
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by linuxfan1, Dec 26, 2014.

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    Plugin Name: Flashlight
    What it does: when you walk around if you are holding a torch it will place one under you giving the effect of a movable torch (Make the torch unbreakable to avoid infi-dupe glitch)
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    Ill give it a go... Wish me good luck
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    @CadillacClobber so you can't make a plugin to cancel a zombie spawn event yet you are going to try this?
    DemKazoo likes this.
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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2014
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2015
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    Thx guys im not wxactly seeing how the lightsource one works but i will give it a go. i will also try the custom made one!
    Bukkit has alot of nice community members!
    You guys can come on my server and see how it works! ip:

    Thank you btw!

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2014
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    Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
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    I am looking for a plugin like this. But I found a small bug for spawning torches. When a player holds a torch in water it spam spawns a tone of them. There is a small delay before they can pick them up. Is there a way to use dynamic lighting without having to place a torch down? If not is there a way to make it glowstone while in water?
    @gal0511 @linuxfan1
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    @ajisfree i just got on and noticed the same thing. maby you can use the api that @LordDarthBob suggested.
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    @CadillacClobber I made the plugin and it should have been fine, I just registered my events wrong and was having an issue. Sorry, was making that plugin. Also, I finished the plugin recently and uploaded it. It is now called SelectiveSpawns.
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