[FREE] Plugin Logos (Designed By Derpzord)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Derpzord, Sep 12, 2012.

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    Not sure exactly what this means, care to elaborate? :p



    Here's a combo version as well as a standalone graphic version:



    Done ^_^

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    Just some thoughts to think about while designing it.
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    ~ Hey guys, I have the day off so look forward to some fulfilled requests coming soon! ~

    Oops... I got drunk and partied instead :p Tomorrow though for sure :D

    Actually, I did do one today...

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    I'm assuming you meant your name's CrazyBox and not the plugin...


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    Deleted user

    Name: Jail++
    Link: None, it's in development.
    Color: Any you think is fit.
    Type: Logo
    Details: Do what you think is best :p.

    Name: Jail++
    Link: None, it's in development.
    Color: Up to you.
    Type: Banner
    Details: Do what you think is best :p.

    If you can only do one, please do the logo. Thanks!
    If you do both, that would be greatly appreciated as well!
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
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  14. Oh wow those are awesome!

    NAME: MyIsle
    COLOR: You choose
    TYPE: An awesome logo
    DETAILS: Could you make it an island or something because the plugin is based on islands made of grass with trees etc
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    Like So?

    I tried something different on this one and made it more of a scene, lemme know if you hate it :p


    Didn't like the ones I already made ya? I mean I can make some new ones if this is the case :D Just wondering.


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    Would you mind making a different one for FirstJoinPlus (if not that's okay since you already made one). But one with the full plugin name in it would be great (not the same design as the first one though, if you have time to come up with a new one).

    NAME: FirstJoinPlus
    LINK: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/firstjoinplus/
    COLOR: Any that look good!
    TYPE: Combo.
    DETAILS: (Described above).
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    Wouldn't say I didn't like them, but they were simple...
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    Hey Derp Im Just Wondering If Your Servers Ever Gonna Come Back Up Again -Mirst (If So When Message Me [email protected])
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    hawkfalcon, np98765 and Jozeth like this.
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    NAME: CraftRPG
    LINK: None
    COLOR: Maybe Green, I'm not too sure.
    TYPE: Combo
    DETAILS: Well, since my plugin is about different classes and races, (Warrior, Mage, Archer and Thief) it could have a magical appearance and or include things to do with the classes.
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    minecrafterwork I steal plugins as my own

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    NAME: AntiSwear
    LINK: dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/anti_swear
    COLOR: Red, hvite
    TYPE: combo

    Sorry if the format is incorrect im typing on an ipad
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    Deleted user

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    What font did you use in the Jail++ logo? :eek:
  28. Offline


    NAME: AutoMessage
    LINK: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/automessage/
    COLOR: Blue or Light Blue
    TYPE: combo [Text and Logo]
    DETAILS: Something relating to both chat and Bukkit would be nice

    If you could also make me a banner as well it would be much appreciated. The size for the banner is 728x90 pixels. Thanks!
  29. Offline


    NAME: Myself
    LINK: none
    COLOR: something slick like white and blue... something modern looking
    TYPE: combo
    DETAILS: I want to make this my signature. Not sure if you do that sortof thing, but I figure you do graphic design already. I just need it to be a sleek signature that will fit into the signature section, and says something like Jnorr44 or JamesNorris or James Norris (probably best). I also don't want it to just be a square/rectangle box. I want the egdes to be bordered in or faded away. Thank you ahead of time!
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    Im not sure if it was a default one, you can download and make costum fonts
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