Solved EntityDamageByEntity and EntityDamage

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Quantum64, Mar 15, 2014.

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    So there have been several threads about this, none of which have had satisfactory answers. If I have an EntityDamageEvent listener set up, and an EntityDamageByEntityEvent listener set up, both fire when an EntityDamageByEntityEvent is called, which, I obviously don't want to happen, but when I check if EntityDamageEvent is an instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent, even if it is, the actual EntityDamageEvent. even though is extends EntityDamageByEntityEvent, event is not.

    So at this point I am at a loss of how to listen for both entity damage to players and non entity damage to players, without the entity damage firing twice.
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    Quantum64 Just use the EntityDamageEvent. It gets fired when an entity damages and when a non entity damages.
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    ShadowLAX Then I cannot get the damager of the player, or if it was really an entity that damaged the player, both crucial to my plugin.
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    Quantum64 You can use the getCause() method to get the cause of the entities damaging. If you wish to get the entity (if it was indeed an entity that damaged the player), just cast it to the appropriate entity.
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    ShadowLAX Ahh, I did not consider this, but there is still a problem, I need to actually GET the entity, for instance if the damager is a player, I need to be able to access that player's object.
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    Quantum64 I see. In that case, for the EntityDamageEvent, just use an if/else statement to check if the damage is not from an entity. That way, only the EntityDamageByEntityEvent is used.
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    Oh my gawd your a genious. I need to test this now.
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    I'm not sure if it will even help with what you're doing, I just realized I never read the OP. Either way it's something else to play with I suppose...
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    Two working solutions right on top of each other... Nice!

    Garris0n That does return the EntityDamageByEntity by the way.
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