Essentials - Newbies with different spawn/group/kit

Discussion in 'General Help' started by rafaeldcastro, Jun 22, 2016.

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    Hi, I'm setting a server with background story.

    I want my new players spawning in a different location so I can give them quests about the story. One of them will change his Group. I'm using Citizens and Quests to do so.

    But I don't understand how to do it... I change the files through an online guide, but broke the plugin and had to start it over..

    I just need for them to "born" with a specif Group and permissions. Spawn in different area and after a minutes, I don't know yet, click a sign and change Group e start the normal game like everyone else

    Thank you for any help!
    "Sorry if my english its not good" :D
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