1/0,322/1/0,310/1/0,313/1/0,
            owner: '34234'
            location: world,744.8904191644948,64.0,-223.69999998807907,11.573746,0.0
            text: My name is Yohan, the guardian of these woods;Beyond these walls, is a horrible haunted land.;if you help curb the population of monsters, you will be rewarded.;
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            name: Yohan
            balance: '0.0'
            unlimited: 'false'
            toggle: 'false'
            name: Baker
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            location: world,525.6741901960581,70.0,191.70979986141737,106.64671,-27.805216
            owner: Kazi_eldrich
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            color: '15'
            inventory: 357/8/0,357/64/0,AIR*2,354/7/0,260/1/0,260/1/0,297/64/0,297/64/0,357/64/0,357/64/0,AIR*1,344/1/0,AIR*1,260/1/0,AIR*1,297/64/0,297/64/0,357/64/0,357/64/0,AIR*3,260/1/0,AIR*3,357/64/0,AIR*8,
            look-when-close: 'true'
            unlimited: 'false'
            stock: 357/64/0/,5.0/true,false,;297/16/0/,0.16/true,true,;344/64/0/,0.01/true,true,;357/64/0/,0.01/true,true,;297/64/0/,2.0/true,false,;354/1/0/,0.75/true,false,;
            balance: '81.19000000000013'
            toggle: 'true'
            location: world,-14.300000011920947,11.0,60.30000001192092,42.78035,0.0
            owner: Mordaith
            color: '15'
            look-when-close: 'true'
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            inventory: AIR*36,
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            name: Gru-Gru
            time: morning
            locations: '(TuskForge,world,432.0,71.0,160.625,-265.02618,13.799972):(GreatSandCaves,world,98.13813856891242,39.0,163.35969106988054,-252.66675,15.751278):(OldHome,world,-58.1875,69.0,-565.8125,-1.3502761,17.7):(ThroughtheTrufflehole,world,106.0625,13.0,239.09375,-21.63617,12.600208):(ConstructionBase,world,-65.74839716862135,69.0,71.79407852754848,276.28687,11.7004175):(BuildingPlatform,world,-58.76683211093116,113.0,71.02428286374112,180.58691,11.70017):(TopWall,world,-48.48043890107456,97.0,56.17751190535669,5.407898,16.649982):(TheDeepPlace,world,-44.71875,19.0,74.625,-73.2334,7.951132):'
            mana: '80'
            mob: Pig
            mode: TELEPORT
            toggle: 'true'
            look-when-close: 'true'
            location: world,528.1314046984219,70.0,211.30996468356346,0.8951721,0.0
            color: '15'
            name: The_General
            owner: Kazi_eldrich
            inventory: 288/30/0,289/64/0,289/64/0,318/64/0,318/64/0,AIR*9,265/2/0,AIR*4,344/1/0,AIR*16,
            text: General;
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            unlimited: 'false'
            balance: '86.55000000000062'
            toggle: 'true'
            stock: 49/1/0/,0.2/true,true,;263/64/0/,0.64/true,true,;22/1/0/,4.0/true,true,;331/2/0/,0.03/true,true,;2256/1/0/,7.0/true,true,;344/1/0/,0.25/true,true,;265/1/0/,0.18/true,true,;348/1/0/,0.2/true,true,;288/10/0/,1.0/true,false,;86/1/0/,1.0/true,true,;48/1/0/,0.05/true,true,;2257/1/0/,10.0/true,true,;266/1/0/,0.5/true,true,;289/5/0/,0.2/true,false,;318/16/0/,0.16/true,false,;
            inventory: AIR*36,
            look-when-close: 'true'
            name: Otava
            text: This is the palace of his Benevolent Tyrant, Archon. You probably shouldn't be here.;
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            owner: Sir_Falstaff
            color: '15'
            location: world,1231.522357935431,70.0,216.05493612995323,173.767,0.0
        trader: {}
            time: morning
            toggle: 'true'
            locations: '(palace,world,1228.6875,70.0,213.90625,268.78918,11.70012):(avalon,world,2097.21875,71.0,71.9375,-3.7251282,6.900102):(herbalism,world,1010.9184933822178,69.0,-324.80688329860027,221.11923,18.299908):(explore,world,962.78125,16.0,169.6875,69.29248,15.299975):'
            mana: '30'
            mode: TELEPORT
            mob: Creeper
            location: world,553.96875,87.0,226.4375,8.554527,0.0
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            name: Gobo
            owner: Mordaith
            text: Where Too?;Gobo knows you wish to travel!;
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            inventory: AIR*36,
            look-when-close: 'true'
            color: '15'
            mob: Creeper
            mode: TELEPORT
            time: morning
            toggle: 'true'
            mana: '15'
            locations: '(PigManCity,world,25.03125,81.0,43.0625,-120.5412,34.050037):(Utopia,world,1116.9995975801357,71.0,304.0235918476252,-96.5195,34.20037):(TheTemple,world,209.9580285491008,72.0,-261.8935641800437,-90.99127,23.250034):'
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            look-when-close: 'true'
            location: world,537.2293415094514,71.0,136.12866472163395,-15.753357,0.0
            owner: Kazi_eldrich
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            color: '15'
            name: Derpins
            inventory: AIR*36,
            time: morning
            locations: '(3pt,world,525.0625,70.0,215.71875,246.71527,13.964876):(ft_pigman,world,136.78125,72.0,-180.40625,106.810196,19.184685):(pigman_city,world,23.647025666137168,79.0,-3.0142378402535273,-12.889679,16.052795):(jeremy,world,673.59375,64.0,1033.15625,-170.86151,12.353527):(newarea,world,807.25,70.0,-146.625,-292.6435,15.704683):'
            mob: Creeper
            toggle: 'true'
            mode: TIME
            mana: '5'
            location: world,1085.59375,71.0,-321.875,228.4613,-21.737616
            color: '15'
            name: Tjinimin
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            inventory: AIR*36,
            owner: Sir_Falstaff
            look-when-close: 'true'
            owner: Raine_FFA
            talk-when-close: 'false'
            inventory: AIR*36,
            look-when-close: 'true'
            name: Gwydion
            location: world,651.7417714435028,71.0,136.92713162496838,-35.641388,0.0
            items: 0,0,0,0,0,
            color: '15'
            time: morning
            toggle: 'true'
            mob: Creeper
            mana: '65'
            mode: TELEPORT
            locations: '(Manor,world,641.9375,69.0,146.125,-46.890083,10.050101):(Pipehouse,world,-13.361851665950148,79.0,-132.30000001192087,125.91162,43.050087):(Fortress,world,-216.67828794122755,67.0,-65.96218916440442,329.16846,12.900103):'
  8. Offline


    @Mordaith NPCs disappearing is a known bug, and a very irritating one. We are trying to find the cause of it, so any extra information you can provide would be much appreciated.
  9. Offline


    @aPunch I'll try to provide server logs after I try again. I am doing my servers big 'Spout' update this morning. While NPC's tend to .. ahem... wander off now and again under the older version of Citizens, when I install the new version none of the NPC's load at all. Their profiles are still there, but they do not show up in the system.

    I'll get better information after this update. :3 Sorry. Late Night + Early Morning = Noobish Forum post.
  10. Offline


    Thanks for the reply! Shame about the issues with Traders. I've only just installed Citizens today so I didn't know about these problems, but I'll continue to use it nonetheless!

    The problem of the NPCs disappearing when I restart my server is a little annoying though. It's only really noticeable because I'm installing lots of mods and am therefore performing a lot of restarts. I'll have a look through my server log and see if anything pops up.
  11. Offline


    Sorry for such a late reply, have been away.
    15:03:06 [INFO] Plugins: WirelessRedstone, GroupManager, NoExplode, PortalStick, Playtime, Permissions, WorldEdit, SimpleSave, Essentials, dynmap, VanishNoPickup, Elevators, LWC, BigBrother, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, Citizens, EssentialsGeoIP, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsXMPP
  12. i have a problem i instaled permissions with the permission nodes but the trader seems to be very buggy i cant open the trade menu and i cant acces all the other npc not even healer and really dont understand
  13. Offline


    @fullwall @aPunch

    I'll tell you guys how I fixed the dissapearing NPC's. It's as simple as saving the NPC-profiles, deleting the folder and letting the new Citizens.jar make all the new folders. Pop in your old NPC-profiles, restart the server to let citizens.jar reconfigure it and there you go, it all works again.

    If traders can't be traded with pop in the new permission: citizens.trader.use.trade

    Now then, hopefully that addresses most of people's problems with NPCs disappearing. Can you guys please work on Guards now? That's one of the last features I need left in order to complete this server. I'd seriously love you guys if you could.
  14. Offline

    Richard Scheide

    Having a bad day. Where can I find this "maxnpcs"?
  15. Offline

    Richard Scheide

    I had certain issues running but when I tried installing Dynamap it changed all my settings back to default. Did you try installing something new recently?

    I'm still having problems with user's being allowed to create with all other permission working properly. But I got my BOSEconomy working again by removing dynamap.
  16. Offline


    Can I prevent players from moving my NPCs?
  17. Offline


    I have some java problem? Can enyone help me? Please!
  18. Offline


    What (exactly) do we need to do with Spout to make traders work? Just install and configure it normally serverside?
  19. Offline


    someone may be able to help, but you'l need to give more information..
  20. Offline


    What nodes should i set for users to let them interact with trader etc.
  21. Offline

    Richard Scheide

    I'll assume your runnong a 64bit system. Google java 64 bit and install a 64bit version. All your problems will go away. Unless of coarse you're a 32 bit system.
  22. Offline

    Ultan Casey

    I dragged in the Citizens folder and the Citizens.jar file into my plugins folder. Whenever I attempt to start my server I get the following error in the Terminal shell:

    20:33:47 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Citizens v1.0.9 (Is it up to date?): com/google/common/collect/Maps
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/collect/Maps
        at com.citizens.npcs.NPCTypeManager.<clinit>(NPCTypeManager.java:10)
        at com.citizens.Citizens.registerTypes(Citizens.java:271)
        at com.citizens.Citizens.onEnable(Citizens.java:87)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:857)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:264)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:151)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:136)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:284)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:271)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:148)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:335)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.google.common.collect.Maps
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:36)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:24)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)
        ... 13 more
    The plugins I already have installed are: WorldEdit, Voxel Sniper, Essentials, Permissions and GroupManager
  23. Offline


    This was working just fine a few days ago, But now it doesn't work! In the console it says it find the iConomy 5 plugin, but when I go to create an NPC nothing, and I tested it with a trader, nothing, even stocked it, when I added something it says "Selling for 0."
  24. Offline


    [INFO] [Citizens] A Permissions plugin isn't loaded, commands can only be used by ops.
    Has anyone fixed this problem or know how to do it ?
  25. Offline


    Al'right.. I got it. And i want to tell it to others who use BukkitPermissions, if you have this message.
    [INFO] [Citizens] A Permissions plugin isn't loaded, commands can only be used by ops.
    You just have to download the SuperpermsBridge v1.2 and put it into the plugin folder. The developers of this plug-in should put it in the first page. As it is improtant, and this allow plug-in users to set the permissions to players of their servers.
  26. Offline

    Ultan Casey

    I spoke too soon. I got the server working now and the plugin worked until I installed permissions. I keep on getting the message that I don't have the permissions to use that command. I'm unsure of how exactly to get the correct permissions for my server. Could someone perhaps supply me with their permissions configurations?
  27. Offline


    @fullwall @aPunch
    CB 1000 Citizens 1.0.9d/Citizens 1.0.9c

    iConomy runs fine, Citizens runs fine, except it not only wants to accept items, and ignores iConomy? it has previously worked, but suddenly does not. any help on troubleshooting the issue?
  28. Offline


    Hi i have a realy simple question. can you make in the next version that the Server Owner can change the Skin of the NPC and not with Playernames or other Names ???
  29. Offline


    Ok, I got traders to work by changing my permissions to the nodes listed on github instead of the old wiki (didn't realize those were out of date).

    However, wizards still are not cycling through their locations for me.
  30. Offline


    You should add the option to pick a skin
  31. Offline


    ok so installed the plug works fine, i can create npcs and toggle them and such but toggling them doesnt do wat its supposed to do? i created one to be a healer toggled it healer, and i used the item stated in the config files to heal but it does nothing. also how do u set triggers for npcs to attack if they say are punched by a player? i tryed looking at the wiki page but theres no real documentation on how to use this plugin any help would be nice

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