Minecraft version :1.8.8 What i want: features: has a database file not yml to save the friends etc... 1/msg only friends can msg. and /r to reply to the last msg (if u can disable all other msg commands in vanilla minecraft) §5§lPRIVATE §8| Sender Name §e⇉ Receiver Name §8» §bmsg 2/join and leave alert §e§lFRIENDS §8| §a§l✚ Name//for joining §e§lFRIENDS §8| §c§l✘ Name //for leaving 3/online friends shown first. 4/max friends 30 for default rank. 5/shows what they'r doing can be edit in config // config settings Hub = <world name> 6/friends request //least for 4 mins then the request expire 7/6 friends shown per page #formats : Receiver ------------ &8&m-------------- &b&lFriends &8&m -------------- §aFriend request from <Player>. §a§l[ACCEPT] §8- §c§l[DENY] &8&m----------------------- ------------ Sender ---------- &8&m-------------- &b&lFriends &8&m -------------- §7You have sent a friend request to §r<Player>§7! §6They have 4 minutes to accept it! &8&m----------------------- Commands: /friend shows the commands /msg <name> <msg> /r <msg> reply to last msg /friend add <name> /f <name> /friend remove <name> /friend requests /friend accept <name> /friend deny <name> /friend list - /fl - /friends #each page has 8 friends shown /friend ignore - ignore request from the player permenant /friend unignore /friend offlinemode /boop <name> msg the player &d&lBoop! with the same msg format + they have to be friends Format: &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends list&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- &6✦&8➤ &9Player §7[Hub] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §7[Hub] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §7[Hub] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §8[Offline] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §8[Offline] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §8[Offline] &b-=[ &e+ &b]=- &b[ &8« &7Page 1/4 &8» &b] -=[ &e+ &b]=- NOTE ➤ color dark grey , if the player is online ➤ color gold ➤ when you click on it , it does /party invite <name> ✦ when you click it, make favorite friend and what it does it shows them above every online friend - if the friend is offline it shows above every offline §e✦ favorite friend §8✦ isnt a favorite when click on player name it does /msg <player> /friend toggle - to toggle on/off friend requests /friend broadcast - to send global msg to every friend you have --- /f /friend /friends /friend help - show help page --- permissions: friend.msg friends.msg.all to msg anyone friend.offline friends.max.99 // 99 just an example --------------[some msgs] &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- &8»&3/friend add &8● &7Add a friend. &8»&3/friend list &8● &7List all of your friends. &8»&3/friend remove &8● &7Remove a friend. &8»&3/friend requests &8● &7List of your friend request. &8»&3/friend accept &8● &7Accept a friend invite. &8»&3/friend deny &8● &7Deny a friend invite. &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends Help &f&l1 &8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- -------------- &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- &8»&3/msg &8● &7Write a message to a friend. &8»&3/r &8● &7Reply to a message. &8»&3/friend broadcast &8● &7Send a message to all online friends. &8»&3/friend toggle &8● &7Toggle friend request. &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends Help &f&l2 &8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- ------------------ &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- &8»&3/friend favorite &8● &7Favorite a friend. &8»&3/friend unfavorite &8● &7Unfavorite a friend. &8»&3/friend ignore&8● &7Ignore a player. &8»&3/friend unignore &8● &7Unignore a player. &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends Help &f&l3 &8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- ****************** [NO FRIENDS] &8&m-------------- &b&lFriends &8&m -------------- &4&lOH NO! &7You do not have any friends!&c :c &cDo /friend add <name> to add new friends &8&m-----------------------
I mean, look at this It kind of implies there is a bungee network. Unless there's a world named "Hub" for whatever reason.
The thing is, BungeeCord requires offline mode to be enabled, which is the part that is not supported by Bukkit.