Plugin category: Spawning, Admin Suggested name: Worldspawner A bit about me: Just a server in need of hopefully a small plugin. What I want: This is for when a player logs in, so if they login in a certain world they get teleported to the spawn. It does not matter if the player has been on the server before just if they login on that world. Ideas for commands: /setworldspawn Ideas for permissions: setting the spawn (setworldspawn: true)? When I'd like it by: When ever, but im guessing it would not be to hard to make. Similar plugin requests: None, if you see any plugins which do this tell me, i can't find any. Devs who might be interested in this: Noidea at all. ah well. Anyone?
I felt kinda bad that no one was willing to make this plugin. So I made it for you. I didn't had much time to test so if you could do that for me. Link! commands: setfixedspawn: description: Sets the fixed spawn of this world.usage: /setfixedspawnaliases: sfsunsetfixedspawn: description: Unsets the fixed spawn of this world.usage: /unsetfixedspawnaliases: usfstpfixedspawn: description: Teleports you to the fixed spawn location of this world.usage: /tpfixedspawnaliases: tpfs permissions: fixedspawn.setfixedspawn: description: Allows you to set and unset the fixed spawn location.default: opfixedspawn.tpfixedspawn: description: Allows you to teleport yourself to the fixed spawn location.default: op
Oh, gosh now it is my turn to say sorry, which I am. I managed to get multiworld to be able to do this for me. I'm so sorry about this, Nazerb P.S. I hope you you did not spend to much time on it, or it helped you learn something.
No problem man! I had all the code already it was just a matter of putting the pieces togetter. Good luck with your server!
Wait i now need it again, since mv spawn broke again! An internal error occured when i typed it! :/ 16.03 23:32:39 [Disconnect] User RedSheep15 has disconnected, reason: disconnect.endOfStream 16.03 23:32:39 [Server] INFO Connection reset 16.03 23:32:38 [Server] INFO Disconnecting mw31014 [/]: You are not white-listed on this server! 16.03 23:32:33 [Server] WARNING mw31014 was kicked for floating too long! 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFO... 9 more 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat$1.execute( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat me.Josvth.FixedSpawn.FixedSpawn.onJoin( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFOat$1.execute( 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.event.EventException 16.03 23:32:19 [Server] SEVERE Could not pass event PlayerJoinEvent to Fixed Spawn 16.03 23:32:19 [Multicraft] RedSheep15 ran command Message of the Day 16.03 23:32:19 [Connect] User RedSheep15, IP 16.03 23:32:09 [Disconnect] User jam920 has disconnected, reason: unknown 16.03 23:32:04 [Server] INFO Disconnecting jam920 [/]: You are not white-listed on this server! 16.03 23:32:02 [Server] INFO CONSOLE: Added mickdebree to white-list 16.03 23:31:55 [Server] INFO Disconnecting jam920 [/]: You are not white-listed on this server! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
That's a pretty big error log you have there . I forgot to add 1 line of code causing this. Everything seems to work fine with this build.
Good to hear! You van have multiple worlds. Only the ones that you've used the command in will have a fixed spawn.