Effect Signs

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by luiskeniosis, Oct 17, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: EffectSigns

    What I want: a plugins where if you place a sign with:
    Line 1: [Effect]
    Line 2: <status effect>
    Line 3: <Seconds : Amplifier>
    Line 4: $<Price>

    you can right click that sign and it will give you the effect with the time/amplifier

    Also, skim-reading is much easier with paragraphs!

    Ideas for commands: /effctsigns help or /ef help

    Ideas for permissions: a permission for players to be able to use signs

    When I'd like it by: no time limit, take your time
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    luiskeniosis There is a fantastic plugin called ServerSigns which lets you bind ANY command to a sign. Such as the /effect command.
    Before you reply saying that it is an operator-only command, read a bit further and you will find that if you say *effect instead of /effect in the sign, it will not require permissions. Yes, you can also set prices for them.
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    pie_flavor Hmm.. Yes it is a fantastic plugin. But I dont think he wants to use SS for it.
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    MordorKing78 It literally does EVERYTHING he wanted, but it's done with a command instead. If he wants something else, by the way, let him say it. It's not your place.
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    alright thanks pie, im going to try it.
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