External Files

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ryr11, Jan 16, 2014.

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    Can Bukkit access files that are not in /craftbukkit/plugins/PLUGINNAME/
    If so, how would I do that?
  2. Offline


    you can access anything in the same folder as the craftbukkit.jar file but i dont believe you can outside of that. should be as easy as defining the file like this: new File("server.properties").
    This will tage the location from where the bukkit.jar file is
  3. You can access up to where the CraftBukkit.jar file is in the server.
    Like so:
    1. File file = new File("plugins" + File.separator
    2. + "PLUGIN/FILE here");

    Of course to edit/delete it you would need to do some more, but that's how you would get it.
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