EvolvedGangs - Plugin Idea

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by bumcheese12, Oct 18, 2014.

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    I would like someone to make a plugin where it is like the factions plugin
    but instead of doing /f create you do /gang create or something like that. Also
    you can be able to see what rank your gang is like instead of /f list where
    it places the faction that is on and the most powerful at the current time
    to /gang rank where it shows the most powerful gang ALL TOGETHER. For each
    kill your gang member gets, you get 1 point which will be labeled as Kills, but
    for each new gang member you get you get +2 power, you can claim more power by killing
    players, for each kill you get you get +1 power.If you loose power by getting
    killed by a player you loose -2 power but if you get killed by fall damage, mobs,
    starving etc you only loose -1 power.Your gang ranking is based on the amount of
    kills you get not how many players you have or your power. You can also claim
    land as you can with the faction plugin but you don't have to be in the minus
    power to be over claimed, if your gang has less power than the gang over claiming
    you then the gang over claiming you will be able to over claim you. e.g Gang x has
    56 power and Gang y has 125 power gang y can claim Gang x land.

    The chat format for this would be &a{GangName}{Amount of times been promoted} <Name>[Server Rank (Donor rank/staff rank)] - Example - Evolved** bumcheese12 [Owner]
    (Here the member has been promoted
    twice because they have 2 '*'
    Next to their name)

    /gang create {name} - creates a gang
    /gang moto {moto} - creates your gang slogan
    /gang promote {player} - makes the specific player a higher ranking in your gang - You can promote someone in your gang 5 times before they become one of the most
    powerful member in your gang. Every time you promote someone the get a extra '*' by their name e.g when they first join &aEvolved bumcheese12
    &aEvolved* bumcheese12 - been promoted once
    &aEvolved** bumcheese12 - been promoted twice
    &aEvolved*** bumcheese12 - three times
    &aEvolved**** bumcheese12 - four times
    &6&lEvolved bumcheese12 - maximum times (5)
    /gang rank - this tells you what rank you gang is on the server
    /gang list - lists all the gangs
    /gang info - gives you your gang info = &8Kills/Power/Population
    &60 /0 /0

    &6&l{Gang Name Here}
    &8Gang Moto:&6

    &8Gang Ranking:&6{Gang Ranking}
    &8Members Online:&6{List of gang members online}

    &8Members Offline:&6{List og gang members offline}

    &8Trusted Gangs:&6{List of trusted gangs}

    &8Enemy Gangs:&6{List of enemy gangs}

    /gang land claim {radius} - claims land - 1 radius = 1 chunk so /gang land claim 5 would claim 5 chunks each way North, East, South, West.
    /gang unclaim land - unclaims the chunk your stood in (you have to own this land obviously!)
    /gang unclaim all - unclaims all the gangs land
    /gang enemy {gang} - enemies a gang
    /gang truce {gang} - makes you have truce with a gang
    /gang who {player} - shows you the specific players gang and their gang info
    /gang chat {trusted/gang} - a private chat, in /gang chat trusted only your gang and those who your in truce with can see what your putting and in /gang chat gang only
    you an your gang can see what you put

    This plugin is a LOT SIMPLER THAN THE FACTIONS PLUGIN which means it will be EASIER to use and should become more POPULAR with servers. The inventor/founded of the
    plugin is bumcheese12. Please name the plugin &8Evolved&6Gangs. Everytime someone joins the message &ePlugin - &8Evolved&6Gangs &eRunning Version {version}. &3Founder
    &6bumcheese12 &eand creator &6{creator}. &eDownload link - &6{Bukkit download link}.

    Please email me the plugin download link when you are done and post the link in reply to this thread also if your unsure or interested please post a reply.

    Thanks :)
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