Friends cant connect-help will pay

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Flex69, Nov 30, 2011.

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    friends cant connect to my server, i portfwd but when i check it on a website it says closed? plz help or teamview and make me a server and ill pay you via paypal or however
  2. Offline


    okay skype info? message me
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    hey my skype is crackbabyz69 add me asap
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    Goto Control-Panel. Assuming you're an administrator on your computer, goto Security and select "Allow a Program through Windows Firewall". Browse for "Java(TM) Platform SE Binary". Click the checkmark to all of the "Java(TM) Platform SE Binary"s that you see. Hit apply. It should now work if you port-forwarded correctly, if not, PM me or something.
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