Faceless Pumpkins

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by rayblon, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Mechanic

    Suggested name: DeadPumpkins

    What I want: A plugin that converts pumpkin item entities to 86:4, the faceless pumpkin block.

    Ideas for commands: None

    Ideas for permissions: None

    When I'd like it by: January 31st
  2. Offline


    Not too sure what you want. All pumpkins in world to be changed to 86:4 or all pumpkins in inventory to be changed to 86:4 or...?
  3. Offline



    Maybe the things conveniently coined item entities. If a pumpkin item entity(86) is on the ground, then it is converted to 86:4.
  4. Offline


    So once broken it does not drop a normal pumpkin but 86:4? Sorry, just want to confirm this.
  5. Offline



    Can I assume you wish to develop this plugin?
  6. Offline


    I can try, does not seem to be too hard .

    Next time make sure you Tahg me so I can see your response faster. :)


    rayblon In the time I had I have made it so when I destroy the pumpkin then it drops me a stone block; because "86:4" is not a material (Material.PUMPKIN is)

    It's about 5-10 min work left, sadly I did not have enough time.

    Also I'm going to add a simple permission to bypass it, so if you want admins to drop normal pumpkin you'd give them the permission.
    rayblon likes this.
  7. Offline


    Spawn the entity using item ID not material. If the meta isn't in the constructor then you can edit it once you have a reference to it.
  8. Offline


    Sorry, didn't know what the tahg button was used for. xD

    Thanks for making the plugin for me! :D
  9. Offline


    Sad news, I am unable to make it drop 86:4 - it's impossible to drop that as an entity; if you spawn it into your inventory then it is a normal pumpkin.

    Unless someone else gets this to work, I think it's impossible. Sorry.
  10. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Listen to the pickupevent, add a small delay, replace the pumpkin with your pumpkin
  11. Offline


    It's impossible to get it in your inventory?
  12. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Stupid minecraft -.- :p
    But tested it myself ( was really confident of myself ) and it didn't work
  13. Offline


    But the newly grown pumpkin can still be faceless until its destroyed atleast?
  14. Offline


    It seems to be a bug. Although it's not completely intended, the damage value should persist when it's in one's inventory. I'll submit a ticket to Minecraft's Mojira later.
  15. Offline


    The same thing is for 4 sides pistons. Only exception would be 4 sided log, I think.
  16. Offline


    Noted; if you find any other blocks that do this, PM me their IDs/names. I'll make a mojira ticket detailing the blocks when they finish moving their database.
  17. Offline


    It's probably not a bug, as data values certainly persist in the inventory (go pick up some colored wool...). It's likely due to the fact that the faceless pumpkin itself is the bug.
  18. Offline


    86:1, 86:2, and 86:3 are implemented and intended blocks, but also get converted to 86 in the inventory.
  19. Offline


    What do the values do?
  20. Offline


    They determine the side the face is on. Even 86 determines the face position.
  21. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    rayblon The items in the inventory are limited, try doing the same with logs:9, will give sideways logs in the world, but normal ones in the inventory.
    Konkz How about using lores or changing the displayname?
  22. Offline


    It's physically impossible. I played with it for a while, this cannot be done.
  23. Offline


    Konkz timtower skore87
    I made a mojira ticket for it, but it got struck down only two hours after it being submitted. Pointing out only the bug won't do me any good unless I can prove that the devs don't intend for the reversion to happen.

    I have a tweet from jeb_ that states he has been thinking about faceless pumpkins... from 2011. I can also use the fact that the damage values on the pumpkin hat affects it's appearance. If it was intended for only the "normal" pumpkin to be worn and in the inventory, it would not affect the hat.

    Any other ideas?
  24. Offline


    You never tagged me. Anyway, they determine the side in the world, not in your inventory. Mojang won't fix it because that's exactly how it's meant to work. The face is determined by how you place it, not it's inventory data value. The request itself is perfectly possible, just listen to the block place and change the block's data value.
  25. Offline


    True-ish. I have a new idea now. But I need someone to see if 86:4 can be worn as a hat as of 1.7.4
  26. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    rayblon Pumpkin doesn't rotate when used as helmet
  27. Offline


    86:4 can't exist as an item, the pumpkin doesn't have data values.
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  30. Offline


    timtower Konkz

    Found a workaround. Rename pumpkins that are broken as "Dead pumpkin" and, when a player attempts to place a pumpkin, check if it's named "Dead pumpkin" then replace the placed pumpkin with 86:4

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