Question EssenstialsX permissions aren't working

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by dstrctoooo, Aug 2, 2020.

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    I have been working on a minecraft server for a while now and have been using this plugin for permissions. I have been using the permissions for kits and they have not wanted to work at all. It just simply tells me I dont have acess to the command whilst being in the specified group. I listed a screenshot of my permissions text file so I can be assisted.

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    Simple fix! There should be spaces between the hyphens and the permission, like this:
            default: true
             - example.permission
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    I did this, is it correct? (besides the fact that the second permission node says essemtials. I fixed it still doesn't work.

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    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
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    @MPG1 That's not necessary.

    @dstrctoooo Do you get any errors in the console or do they just not have the permission?
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    @KarimAKL I have found this: [16:54:00 ERROR]: Permission node 'groups' in permissions.yml is invalid. I have everything perfectly set up there should be no reason why this error is happening.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2020
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    @dstrctoooo That looks like the beginning of a stacktrace. I found this thread with what seems to be the same problem.
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    I still am having the same issue after do what the thread told me to do.
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    I have just figured out the fix to this issue. I just started using luckperms which somehow made it work. Thanks for your help anyways :).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2020
    KarimAKL likes this.
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