I'd really like a plugin that you can use an enderpearl and it will teleport you to your /sethome location so you can't /home instead you have to throw an enderpearl can anyone slap together a quick plugin for me? I'd appreciate it a lot!
Same thing as me, just /tpa . This would stop players from running off like pussies from battles and add a new feature at the same time. (Btw, I am one of those pussies sometimes when I get the chance)
Ok I'll look into this. Do you want the enderpearl to disapear after use? I'm assuming to stop people from using /home you will just remove the permission from your permissions plugin.
Have to have it if(health=1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9ectect && food = 1-2-3-4-5-6 or somthing like that so it will disable the enderperl
Why... I dont understand. Basiclly what I would do is get the action of the player right clicking with an enderpearl, cancel the action, delete the ender pearl from their hand, and then have the action trigger the tp to their home.
I would like that the Ender Pearl will disappear after its use. But this isnt my plugin request, but I think he wants it disappeared, so it cant be used multiple times. Too stop tp'ing away from a pvp match, it would take 5 secs?
yeah the enderperl woulnt be that hard i dont think it would class as playerevent but uoir would not want them to use it while there in pvp
doing fianl tests. The plugin is done. Here https://www.dropbox.com/s/uk5e7z88vu8jqef/EnderHome.jar No commands needed. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Sorry guys I had to go due to a tornado warning then I forgot until today but yeah I'd like it to "use" an ender pearl when you "/home" with the pearl but of course it needs a /sethome command so it knows where to go to
Superb, I was looking for this exact thing. I would love it if this could be integrated with the /back command somehow as well.
Yes. I figured it would be better to revive this thread than to make an entirely separate request, since the plugin provided works fine and I am only requesting an addition to it.