Explosive Mine / Replace a block and keep properties / Make a block invisible

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jersogamer, Jul 13, 2018.

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    Well, first of all sorry if my english is not good. I used to play skywars and there they had a explosive mine, but what is it? well, they used a gold pressure plate so when the player put the mine it is visible for the player that put the mine, but for the other players it was invisible, so a player could walk along a bridge and step on a mine then the mine explodes. that's what I want to do. I already have the code for making the explosion.

    I think that they maybe change the mine into air, but the mine is like if it still were there.

    Goal: Make a code that when I put the mine it is visible for me, but not for other players.

    If someone is interested here's my code to make the explosion.

        public void mina(PlayerInteractEvent eventmina) {
            FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig();
            if(eventmina.getAction() == Action.PHYSICAL) {
                Location location = eventmina.getClickedBlock().getLocation();
                if(eventmina.getClickedBlock().getType() == Material.GOLD_PLATE) {
                    Player player = eventmina.getPlayer();
                    player.getWorld().createExplosion(location, Float.valueOf(config.getString("config.mina-explosion")));
                    player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"Pisaste una mina explosiva");
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
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    You can manipulate what block a player sees by using Player#sendBlockChange(). Everytime the block gets updated a player will see the original block again. Also if a chunk has to be loaded again.

    But by sending a block change into air to everyone 1 tick after the mine has been placed should work fine.
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    I'm not really good at coding so I didn't understand too much, I know that it is bad to ask for a code, but could you explain me better or send me the code? please, sorry
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    @MightyOne What if the player uses F3 + A to reload chunks? Would that change it back to normal?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You can overcome that by using ProtocolLib to change the packets send to the player directly.
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    @KarimAKL @timtower i just tested it out with a plugin i cannot debug right now xD.
    Either f3+a does not request all block information to be sent again by the server OR the ChunkLoadEvent gets triggered and you can refresh the fake blocks there. Sorry for the uncertainty.

    I think it's the former one
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    I'm not understanding what is hapenning : (

    @MightyOne I already try this, and it didn't work
    @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "unlikely-arg-type" })
        public void place(BlockPlaceEvent placevent) {
            Player jugador = placevent.getPlayer();
            if(placevent.getBlock() != null && placevent.getBlock().equals(Material.GOLD_PLATE)) {
                Location localidad = placevent.getBlock().getLocation();
                jugador.sendBlockChange(localidad, Material.AIR, (byte) 0);
    Also I already change the value of "Material.Air" into "0(Zero)"
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
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    You missed that one important part.
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    I have no idea how to do that
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    Sorry, I tried it, but I couldn't do it, I read that page like 5 times and I didn't get it, the problem here is that I don't know how to add that into my code, and I already looked for the answer in the forum, but I have the same problem, I don't know how to implement that in my code.
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    @jersogamer Try like this:
    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void place(BlockPlaceEvent placevent) {
    3. Player jugador = placevent.getPlayer();
    4. if(placevent.getBlock() != null && placevent.getBlock().equals(Material.GOLD_PLATE)) {
    5. Location localidad = placevent.getBlock().getLocation();
    6. new BukkitRunnable() {
    7. public void run() {
    8. jugador.sendBlockChange(localidad, Material.AIR, (byte) 0);
    9. }
    10. }.runTaskLater(plugin, 1);
    11. }
    12. }
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    I tried it, but It didn't work, also I had to add many things to my code, 'cause there were many warnings.

        public void place(BlockPlaceEvent placevent)  {
            final Player jugador = placevent.getPlayer();
            if(placevent.getBlock() != null && placevent.getBlock().equals(Material.GOLD_PLATE)) {
                final Location localidad = placevent.getBlock().getLocation();
                new BukkitRunnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        jugador.sendBlockChange(localidad, Material.AIR, (byte) 0);   
                }.runTaskLater(plugin, 1);
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    @jersogamer Did you remember to import after that? Also change "plugin" in the "runTaskLater(plugin, 1)" to a instance of your main class. (the one that extends JavaPlugin) Of course that only applies if "plugin" isn't already a instance of your main class. If you did these things already then i don't have a clue as i'm pretty new.

    I really hope i used the correct names for what to do, anyway hope this helps. :7
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