Event/Listener Type Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by wickersty, Apr 16, 2012.

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    Hi all,

    Would someone be kind enough to help explain or advise the correct/best way to create an API-type plugin whose job it is to alert other plugins about events?

    In other words, say I make Plugin A. Plugin A has some methods, like "notifySomethingHappened()".

    Then there is Plugin B which I didnt make. Plugin B wants to tell Plugin A to tell is whenever "notifySomethingHappened()" is called.

    How could I accomplish this?

    I've tried messing with some various approaches, but reached dead ends, and this is not something I've done before.


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    Thank you dadaemon. I wasn't aware that the new event system could do this as well.
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    Yup custom events are pretty easy actually. Just look at the source codes of Bukkit's events if you don't know where to start :)

    I can say that if you call an event when another event happens there's no easy way to cancel the original event from the called custom events
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