Plugin category: Mechanic-Altering Suggested name: UnlimitedDispensers A bit about me: I'm a administrator of a little server and I like to make some mini-games for my players. That's why I'm looking for something which could allow me to make "independants" minigames which can be played without needing an administrator to oversee players or a regular maintenance (refill dispensers ... =_=). I want my players to be able to play freely, whenever they want. What I want: I'm looking for a way to define a dispenser as an "unlimited-dispenser". I was thinking about something a bit like the "Lockette" plugin : you put a sign on a dispenser where you write [unlimited], and then the dispenser come unlimited. If it is activated, it shoot a random item, but then it is instantly refilled by this same item. You can also, for example, fill it with 3 different items, so there is 33% chances for each item to be shot, but the amount of items do not decrease. EDIT : It would be perfect if an unlimited-dispensers would be only accessible to OPs ! Ideas for commands: If it is not possible to make a "Lockette-like" plugin (or if you're just too lazy), maybe it should be something like /unldisp, and then a right-click on a dispenser to make it unlimited. Doing the command twice would bring the dispenser back to a normal status. If you have the time ... - /unlabort, to abort the command (so you can right-click a dispenser without changing it). - /unlcheck + right click, to see if a dispenser is unlimited or not - A sentence in the chat that tell you if you correctly did the command ("You just defined an unlimited dispenser" for example) Ideas for permissions: No permissions required. When I'd like it by: That's not very urgent. Thank you, and sorry for my bad language, I'm French
There is soo much Plugins like this... + + + End even more... Google it
Treasurechest seems interesting, thank you, but it's not exactly what I want ... The only one which seems to be what I need is dispenserrefill but it isn't up to date ...
I would use this plugin if it were created, I am making a random monster spawning dispenser thingy and this would Help a lot. Hope Someone who can create this see's it!
You guy need to search a bit better... You are welcome
It's outdated...... After looking at bukkit dev I believe I have found one for you: