Inactive [FUN/ADMIN] WeatherControl v1.0 - Control the weather, or/and disable it [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by halvors, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: 1.0

    License: GPLv3

    WeatherControl allows you to control the weather/thunder. You can also disable weather, thunder, lightningstrike, creeper power, pig zap, thunder fire or/and damage. Make lightning strike cause tnt-like explosions. Set weather interval. Configurable on a per-world basis.

    YouTube video by Taintedfilmz:

    Source Code

    IMPORTANT: You'll have to delete the configuration files and let WeatherControl regenerate it, or update it manually. This is because of changes, if you not do this, you may get a lot of issues.

    • Control the weather/thunder.
    • Make lightning strike cause explosions.
    • Interval support.
    • Disable weather, thunder, lightningstrike, creeper power, pig zap, thunder fire or/and damage.
    • Configurable on a per-world basis.
    • Lightning wand, strike players, creepers or pigs.
    • Customizable messages.
    • Multiworld support.
    • Lightning wand item is lightstonedust (348).
    1. Copy the WeatherControl.jar file into your plugins folder.
    2. Restart/reload server.
    3. If you want to, edit the config.yml file in plugins/WeatherControl and the world configuration files in the worlds folder.
    Show Spoiler

    /weather help - Show help.
    /weather status - Show weather status.
    /weather weather <on|off> <duration> - Show or toogle weather.
    /weather thunder <on|off> <duration> - Show or toogle thunder.
    /weather clear - Toogle clear.
    /weather strike <player> - Lightning strike you or/and other players.
    /weather strikemob [creeper|pig] <distance> - Lightning strike mob.
    /weather strikepos [x] [y] [z] - Lightning strike a specific position.
    /weather wand <count> - Get wand item or set count.

    Permissions nodes:
    Show Spoiler

    weathercontrol.* - Give you access to anything. - Show help.
    weathercontrol.status - Show weather status. - Show or toogle weather.
    weathercontrol.thunder - Show or toogle thunder.
    weathercontrol.clear - Toogle clear.
    weathercontrol.strike - Lightning strike you or/and other players.
    weathercontrol.strikemob - Lightning strike mob.
    weathercontrol.strikepos - Lightning strike a specific position.
    weathercontrol.wand - Access to use wand.

    Version 1.0
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 1185.
    • Added ability to turn off interval messages.
    Version 0.9
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 928.
    Version 0.8.4
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 860.
    • Compatible with Permission 3.x.
    Show Spoiler

    Version 0.8.3
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 818.
    • Fixed the bug that when load, it return null.
    • Added customizable messages (Can be used to add custom locales).
    Version 0.8.2
    • Added max wand count for prevent lag.
    • Possibly fixed errors in console.
    Version 0.8.1
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 803.
    • Fixed grammar.
    Version 0.8
    • Added interval support.
    Version 0.7
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 798.
    • Fixed disableSnowForm.
    • Added option to enable explosions on lightning strike, this is set in config file.
    • Weather does not disable when it's turned on.
    Version 0.6
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 766.
    • Added function for set wand count by the wand command.
    • Right click now replaced with lightningStrikeEffect.
    • Added time formats.
    • Added status command.
    Version 0.5
    • Fixed bug reported by sausje.
    Version 0.4.9
    • Fixed bug with strike command.
    Version 0.4.8
    • Bugfix.
    Version 0.4.7
    • Bugfix.
    Version o.4.6
    • Fixed bug with wand (Reported by RobotGymnast).
    • Fixed big with strike command (Reported by Gimalo).
    Version 0.4.5
    • Fixed bug with wand (Reported by redsgreens).
    • Fixed bug with strike command.
    • Renamed lightning command to strikepos.
    • Added strikemob command and moved strike pig and creeper functionality to here.
    • Improved the alias weather.
    Version 0.4.4
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 740.
    Version 0.4.3
    • Fixed invalid configuration file.
    • Added support for prevent lightning to cause mob and player damage, this is set in configuration file.
    Version 0.4.2
    • Fixed grammer reported by Azelote.
    • Added lightning command for lightningstrike a specific position (Command for wand), request by rockNme2349.
    Version 0.4.1
    • Added /weather alias.
    • Added pig and creepr support to /strike.
    • Added multiplie lightningstrikes to wand on right click, amount can be set in configuration file.
    • Now show help on if command is unknown.
    Version 0.4
    • Improved weather and thunder commands.
    • Added /wand command.
    Version 0.3
    • Compatible with Craftbukkit #733.
    • Added option for disable weather, thunder, lightningstrike, creeper power or pig zap.
    Version 0.2
    • Added lightning fire and damage protection.
    • Multiworld support.
    Version 0.1
    • Initital release.
    Bjourk and XDTobi like this.
  2. Offline


    My fault, fixing it :)

    Updated the file :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  3. Offline


    Everytime i put in the command /wc weather on 300 i get "an internal error has occured
  4. Offline


    Works for me, sure you have updated the configuration file for the latest version?
  5. Offline


    If you use the newest version (check via “/version WeatherControl”) give halvors your error message in the console.

  6. Offline


    when i use wand, each 2-3 lightning my serv is down. but when i have thunder - all is good. bug?
  7. Offline


    What excatly do you mean?
  8. Offline


    Maybe he means that with the glowstone dust he could only execute 2-3 strikes before he crash the server. But on my everything works fine. Is there a console output @xxxfakaxxx.

  9. Offline


    i don't seem to be getting any fires from lightning strikes..

    updated to 0.4.3
    deleted WeatherControl folder in plugins, which then got re-created

    things burn, but go out quickly and don't get damaged.

    mobs, and players get hurt though

    cb 733

    am i missing something?

    disableLightningStrikeFire: false # Prevent lightning strike to cause fire.

    this is set to false
  10. Offline


    hello, now my example is possible?

    not enough i think :(
  11. Offline


    tried several weather plugins. none of these is able to handle commands from console. same here. grueling.
  12. Offline


    yep i also had it already checked :( :( :(grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  13. Offline


    yes, its my main use case. cant use plugins without it.
  14. Offline


    Ahr that's why I get the interesting message in the console: So please add Console support!

  15. Offline


    If i add console support, you just want me to add these commands:

    weather <on|off> <duration>
    thunder <on|off> <duration>
    strike <player> Notice: Whould only be used to strike players.
    lightning [x] [y] [z]

    Think only these commands are possible to do in console. Commands like wand etc is for giving player an item...

    Some of these commands is world specific, how should user define world? Using world paramenter in command, or should default world be set?

    WeatherControl 0.4.4 released.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  16. Offline


    Download link isn't working for me.
  17. Offline


    It's working... What is the error?
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    The Github download link works for me. You can try use this forum link instead until Github working for you again:

    Attached Files:

  20. Offline


    Maybe add a world parameter.

    Link is working for me!

  21. Offline


    I think there might be a bug in 0.4.4. I just updated to CB740 and WeatherControl 0.4.4(and deleted my config files and had the plugin regenerate them). Now when I use the lightning wand I get thunder and fire where I click, but the lightning bolt itself isn't visible. Anybody else experiencing this?
  22. Offline


    Tested it i get lightning strike and fire.

    Seems like Craftbukkit is prevent fire from lightning strikes by default, so this may only be a security for your server if you not are sure.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  23. Offline


    when admin enter /weather strike playername this returns in console: /weather <storm/sun> [duration]
    also this same message syntax is displayed in the console when you type any incorrect command. did you forget to replace that with the help list? lol
    I do prefer this plugin over the rest, and will promote it to other servers if these small bugs get worked out..... ;)
  24. Offline


    Sure you stoped/started server, not just restart? You get weather then use wand?
  25. Offline


    Best weather pluign so far! :D
  26. Offline


    Thanks, but there still is some bugs :(
  27. Offline


    OFC, there is always bugz! :p
  28. Offline


    "strike" command is to buggy, this most because i have to handle mobs too, it is ok if i move mobs to a new command called "strikemob"? And leave "strike" for players?
  29. Offline


    I restarted the server and now I see the lightning strike. Sorry for the confusion.
  30. Offline


    Maybe it's not a confusion...have this issue now, think it's maybe a bug in Craftbukkit :mad:

    UPDATE: Sorry, think this was an indev issue :)
  31. Offline


    I can't start fire with lightningstrikes :( But I can use them to kill mobs... Can it be worldguard? I've aldredy check the config file and it says that it should start fires. I did try on tree.

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