Inactive [FUN] bSwarm v0.5.3 - Survive an onslaught of monsters [766]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Brad811, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. Offline


    • adfly is not allowed
    bSwarm (v0.5.3)

    • spawn mobs in a circle around you
    • control which monster, how many, and at what rate!
    • configurable via "" defaults file
    • ability to cancel your swarms
    • Permissions support
    • ability to swarm another player
    • multi-world support
    I've always wanted a plugin that let's me play minecraft left4dead style.

    Try it out!

    Run the server with the plugin installed. A file named "" will be generated. You can edit this file for the defaults you would like when not specifying some options in your commands.

    /bswarm [monster]
    /bswarm [monster] [number]
    /bswarm [monster] [number] [delay]
    /bswarm cancel

    /bswarm [player]
    /bswarm [player] [monster]
    /bswarm [player] [monster] [number]
    /bswarm [player] [monster] [number] [delay]

    /bnuke - destroy all "bad" mobs in your current world

    player = name of player to swarm monsters around
    monster = type of monster to spawn
    number = number of monsters to spawn
    delay = time delay between each spawn, in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)

    If any of these are not specified in the command, their value will be inferred from "".

    Permissions: (ignore if you don't have permissions installed)
    • bswarm.bswarm - player is allowed to swarm with the default settings
    • bswarm.bswarm.[monster] - player is allowed to swarm with mob type [monster]
    • bswarm.bswarm.num - player is allowed to specify the number of monsters (requires bswarm.bswarm and bswarm.bswarm.[monster] permissions)
    • bswarm.bswarm.delay - player is allowed to define delay between each spawn (requires all three previous permissions)
    (Permissions may get cleaned up in the future)

    May add more functionality in the future if there is interest!

    Version History:
    • Added ability to make named swarms
    • Added swarms that launch every time interval
    • Added ability to swarm a player
    • Swarming monsters no longer target the player issuing the command by default. This may be re-added with an "attack" command
    • Improved error messages and general plugin feedback
    • Added Permissions support
    • Added cancel command (/bswarm cancel will stop all swarms started by you)
    • Initial release!
    Help me out / keep me making plugins! [​IMG]
    Xaostica and Noppoly like this.
  2. Offline

    bob smith

    Hi, im trying to get this plugin to work but craftbukkit always has an error and doesn't load it. Do you have any idea how to fix this?

    It says it could not load because of an Invalid Plugin Exception.
  3. Offline


    What version of craftbukkit are you using? ("/version" in game)
  4. Offline

    bob smith

    i am using 396, but have tried using many versions to get this plugin to work, including 303
    --- merged: Feb 20, 2011 6:03 AM ---
    sorry, not 396, i meant the one that ends with ff3df96
  5. Offline


    Haha boy this new version system is lost on me. What version of the plugin are you running? The latest build (0.3.2) only works with VERY recent versions of craftbukkit. Have you tried running the old version (the link just under the main download links, bSwarm_old.jar)?
  6. Offline

    bob smith

    yeah, tried both
  7. Offline


    This mod sounds interesting but if you would do a couple changes that would be awesome.

    If you could find a way to do the commands with out typing them like If you have a Bone in hand = Summon skeletons, If String = Spider, If Wool = Sheep etc etc (type of loot they drop = summoning item), for use with rpg type servers as a class/prof making this a customized option as well so ppl could set up what type of object must be in hand.
    Also if you could find a way to allow a check, If no target = self cast, If targeting someone/something = swarm target, Also give the option of where you want the mobs friendly to aggressive to you when you spawn them so ppl could set up their server how ever they can imagine.
    May also add an option for a % it could back fire, meaning if they cast it the mobs may be hostile to you on spawn

    Set up permissions so you could make your own summoner class or even a special spell to me used (given permission)
    Willobe is allowed to Spawn Skeletons using a Bone, he is allowed to spawn 2 of them, with a delay of 0, Req no target, and are friendly to him with a 25% fail. They will spawn within a 5 block radius of [target] (no target so would = self)

    Something like this, could even get more detailed with it if you could (not sure what is even possible) where giving mob control options where if you spawn 2 Skeletons next to you, you could point at your [Target] and command them to target and attack as if the player had aggro them in the first place.
    Or add restriction as in, Can not summon skeletons on [Target] if not within 10 blocks of [Target] if they wanted to add them to your server.

    Im sure ill have more ideas but here is something to brainstorm on for Now

  8. Offline

    bob smith

    Hey i got it to work, thanks for helping me out. Sweet plugin. The only suggestion i can really think of is maybe add something where it spawns a bunch of people around tthe players every night. So it would pretty much make a real survival mode. Where people spent all day building up to make it through the night. If you do this remember to put alot of creepers, because will break through people's defences, and you can't just flee to a high spot because they don't burn in the daylight so you have to fight them sometime.

    Thanks again
  9. Offline


    Yeah I'm thinkin I'm gonna work on automated tasks next, including time interval swarms, day/night swarms, more control like max number of creatures in a swarm (in case a player can't keep up and you don't want your server to die), specifying areas to be swarmed instead of just players...
  10. Offline

    bob smith

    That sounds sweet. Currently the way my friends and i play is every night i call a bunch of swarms, usually 20-30 monsters of varying types (there are always creepers) all at once, we try to survive, then we spend the whole day frantically trying to get resources together and repair our house/fort for the next night. It's pretty legit.
  11. Offline


    How about a feature to make the mobs swarm everyone but you? That would be great for events with multiple people.
  12. Offline


    how do you set permission, i couldn't really figure it out. i had it working but then it said i needed it, so can anyone help.
  13. Offline


    I have basically finished the next part of this plugin, I just have to to some testing to make sure it works! Here is an example of what the configuration for some pre-set swarms will look like:
    # Example swarms.yml
            automated: false
            world: world
            location: 24.0,65.0,105.0
            radius: 15
            speed: 10
                zombie: 100
            automated: true
            timeofday: 18000
            world: world
            location: 10.0,65.0,0.0
            radius: 20
            speed: 5
                creeper: 50
                skeleton: 10
            automated: true
            minutesinterval: 60
            world: fire
            location: 24.0,65.0,105.0
            radius: 20
            speed: 5
                creeper: 50
                skeleton: 10
  14. Offline


    Awesome mod! Exactly what me and my friends were looking for. Will the players only attack the player you tell to swarm? or anyone in the vicinity of the player? If not that would be a great feature so we could work together.

  15. Offline


    Does this allow you to control the distance from where the Swarm begins from?
  16. Offline


    Three words... YES... YES... YES...

    You say it is mostly finished. I would REALLY like to help test this. It is fairly necessary to the server I am trying to create. Could you provide a d/l for the new version?

    Thank you in advance :)
  17. Offline


    does this work for the new 3.1?
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    how?like when i press /bswarm spider 5 it doesn't work and i dont have permissions, which is ok, and mobs is turned off

    and i never messed with the bswarm file that gets created

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  20. Offline


    Well first off, mobs need to be turned on. If monsters=false then monsters can NOT exist in your world. Once that is fixed, make sure you are an OP since you dont use permissions. Then try again.
  21. Offline


    ty buddy
  22. Offline


    Anytime my friend, anytime...
  23. Offline


    Right now they just appear without a target, wasn't always as fun if they only attacked the one player.
    The "radius" setting defines how far from you or the specified location the swarm will spawn monsters.
    I am really close to uploading a test version! It's starting to work, mwahaha...

    Well, is down so I can't do any testing at the moment, haha. Here's a link to the current test version, which is probably very buggy:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  24. Offline


    If yo
    Login with the new client. It is letting me login where the old client isnt. Set server to offline mode then you're all set
  25. Offline


    Cool mod!

    I'd love to see you do another mod, or extend this one to focus on fixed locations.

    What I'd really like is to be able to set an area (either a spawn point, or a 3d cube region) that will spawn monsters at regular intervals. Specifically, at night, or a period of time.

    Sending out a dozen creepers at dawn would be an example, or 4 zombies every hour starting at midnight and ending at daybreak. every day.

    Ideally there won't be any sign of where these spawn points are.

    I also hope it would support [mech] ExtendDay.

    The hope I have is to extend the days longer, and then to make the night time much scarier/survival-ish
  26. Offline


    If you'll look a few posts back, I'm working on just that! There's an example config file there, to show how the features will work (basically).
  27. Offline


    Broken on the newest craftbukkit.
  28. Offline


    stop making such wild accusations.... its working fine for me :)

    what problem are you having and what build are you on?
  29. Offline


    im still having problems, i had it working just fine when i first used it but now it says i need permission. i cant figure out how to set it so i do have permission. yes im op and yes mobs are turned on.
  30. Offline


    I'm following this plugin since a while and I really love the direction it takes. Can't wait to give the test version a shoot after I got my server stable again!
  31. Offline


    Good default settings? I'm going "zombie apocalypse" style... soooo.

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