1.4.1 != 1.5 That feature is the whole reason I got this plugin. If anyone else wants this functionality, this worked for me (with PermissionsEx): Code: private boolean checkPermission(Player player, String string) { if (plugin.Permissions == null) { return player.isOp(); } return plugin.Permissions.getHandler().has(player, string); }
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/me...-v1-0-lets-you-breathe-underwater-1000.27146/ http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fun-gills-v3-1-let-players-breathe-underwater-1000.13509/ http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-scubakit-2-1-5-use-helmets-to-stay-underwater-1000.21270/ Use these.
Can you actually see when in first person? I am setting up a PVP server and need an easy way to identify teams while having people actually able to play...
Maybe you can do more if you look at this: Spout this unlocks allot of features to coding, someone made a mod called MobDisguise and it transforms you into any mob in the game. The whole player model is see-able by other players and sounds too.
Well, what are you using for permissions? Are you using GroupManager or the Bukkit Permissions? If you are using either of those, just remove all permission nodes for BlockHat from every group and then it will default to op only unless there is a group with the all inclusive permissions node, then it will go to that.
Just one question... Is it possible to program a way to put 2 block on your head at once? The command could be something like "/hat [Item ID 1] [Item ID 2]" Because i wanted to put Stone stairs on my head and glass on at the same time...
No, the helmet slot works like any other item slot. That means you can have one item type in it at any time, but never two like you are saying.
Are you not using permissions at all? If you are not, the plugin will default to op only. Therefore, there is nothing on your part to do, it will be automatic.
Can you make a config file to set which data values you can spawn as a block hat, I would like to have a sword on my back, because it would look like it was sheathed. Or maybe a bow, or arrow to make it look like a quiver.
Hello, you have nice plugin. May I inquire as to what part of the api you're using, please? Also: Please, please make it so that we can be creepers too (e.g. tnt blocks)
oh yeah i guess so. but this weird thing happens when u wear leaves as ur hat, it turns the item you're holding green! its not really a bug, its just cool and mysterious. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
The much requested glowstone glowing hat update will be released very soon! Here is a little preview: GlowHat is officially available! http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/glowhat/ EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.