Factions Overriding Other Chat-Listening Plugins?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Deleted user, Mar 20, 2013.

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    Deleted user

    Evening ladies and gents,
    This issue arose to light when I started attempting to hook up IRC to my server.
    The first plugin I used was CraftIRC, and the Minecraft chat to IRC wasn't working. Join, disconnect, kick, and ban messages were sent back to IRC, but normal chat was not able to be sent.
    The second and last plugin I decided to use was Farion by NuclearW. The same issue happened that happened with CraftIRC: Minecraft chat to IRC was simply not working!
    After this, I also noticed that IP blocking plugins, censoring plugins, and AntiCaps plugins were not working as well.
    I googled up this issue, and it turns out many others have it. The fix was to tweak a value in the config.json in the Factions folder.
    1. chatTagRelationColored: true

    Set that to false and all chat-listening plugins magically get fixed.
    But the issue is, if you set that to false, all Factions tags lose color, so the chat looks extremely unappealing.
    I've sent NuclearW a PM, and he said he would ask the people over at Factions to fix it, but after a lot of bumping, there has been no news from him.
    I've submitted a ticket to the developers of Factions as well:
    Factions Ticket (open)

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Install any plugin that listens to chat (AntiCaps/Farion (IRC Plugin)/Censoring Plugins)
    2. For IRC, any Minecraft chat will not be relayed to IRC, except join/kick/ban/disconnect messages.
    3. AntiCaps and Censoring plugins will not function as they can't listen to chat.
    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    You would expect Minecraft chat to relay to IRC if you were using Farion.
    You would expect AntiCaps and Censoring plugins to actually function and listen to chat.
    What version of the product are you using?
    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    There are no errors.
    Please provide any additional information below.
    I've asked NuclearW to take this up with you, but it seems like he's MIA...
    It has something to do with your chat priority being MONITOR.
    No, there isn't anything wrong with my settings. I've troubleshooted multiple times, along with NuclearW. He took a look at your source code, and sure enough, the issue was that your chat monitoring priority was MONITOR.

    My question is: Is there any other way to fix this issue, and has anyone else been getting this issue as well?
    Thank you very much for your time,

    Factions chat-listener source link:
    I believe this is the issue, although they even mention it in the source.
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    depending on the chat plugin, you might be able to use [FACTION] in the chat format.
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    Deleted user

    It's not the format that is the issue, it's the issue that Factions is overriding other plugins so they don't function.
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    which may be solved by using the mentioned tag, had reports the tag helps in this issue.
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    necrodoom is right if you didnt format your factions with the [FACTION] in essentials or type
    /f config chatTagInsertIndex 1
    Which that is mostlikey the reason for your issue.
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    Deleted user

    I'll try it when the 1.5 bukkit build comes out, thanks :).
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