Forbid placing,breaking or creating Blocks by Job Definition

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by GimmeCookie, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hi, its me again,

    now i am looking for a plugin like the Jobs plugin, but only to allow or disallow players breaking, creating or placing blocks. An example:

    Bob choose to be a Miner so he is allowed to break stone, coal, ores and stuff defined by a configfile. But he is dissalowed to break Log, Crops.
    He also is dissalowed to place Clean Stone. and he is not allowed to create a Hoe.

    The jobs and allowed and disallowed blocks can be defined in a config file:

    job-command = djob
    disable-breaking-no-job = true
    disable-placing-no-job = true
    disable-creating-no-job = true
                               STONE: 1
                               COAL_ORE: 1
                               LOG: -1
                               OBSIDIAN: 1
                               STONE: -1
                               292: -1
    all not defined Blocks are allowed (1) by default.
    disable-breaking-no-job defines if players can break any blocks if no job is chosen.
    job-command defines the slash-command for this plugin

    Bob can join a job with /djob join NAME if there is a permission set
    Bob can leave a job with /djob leave NAME if there is a permission set
    Bob can show all jobs with /djob list if there is a permission set
    Bob can show all placable, craftable or breakable blocks with /djob info JOBNAME BREAK / PLACE / CREATE if there is a permission set

    This plugin would be veeery helpful for me, because the original jobs plugin only give negative money or xp, but not prevent him from breaking or placing it.

    THX for reading


    Perhaps it is possible to make it work with the Jobs plugin here:
    so you don't have to do the join or leave command, because this plugin looks, what Job you have.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  2. Offline


    This is anothe gud idea by the cookie monster, haha
  3. Offline


    yes i know, and i really need this plugin for my RP Server
  4. Offline


    and it if it is possible make it possible for an admin to set somebodys job.
    like: /djob setjob PLAYER JOB
  5. Offline


    is nobody able to program this for me? I will pay for it, if you want :)
  6. Offline


    I'm looking into it. Did you try to ask the author to add that into his plugin? That might have been easier than me making a totally independant plugin that hooks into this ;)

    Edit: Disallowing CREATING (Crafting) of items needs Spout to be installed (server-side afc)
  7. Offline


    Can't be, in my WorldGuard config file i disallowed creating and placing of Pistons.

    # Events:
    # - on-break (when a block of this type is about to be broken)
    # - on-destroy-with (the item/block held by the user while destroying)
    # - on-place (a block is being placed)
    # - on-use (an item like flint and steel or a bucket is being used)
    # - on-interact (when a block in used (doors, chests, etc.))
    # - on-drop (an item is being dropped from the player's inventory)
    # - on-acquire (an item enters a player's inventory via some method)
  8. Offline


    Okay, it's done with spout atm and imo fully functional ^^

    Give me some minutes to check that....


    I can deny the things you posted in the config ^^

    - use
    - acquire (thats pick up)

    That does NOT cover what spout handles, the crafting / transfering into inventory

    I uploaded a Spout-less version. It only covers picking up and using items, not crafting them
  9. Offline


    Thats nice :) Thx. But the jobs in the config file are not the same as in the Jobs Plugin? Or does it looks for the definition in it? What i mean is, if i have a Miner-Job-definition in the JobsPlugin, is it the same as in Jobsrestrict? Or do i have to set the player also to the job Miner in Jobrestrict manually?

    when you say spout version, do you mean the player have to installed the SpoutClient or is the Server Plugin enough? Because if the Server plugin functions work with the normal Minecraft Client, this would be good enough for me :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  10. Offline


    Yeah, it is server version only :)
    Sorry for not responding, I thought I'd get an email if you answer.

    You should adjust the JobsRestrict-config so that it fits your Jobs layout :) The one I added is only an example.

    Okay, I'll update the plugin so it catches inventory stuff (crafting and owning in general) :)
  11. Offline


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