
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by HeroJackPvP, Sep 3, 2018.

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  1. Offline


    NOTE: ToolsandFoodx doesn't do this so don't even

    version: 1.8.8

    What I want:

    I want effects to be applied on certain foods globally

    If I do the command /foodeffects add (effect) (time) (I or II) to a Golden Carrot. Any Golden Carrot on the server when eaten will give you those effects.

    Any food that gives an effect can be consumed even when a player has full hunger.

    Perms: /foodeffects add foodeffects.admin
  2. Hey HeroJackPvP,
    here You are
    please note, that You are not able to attach an effect stronger than minecraft allows it e.g most effects have 3 as their heighest value.
    If there are some Bugs or You want me to add some Features please contact me again.
    otherwise, have fun

    and im sorry for my bad english :/

  3. Offline


    I does not work the -wear is skrewing it up.

    It keeps saying invalid parameters


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2018
  4. Ok i'll look again if I find some errors.
    Actually the command looks like the one you posted...

    /foodeffect add SLOW 10 1

    This is an example which worked when I tested it.

    If you still have problems please send me the command you typed and the error you get with it

  5. Offline


    Ok but when I do the command on a command it only applies it to that piece of food. When I spawn more of that food it doesn't work
  6. ookay that is strange.
    I would say it is almost impossible that the effect only applies to one item sooo..
    try opening the effects.txt in the plugins folder and delete all the content, then reload the server and look for error messages in the console.

    if that won't work i have no idea what you are doing wrong (or what i did wrong)
  7. Offline


    My bad I had foodandtoolsx for some reason on my server.

    The file you sent me wont even turn into a directory once the server is restarted
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