Experience updates after death don't work

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Bone008, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Basically, since 1.3 there seems to be a bug that experience updates are not displayed to the player right after they respawned.

    This means that a plugin that allows players to keep their experience upon death (like my plugin DeathControl does) lead to invisible experience - the bar stays empty for the client even though the experience is there.

    I did some research, it also applies for the official API for keeping experience (in PlayerDeathEvent, you have options to set the experience that the player respawns with), and it doesn't even seem to be a server-side issue. Packet43SetExperience is sent properly, but the client just seems to ignore it when it happens while it's still respawning.

    I fixed it in my plugin by spamming out a couple of these packets seconds after the respawn. Locally, about 1 second was enough, but I got reports that on a "real" server with internet latencies it still led to problems. So now I just send out 1 packet/second over a period of 10 seconds to ensure that the bar is displayed.
    Obviously, that's not a very clean solution.

    Did anyone else notice that problem as well? I don't know if it's worth opening a ticket for it, since it seems to be client-side, as stated above.
  2. Yes I get this problem too, not sure if there is anything that can be done but I will try your fix.
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