Hi. I'm looking for a plugin that allows me to execute shell commands on the host from within bukkit. Either from command, sign or redstone circuit. Is there such a thing?
fafler There might be, but more than likely not, it would be quite dangerous.. since you could do rm / -rf and it would erase everything.
TreeDB One should never run any kind of server application as root, but it could still be used to do a rm -rf ~/bukkit or similar. To prevent this, the plugin could include a whitelist or a set of aliases to allowed commands.
Google found these: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/shellreact/ https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/shell-plugin.108389/
Bobcat00 Thanks. What search words did you use? I got 10.000 bukkit startup scripts and none of that :-/ I've tried Shellreact, but it doesn't seem to work with redstone. Any other input is welcome.