"Failed to connect to server, connection refused: connect " HELP!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by HazeyBeans, May 12, 2012.

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    I did everything possible to fix this (I think). I dont know what else to do. I allowed ALL java passed my firewall, I portfowarded, I checked all of my setting and still nothing! Norton is not the problem, I know this because I disabled the Norton firewall, still nothing! I looks at videos and they are still no help. Before tehse new updates I could have run bukkit with no problem, now its just a pain in the butt. Someone know what to do...

    Yes I do have a static IP.
    I do have a separate router from my wirless gateway.
    I am so tired, been on the computer 4 hours trying to figure out how to get this problem fixed.
    I can only connect through my ipv4 IP. Cant connect with the public ip, which is
    Someone please I beg you help me via TeamViewer
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