Explosive pickaxe Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Danielh90, Feb 28, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Prison

    Suggested name: Explosive

    What I want: I would like to have a explosive pickaxe that you can have tokens and keep adding on to your pickaxe and the radius of the highest explosive is 5x5 and the middle is 3x3 and the smallest is 2x2 and i would like to have a config to change the explsoive radius and add more explosive raudio and put points

    Ideas for commands: /Tokens /tokenbalance /givetoken

    Ideas for permissions: explosive.token explosive.bal

    When I'd like it by: Today if you can
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    My Plugins
    EmeraldEnchants and PrisonGems can do that.
    Links are in my Signature.
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