Expanding Plots Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by kasper227232, Nov 11, 2017.

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  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Grief Prevention

    Minecraft version: 1.11.2

    Suggested name: RandomPlots (Change it to what you want, I don't have a good idea for a name.)

    What I want:
    A plugin where a player can get a new plot somewhere random in the world, it should be indicated with particle effects that make a square around the outer blocks of the plot.

    The plot should be expandable depending on what permission the user has, so for an example, have a starting plot that is 10x10. If the user has a permission like: randomplots.plotsize.11 or something like that (Should be configurable in the config file) their plot would expand to be 11x11, this should happen dynamically so if the permission gets added later on, the plot will update immediately to be 11x11.

    It should be possible to rate peoples plot, depending on the rating people give, it should execute a command which can be set in the config file.
    If the user chooses to change the rating of the plot, it wouldn't execute the command like it does the first time someone rates their plot.

    I would like the rating to work so, if the player enters the plot for the first time, they get items in their inventory equivalent to the rating they wanna give. So let's say "Dirt" is the worst, "Emerald" is the best, then there would be "Iron", "Gold", "Diamond" etc...
    When rightclicking the item like "Dirt" which is a bad rating, it rates their plot, so no commands involved in the rating process.

    There would be chat indications that you are leaving and entering peoples plot.

    Ofcourse other people wouldn't be able to build on eachothers plot.

    Ideas for commands:
    /claim - Teleports the player out to their plot, and claims it.
    /unclaim - Abandons their plot, command would be needed to run twice before it accepts it.
    /plot home {player} - Teleports the user to a players home (If {player} isn't filled out, teleport to their own plot.)
    /plot [disable/enable] teleport - Disables or enables teleportation to their own plot.
    /plot [disable/enable] mobspawning - Disables or enables mob spawning on their own plot.
    /plot [disable/enable] mobkilling - Disables other players from being able to kill mobs on their plot. (So only plot owner can kill mobs.)
    /plot trust {player} - Let's another player build, break and interact on their plot.

    Staff commands:
    /plot staff unclaim - Unclaims another players plot.

    It would be nice if commands had alises like /p h {username} so it's not required to type out the full command in order to execute.

    Ideas for permissions:
    Depends on the name you choose for the plugin but to give some simple ideas:
    pluginname.claim - Let's the player claim a plot.
    pluginname.unclaim - Let's the player unclaim their plot.
    pluginname.plot.home - Let's the player teleport to their own or other players plot.
    pluginname.plot.toggle.mobspawning - Let's the player enable or disable mobspawning on their own plot.
    pluginname.claim.plot.toggle.mobkilling - Let's the player enable or disable other players being able to attack mobs on their plot.
    pluginname.plot.trust - Let's the player add someone to their own plot.

    Staff permissions:
    pluginname.staff.unclaim - Let's the staff member unclaim another players plot.

    When I'd like it by: Whenever possible.
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