Im having problems with - 'essentials.setspawn' and - 'essentials.spawn'. When i type /setspawn or /spawn nothing happens, im in the usergroup "Owner" which has '*' in the permissions, i also added the node to the owner permissions list and still nothing. Also anyone that doesnt have '*' cant buy or sell anything at the sign shop i have set up, im using the latest version of iConomy and i gave every usergroup the node - 'iConomy.accecss' and still nothing. If someone could help me out with this that would be great! Just need to get this out of the way and my server is set!
Code: ## # AntiBuild is included with this. To disable a group from being able to build then # set the build: flag to false (build: false). If you want a group to be able to build # then set it to true. ## # Groups can contain inheritance. # To make a group inherit the permissions from another # group simply place the groups name in the "inheritance:" like so: # # Example: # inheritance: # - Default ## # Globalized Permission settings: # # If a permission contains periods (.) you can denote a globalized parameter: # # - 'foo.*' # # This will allow you to use all general commands. # ## # Single Asterisk denotes all commands: # # - '*' ## # To exempt a node use the - prefix like so: # - '' ## # prefix: and suffix: do not do anything on their own. You need another outside plugin # such as iChat or HeroChat in order for these to do anything. groups: Default: default: true info: prefix: '&7' suffix: '' build: false inheritance: permissions: - 'essentials.warp' Member: default: false info: prefix: '&e' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: - Default permissions: - 'essentials.warp' - 'iConomy.access' - 'iConomy.payment' - '' - 'essentials.home' - 'essentials.sethome' - 'essentials.mail' - 'essentials.mail.send' - '' - 'essentials.msg' - 'essentials.spawn' - 'essentials.list' Trusted: default: true info: prefix: '&2' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: - Member permissions: - 'essentials.warp' - 'iConomy.access' - 'iConomy.payment' - '' - 'essentials.home' - 'essentials.sethome' - 'essentials.mail' - 'essentials.mail.send' - '' - 'essentials.msg' - 'essentials.spawn' - 'essentials.list' - 'essentials.setwarp' ServerBuilder: default: false info: prefix: '&1' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: - Trusted permissions: - 'essentials.warp' - 'iConomy.access' - 'iConomy.payment' - '' - 'essentials.home' - 'essentials.sethome' - 'essentials.mail' - 'essentials.mail.send' - '' - 'essentials.msg' - 'essentials.spawn' - 'essentials.list' - 'essentials.setwarp' Donator: default: false info: prefix: '&9' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: - ServerBuilder permissions: - 'essentials.warp' - 'iConomy.access' - 'iConomy.payment' - '' - 'essentials.home' - 'essentials.sethome' - 'essentials.mail' - 'essentials.mail.send' - '' - 'essentials.msg' - 'essentials.spawn' - 'essentials.list' - 'essentials.setwarp' - 'essentials.afk' - 'essentials.give' - 'essentials.clearinventory' Moderator: default: false info: prefix: '&b' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: - Donator permissions: - 'essentials.warp' - 'iConomy.access' - 'iConomy.payment' - '' - 'essentials.home' - 'essentials.sethome' - 'essentials.mail' - 'essentials.mail.send' - '' - 'essentials.msg' - 'essentials.spawn' - 'essentials.list' - 'essentials.setwarp' - 'essentials.afk' - 'essentials.give' - 'essentials.clearinventory' - 'essentials.kick' - 'essentials.ban' - 'essentials.unban' Admins: default: false info: prefix: '&4' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: permissions: - '*' Owner: default: false info: prefix: '&4' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: permissions: - '*'
Fixed it, tell me why /setspawn and /spawn isnt working and why no group with '*' can use the sign shops
Not sure, sorry, im not the best at this either. there is no spacing errors or anything you can check those here: Wait for somone else, sry
make sure that they are not all inheriting the default group. have them inherit on the most lower group: example: Trusted inherits from Member. and then serverbuilder inherits from trusted and so on. and like baffu said check your spacing with the signshop. also try addding yourself to the OP List and seeing if that fixes /spawn also can you post a list of all of your plugins your running please?
Im running WorldGuard,WorldEdit,Permissions,LWC,Iconomy,iChat,Essentials and AutoMessage. Idk what you mean by check the spacing with the signshop, it works for admins but no1 lower Still need help with this, now when i type /setspawn or /spawn it says its an unknown command. I got the latest version of essentials so idk whats should be working! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Do you have EssentialsSpawn? Because I'm sure essentials and EssentialsSpawn are two different things.
I got essentials not essentialsSpawn, i actually looked for essentials spawn before but couldnt find it. Ok i figured out the sign shop thing but still having a problem with the /spawn and /setspawn. I got essentialsSpawn now and whenever i try to /setspawn or /spawn i get this error... "An internal error accoured while trying to perform this command." Whats up with that? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.