Essentials Kit permissions not working D:

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Alex Zowsky, Nov 23, 2014.

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    Alex Zowsky

    Okay, I have been working on this for over 5 hours. I cannot give the permissions to default. I have 5 ranks, Default, Servant, Knight, Lord, and King. I can't get their kit permission for any of these. I am using permissions ex and this is what i have typed in the config folder:

    default: true
    - essentials.kit
    - essentials.kit.Starter

    That is the default group. It is supposed to be able to access /kit starter. When I do /kit it says no kits available yet. When I do /kit Starter, it says I need essentials.kit.Starter permissions to access that command. I have the kits done. I have no idea why this is happening. Could someone please help this has been bugging me for 5 hours now and I'm starting to lose it
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    Alex Zowsky First of all, if you're using one of the more recent versions of PermissionsEx, then your perms formatting needs fixed. They've changed where the default: true line goes; it now goes under an options section like this:
          default: true
        - essentials.kit
        - essentials.kits.Starter
    If you have any prefix/suffix lines, those have also been moved to the options section.

    The second issue you're having is that you don't have the starter kit's permission node written correctly. Any time you are doing a specific kit, the permission node has an 's' in it so that it is kits instead of kit. You only use kit without the 's' in the permission node that gives the /kit command. So you want essentials.kit (like you already have) and essentials.kits.Starter . The essentials warps are done the same way. Singular essentials.warp for the /warp command and then essentials.warps.warpname for each individual warp.
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