Solved execute mc commands

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by drillzy, May 14, 2017.

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    Hello guys! i need some help with a plugin that i want to make. So i want to make it when someone does an event such as PlayerInteractEvent and when they do that event it executes a command from the server's commands such as /mangaddp from groupmanager or /fly from essentials. Please help with this for me please. Thanks!
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    getServer().dispatchCommand(getServer().getConsoleSender(), "yourCommand");
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    @yPedx thank you :)

    Ok since that is figured out, how would i make it so i can run all commands from a list or is that not possible?

    EDIT: wait nevermind the code didnt work. It says its not a correct thing from the console. here is my code.

          getServer().dispatchCommand(getServer().getConsoleSender(), "kill" + p);
    EDIT#2: nvm i got it to work but how would i make it so it doesnt say this:
    CONSOLE issued server command: /kill CraftPlayer{name=drillzy}

    and instead say:
    CONSOLE issued server command: /kill drillzy
    Last edited: May 15, 2017
  4. What type does the variable 'p' have? It isn't just 'String' - it's 'Player', right? If yes, you probably want
    "kill " + p.getName()
    Sulphate and ipodtouch0218 like this.
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    Yup! Thanks for your help :) even tho is was simple but still, Thanks.
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