Failed to bind to port! please help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by braidon7676, Mar 25, 2015.

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    ive been trying to make a bukkit minecraft servers for hours ive watched every video but I cant get passed this stage! Please help. My port forwarding is done correct im 99% sure my router website says it is, it says it allows requests to port 25565 on ip... and so on. ive tried opening cmd and using my ip4v ip address in server properties ive tried relaunching my computer and all of that.
  2. @braidon7676 Do "netstat -a" in cmd and see what is running on 25565, chances are its a program like Skype.
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    Or another Bukkit server that crashed. Thread keeps on going and the port stays 'binded'.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2015
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    @braidon7676 Try restarting your computer, and starting the server up after the restart.
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    @nverdier thank you! you need mod now that that's done what do I do? I clicked craftbukkit but it didn't launch
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    @braidon7676 You have to run it with a bat file (assuming you're on windows). The contents of that file can be found here.
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