EssentialsChat | 'group-formats' not working

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Wolfeiii, Apr 15, 2020.

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    Hello there!
    I hope you can help me with this issue I have on my server.

    I have encountered an issue where the 'group-formats' in the Essentials config is not working.
    Currently, I am trying to change the chat color per rank that I have setup using Luckperms.

    Current Config:
    format: '{DISPLAYNAME}&8: &7{MESSAGE}'
    #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
    #format: '&7{PREFIX}&r {DISPLAYNAME}&r &7{SUFFIX}&r: {MESSAGE}'

    default: '{DISPLAYNAME}&8: &7{MESSAGE}'
    admin: '{DISPLAYNAME}&8: &c{MESSAGE}'
    sr.mod: '{DISPLAYNAME}&8: &b{MESSAGE}'
    helper: '{DISPLAYNAME}&8: &b{MESSAGE}'
    moderator: '{DISPLAYNAME}&8: &b{MESSAGE}'

    This is how it looks ingame when having the admin rank set as &c in for the chat message.


    If we add an hashtag before the 'format:' line, it looks like this:
    Hope someone can help! :D

    additional info:

    i have the latest luckperms and essentials versions
    i have checked and no other plugins is affecting this what i can see
    things are the same after an full server restart
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    i got it working! was just the spaces before all the groups.
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