Inactive [FIX/ADMN] NoLagg v1.88.1 - Prevent common lag causes on your server [2338]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by bergerkiller, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I had already made this plugin before after having a major lag issue. (lots of torches being filled, turned into items, lag for 20 minutes) It also works for 1060.

    Some feature ideas are taken over from PerformanceTweaks by @LexManos so some credit goes to him. Code, however, written from scratch by me. :)


    If you get a warning message [NoLagg TLN] followed up with a stack trace in the log, this has to do with the main thread not having responded within 10 seconds. When a plugin takes more than this time to enable, it will show that. The warning is NOT an error and is no bug, and not a bug related to NoLagg. To disable this feature, disable 'threadlocknotifier' in the config.yml. This feature is mainly intended to notify you what plugin is causing the server to freeze, may it ever happen. It is used to debug plugins in general, as they may get stuck for whatever reason.

    NoLagg's features in a nutshell


    Prevent lag caused by many items

    Every time an item gets spawned, it is buffered per chunk. For example, you spawn 30 items using Q and the maximum allowed items per chunk is 20, then the 10 remaining items are not spawned. They are spawned as soon the item count in this chunk is < 20 again.


    Form item stacks - fully automatically

    Whenever two or more (configurable) items or experience orbs get near each other, they form a single stack of that item type. If someone drops 64 dirt blocks on the ground using Q, it will show a single item of 64 dirt instead.


    Prevent lag caused by TNT

    This plugin takes over tnt ignition caused by explosions. When exploding stacks of tnt, it does not rush all tnts into a single tick, but detonate them nicely in sync. This results in pretty awesome fireworks. :)


    Prevent lag caused by lighting glitches

    Whenever a new chunk is generated, it's lighting information is generated and all nearby players receive the updated chunk data. If the auto-method fails, you can use /nolagg fix to do it manually. This fixing fixes, for example, dark spots in and around caves lagging the client.


    Set entity spawn limits

    You can set a spawn limit on virtually every entity in the game. From mobs to items to TNT. Only thing being excluded is Players, since I can't simply kick someone 'like that'. :)
    Note: It removes already spawned entities too. So, if you want to keep your animals alive, don't set mob or animal limits, or it will possibly clear your farm animals. (or you can disable the spawn limiter all together)

    I recommend finding an alternative plugin for this instead. Removing entities after they are spawned causes more lag than it prevents!

    Global auto-saver

    Since asynchronous chunk saving is now implemented internally, it is no longer a problem to save entire worlds frequently. You can set auto-save intervals in the configuration. If used with an interval higher than 400 ticks (20 seconds) it will use a scheduled task instead of the internal saver to prevent chunks never getting saved. Another benefit is that player information is also auto-saved, preventing your players losing their inventory state.

    New chunk sending mechanics

    Instead of loading chunks all around the player, the player direction is used to load the visible chunks first. This means that players can expect chunks in front of them to load quickly, while chunks on the sides take a bit longer to appear. When the player looks into another direction, the direction changes and thus the new visible chunks get loaded first. Only if all chunks ahead of the player are loaded, chunks around the player are sent. This all can be configured using a simple minimum and maximum sending rate.


    Examining the server tick rate

    If you encounter very low tick rates and you want to find out what plugin is causing it, you can use the examine component to find it out. It comes with a graphic viewer, which makes bug tracking the easiest thing ever.


    Prevent cross-thread access for events

    As it seems, some plugins don't follow the rules and use Bukkit methods in another thread. This plugin will notify you and cancel if possible whenever this happens so other plugins understand their mistake. If you encounter a lot of spam in the console, first check the stack trace for the plugin that caused the error. Report this error to the author or remove the plugin, if you have questions you are free to ask.

    Configuration (on BukkitDev)

    Commands and Permissions (on BukkitDev)

    Synchronized code accessed by another thread? (BukkitDev)


    Video by brandcool86


    - Help I experience missing chunks
    If you are using Spout, don't use Reloads. This is also the reason why Spout added a warning when a player tries to reload the server. Not using Spout, then it's a bug which you can report.

    - Can this plugin be used with PTweaks
    (this message was really old...) Yes, they are compatible, but if certain features overlap, make sure you disable these features in either plugin.

    - I get a warning about the async auto save and interval. Wat do?
    Change the autoSaveInterval value in the configuration to a value higher than 400, like 600. The warning is to prevent endless autosaves to occur, clogging up CPU.

    - I have experienced CPU usage
    CPU usage is not the same as lag. NoLagg uses multiple (2-3) extra threads to prevent tick and network lag. If a lot has to be done, it does this quicker, but this takes more CPU obviously.

    - I have lag when using NoLagg
    See also the FAQ above. Explain what type of lag you have: tick lag, client lag, network lag and/or 'block placement' lag. You can use /nolagg monitor to check the tick rate. If this is normal (>15), then you have network lag. Client lag is when the FPS drops. Block placement lag is lag when the tick rate is normal and other network messages, like chat, are instant.

    - WorldEdit causes lag...
    YES because it is unsafe to take over the main thread while another plugin is having hold over it. I can try fixing this, but it could ultimately lead to some serious concurrency exceptions. Don't expect this to be implemented very soon...

    - Do spawn limits interfere with mob-spawning plugins like MobArena?
    No, it does not. It only limits mobs spawned by 'nature': all custom creature spawns are ignored throughout the run of the plugin. Only after you reload will it lose track of these entities and will it remove custom-spawned mobs. If you use MobArena, be sure nothing is going on when you reload the server.

    - Does item stacking interfere with Showcase or BleedingMobs?
    It supports Showcase and ShowcaseStandalone entirely. (showcased items are completely ignored at all times) The same applies to the 'particles' created by the BleedingMobs plugin. Know of a plugin where it stacks items which should not be stacked? Post the plugin name so I can add support. You are an owner and want to add support? Only having a function in your plugin to check if an item is 'ignored' is enough.

    - Can this plugin be used with Chunk Manager
    If you want to use the Chunk Manager with Nolagg, disable the chunk sending of Nolagg first. If you don't do that, this plugin will do that by itself and send a warning in the log. Of course, compare the results first. :)

    - What are the best settings if I have a lot of RAM memory?
    This plugin does not deal with reduced RAM memory. If I could, I would, but you simply can't reduce the amount of memory Java uses. This data is locked and secured, so I can't simply throw away bits of data or write and read data from/to disk. Any plugin claiming to reduce RAM usage on a server, is probably 'garbage collecting'. This fakes having less RAM usage by removing unused data, but Java does this by itself as well once it hits a certain limit. All these plugins will do is make the Garbage Collector run in overdrive, which will only kill your tick rate and/or CPU speeds. A bad thing.

    - I get a lot of 'Synchronized code accessed from another thread' errors
    Find out what plugin is acting up by inspecting the stack trace. If the plugin that causes this is inactive, all you can do is wait for a refurnished version or someone to fix it for you, or use an alternative plugin. If it's still under development, notify the author of this, it IS an error caused by that plugin. If you can't find out the cause, PM me or post in this thread.

    Before you begin writing a lag issue

    This is very important, just posting a 'it causuz lagz und shitz' won't do, won't help and I won't be able to help you any further either. Question is if I even want to help you, if you post such a message without anything worth looking at. Things to include in your message:
    - Errors in the log if possible
    - What CB version you use and what NoLagg version you use
    - When this lag occurs. Tick rate drop in general?
    - The configuration you used when running this plugin
    - What type of lag if applicable. Options are: tick lag, client lag, network lag (see above)

    Important links

    NoLagg Download page and others at Dev Bukkit
    View the source code of NoLagg at GitHub

    Use an archive extracting program (WinRar, WinZip) to open the archive.

    - Add option to disable physics when the tick delay becomes too high


    Show your appreciation for my plugins by donating
  2. Offline


    @TowelieDOH This is done every interval:
    under the item handler it updates the spawned registered items, to make sure dead items are removed and replaced by hidden items. StackFormer speaks for itself. ChunkHandler is the main cause- what I believe. It loops through all buffered chunks (17K in your case), compares the times and updates them. SpawnHandler updates the internally stored entity counts. You have 2K entities max, so this won't influence a lot. But, since you had chunk delays disabled at first, I might suspect the stack former once again.. :/


    I'll upload a quick test version. Could you test it out then? It will output the time it takes to perform several operations in the update task.
  3. :S
    Glad to help :p
    I know testing in a testing enviornment and testing on a server with some players isn't the same thing so let me know if you need me to test anything else (altho i probably won't be able to do it instantly beause i can't just restart the server 10 times / hour xD
  4. Offline


    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    A simple test version. Note that it has some features from 1.47 as well (chunk lighting fixing). It will output messages in the console as follows:
    It tells you how long it took to perform a certain operation, in MS. Interested in the results. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  5. @bergerkiller
    Stack and Spawn vary from 1 to 3
    Chunk varies from 10 to 20 (mostly 17-18)
  6. Offline


    @TowelieDOH and what about Item? Is it at 0 - 1?
  7. yep
    i have /remove item -1 running every 30 mins so items won;t be a problem.
  8. Offline


    Ok good news: stacking code is as optimized as can be. One entity list, split into pre-checked item and experienceorb lists. Lists separately used to make sure no mobs are in the loops. It can now perform stacking in 0-1 ms with 128 items lying on the ground, opposed to the 12 - 17 ms it was before.

    Now time for chunks. :)

    Even made an advanced distance check:
        private static boolean canStack(Location l1, Location l2) {
            double d = distance(l1.getX(), l2.getX());
            if (d > stackRadiusSquared) return false;
            d += distance(l1.getZ(), l2.getZ());
            if (d > stackRadiusSquared) return false;
            d += distance(l1.getY(), l2.getY());
            if (d > stackRadiusSquared) return false;
            return true;
        private static double distance(double d1, double d2) {
            d1 = Math.abs(d1 - d2);
            return d1 * d1;
  9. Offline


    @bergerkiller does this plugin have that stop auto-save from performancetweaks which prevents chunks writing everyone 2seconds to about once everyone 1,20,30 or a chosen setting? Would be nice to save up my hard drives speed since it isn't all that fast?
  10. Offline


    @thehutch Yup, but I go one step beyond P(erformance)Tweaks. I allow you to do this auto-save asynchronously, so no tick lag, while still using the set interval. I made it set the internal auto-save to an infinity high value while using my own interval in a scheduled task, this works best. This way it is compatible with PTweaks, in a way that it doesn't save chunks 2x.

    Chunks are also saved async when an unload delay is used: this is to prevent massive lags when chunks are unloaded, as was the case before. This makes chunk loading and generation the only tick drop factor.

    The new version uses 100% the same native coding, also added several bugfixes to prevent those frozen mobs. Also made the entity lists shared; it made the StackForming and SpawnLimiting code take up 60% less time.

    Async chunk saving is now always enabled. In combination, it will fix lighting for newly generated chunks, and you can even fix chunks using a command! (/nolagg fix [radius] or simply /nolagg fix)
    This works really well, and even sends out the new chunk packets for direct effect. It uses NoLaggChunks, if possible, to cancel chunk packets undergoing lighting maintenance. This ensures that the network usage is kept at a minimum.

    It's now updated. :)
  11. Offline


    @bergerkiller nice work I see you really like this plugin I see updates everyday :D +1 for you :p anyway any updates for the improved gui? its just a purely aesthetical feature which would make the plugin more attractive :D also maybe a cache all chunks on player login from to the server using spout so they download the entire map when the log in further reducing bandwidth when they next log in and explore?
  12. Offline


    @thehutch I already made a complete chunk cache actually, only difference is that the cache is at the server, not the client. Problem with a client cache is getting it synced; you eventually end up sending the same data anyway to sync it at the client, making a client-sided cache useless. Otherwise every change on a world is global, don't think players can handle that many blockchange packets...
  13. Offline


    ah fair enough hmm trying to think of other awesome things to add :D..... anyway whilst i'm typing I need to remind of two things, 1) update bukkitdev files :) 2) Why do you use that type of config ("config.parse(...)") instead of FileConfiguration or YamlConfiguration???
    and back onto ideas one might be now i'm not saying this is true but I read a forum post on getting the distance of a player from a location using POW idk what it meant but people did tests and it was fast however this was for a player to block not an entity/item from a block might this be usuable and faster for your buffer radius?
  14. Offline


    @thehutch My own configuration extends it. It allows various new features, like returning a list of a generic type. Parse is used to get the value and set it to a pre-defined default. (I don't trust the defaults system or it is over-complicated) It also maps the keys read, clearing all other keys that are no longer used. (this is to clean-up those settings like chunkSendInterval, since they are no longer used here)

    And the buffer radius could be done using Pow, but pow is more for when you actually need to power a value to something. Multiplication seems faster than such a thing at all times, so I stick with solid coding. And it works, so I don't complain. :)

    And BukkitDev is updated, but it takes a while for new file versions to appear.
  15. Offline


    Ok, Ok and ok well I love this plugin because it actually improves the server dramatically maybe I could learn from this *wink* (Not asking for invitation to help :p) And also maybe when one day when this is finished add this the sport plugin so spout further improves servers??? And maybe one more feature? Unicorns... ??? nah just kidding maybe instead that entity buffer thing but for actually LivingEntities and only works when they are behind you or 180 degrees? so the player doesnt have to render them or maybe player caching idk if that affects the server viewing other players? I would have thought so maybe caching their data(skin, name) Just some ideas of off the top of my head :D
  16. Offline


    I use custom world generation "terrain control" Itn is possible it could effect speed at which this happens, after all fps dropped coz of this lighting bug that the worldgeneration I showed you fixes, most of the time but constant fix for exploring like you have made that activiely fixes lighting issues with out stopping server or running a thirdparty great, coz I have to run this tool every time a new chunk that is was prev ran on loads.

    So this would fix the issue good if it can do it on the fly as chunk gets generated.
  17. Offline


    Dude I love you , my server used to use about 500mb when it stared up then went down to 300 if no one was on.
    Now it starts up with about 265mb in use and I have 21 plugins or so . Also Nolagg Chunks is really helpful.
    I tried your plugin out about a month ago , but I had ptweaks on my server and I thought nolagg was making my server fill up on ram and crash , after some testing I removed ptweaks ( awful plugin in my opinion now ) and installed yours via MagnaIPsum ( a plugin for installing other plugins with a /binstall (name) command ).
    I know my grammar is awful , but I just have to say thank you :D
  18. Offline


    How does the lighting fix work exactly ?. I come to understand it does this as players enter a chunk ?
  19. Offline


    @ledhead900 @thehutch the lighting fix is very simple:
  20. Offline





    Happens in my custom world and people get end of stream near these as the server for some reason leaks memory and runs out I might need to try some java tuning to prevent this.
    Not sure what cause is could be my world lol. Issue goes away if u quickly log and come back.
  21. Offline


    @bergerkiller I just added the new 1.47 with NoLaggChunks and the signs are fine now. Thanks!
  22. Offline


    @ledhead900 What happens to the server tick rate when someone gets near it? Does everyone experience these holes at the same time (it takes too long to load/generate the chunks) or only a single person? Does increasing/decreasing the send interval (NoLaggChunks) help? Many questions for something like it, since it can have lots of causes, both internal and in the buffer.

    Also, anything logged by the server?


    Found one limitation to fixing lighting: it is a very simple type of vertical ray-tracing. It only compares 'sky-light', looking from 127 to 0. If a lighting bug exists right underneath a block, it won't fix that since it stopped at that solid block above. Plus, it doesn't really seem to notice nearby light sources...
  23. Offline


    This plugin actually increased lag. By a lot too.
  24. Offline


    @tatelax then please explain what type of lag you mean, since I notice none.


    Adding my own packet compression thread in NoLaggChunks, for one to reduce RAM usage when storing the packets and second, to lower the pressure for the built-in compression thread by compressing the chunks before they arive at the handler, allowing quicker packet response.
  25. Offline


    They appear client sided, I did not get a chance to monitor it tho, Will let you know how it goes now I have adjusted terrain to be semi natural again.

    Send Interval was 4 but decreased to 2 - this issue happened before I decreased it.

    Log seems fine
    NoLagg enabled2011.11.12 21:32:43
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.12 21:33:00
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.12 21:36:04
    NoLagg disabled
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    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.12 23:36:14
    NoLagg disabled
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    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.12 23:36:42
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.12 23:36:59
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.12 23:38:20
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 0:05:38
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 0:07:29
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 0:07:30
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 0:07:37
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 1:08:33
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 1:16:41
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 1:16:49
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 1:17:23
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 1:18:06
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 1:22:32
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 1:23:45
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 1:39:04
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 1:39:14
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 1:39:31
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 1:39:49
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 1:41:22
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 1:41:36
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 2:08:56
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 2:12:01
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 5:55:19
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 6:59:26
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:03:24
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:05:35
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:09:40
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:09:48
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:11:25
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:11:42
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:16:28
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:17:41
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:21:51
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:22:51
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:25:22
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:26:37
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:29:45
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:30:57
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:33:04
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:35:39
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:37:45
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:39:34
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:39:59
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:40:12
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:41:25
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:43:17
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:43:32
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:43:55
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:44:07
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:44:32
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:50:53
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:51:42
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:56:49
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:58:14
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 7:59:41
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 7:59:53
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 8:20:22
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 8:26:49
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 8:34:04
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 8:37:32
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 8:45:13
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 12:36:37
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 12:37:13
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 12:37:23
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 21:35:21
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 21:47:08
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 21:54:48
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 21:57:17
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 21:59:17
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 22:00:13
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 22:05:26
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 22:06:47
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 22:11:32
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 22:14:11
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 22:30:12
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 22:31:59
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 22:48:54
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 23:20:21
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 23:42:06
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 23:45:02
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 23:45:42
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 23:46:41
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 23:53:13
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.13 23:57:19
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.13 23:58:34
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 0:07:08
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 0:07:09
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 0:16:28
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 0:40:06
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 1:53:03
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 2:10:27
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 2:28:41
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 2:28:42
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 2:31:15
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 2:31:42
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 2:32:15
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 2:33:02
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 2:34:05
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 2:34:13
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 2:34:57
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 2:35:07
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 2:35:40
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 2:35:48
    NoLagg enabled
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    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 2:36:41
    NoLagg enabled
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    NoLagg disabled
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    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 2:40:52
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 4:42:44
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 5:03:45
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 14:31:44
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 14:31:53
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 15:41:25
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 16:03:17
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.14 17:18:32
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.14 17:27:02
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 20:24:49
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 20:57:31
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 22:24:36
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 22:24:37
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 22:49:30
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 22:51:13
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 22:51:22
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 22:51:40
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 22:51:51
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 22:54:19
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 22:55:47
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:01:02
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:07:16
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:08:13
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:09:07
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:21:02
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:25:12
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:26:08
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:27:29
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:38:14
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:41:09
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:41:15
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:41:49
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:43:01
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:43:59
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:46:10
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:51:04
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:52:33
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:53:20
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:53:39
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:54:34
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.15 23:54:55
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.15 23:56:54
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 0:00:54
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 0:02:51
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 0:16:47
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 0:21:41
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 0:22:32
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 0:22:57
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 0:33:07
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 0:35:10
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 0:36:17
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 0:37:39
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 0:44:44
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 0:44:57
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 0:46:28
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 0:46:46
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 0:48:33
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 1:04:39
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 1:09:06
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 1:10:05
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 1:12:54
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 1:14:56
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 1:27:08
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 1:29:45
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 1:30:08
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 1:31:00
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 1:31:01
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 1:31:14
    NoLagg disabled
    2011.11.16 1:33:53
    NoLagg enabled
    2011.11.16 1:35:31

    Nolagg settings blow work perfectly for both test sever and the live server.
    P.S check your Myworlds thread you broke generators in last update :(

    Ill be around later prob 2moro, Seems I decided to fix my custom world by making more normal with less default config for Terrain Mod and guess what I apply those to my modified world terrain becomes near perfect but the stupid freeze is back and I bet it has to do with caves or canyons need more testing.

    It could be my crazy java settings I applied to stop it ever running out of memory when I hit those unloaded chunk areas will remove them if the lag happens again.
  26. Offline


    @ledhead900 I did? :(
    Yeah...guess it's time to look at MyWorlds for a bit.
  27. Offline

    Lunar Delta

    When I installed the latest version, several chunks had the chests within them have their contents wiped. Signs lost their text as well.
  28. Offline


    @Lunar Delta Then the chunk tile entity information must have gotten wiped...time to review the code again sigh..


    Believe it or not, but I managed to fix those transparent chunks at the client. A single block change packet did the trick. :)
  29. Offline


    yes just saw this on my server too (after updating) -.- dont know how to tell that my players...
  30. Offline


    It's a pain finding a balance between thread safety and not wiping the tile entities ...
    Time to review the native coding to see what fits best. Weird is, that when a chunk unloads, it clears the entities on the chunk. Yet it still manages to save the tile entities to file in the end...
  31. Offline


    y my players feel with you :D

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