[Essentials Chat] Using custom symbols

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Niknea, May 18, 2014.

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    Long time posting here : D. So I decided to create a server, and I just cant figure this one problem. I would like to use the symbol "»" in the essentials config under the chat format. However when I do, the config resets, any ideas? Thanks.
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    can you paste your config please related to this subject? paste bin or [/code] it
  4. Niknea The » character isn't valid in YAML
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    AdamQpzm However, I've seen people do it before.
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    I assume you have put the string in 'yourtext »»»»' apostrophes?

    Where in the YAML specifications does it say so?
  7. DxDy My mistake, it actually is fine :)
    DxDy likes this.
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