<font color="rgb(0,128,0)">sTrade - The Simple Trading Plugin!</font> Version: v0.9 Features: - Simple economy using gold. - Supports percentages of gold. - Value Buy and Sell commands! Installation: Put the contents of the zip into your plugin folder, there are only a couple items in the trade file as is. To add items simply open trade.txt and use the following format for each line, ItemName Datavalue SellingPrice. Example: Wood 5 0.2 The price will be multiplied by two for buying, it also rounds up and down depending on if your buying or selling. I will be on vacation for 8 days after i'm back ill release the source code. Usage: - /buy: Buys an item an example is /buy Wood 3 - /sell: Sells an item an example is /sell Wood 3 - /value: Tells you how much an items worth for buying(b) and selling(s) an example is /value b Wood 10 Planed Features: - Property file for configuration - Choice of what item is used as currency - Some sort of permission integration Known Bugs: - Internal error on some commands <font color="rgb(0,128,0)">Download is here -> </font><Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> ----------------------------------------------- <font color="rgb(0,128,0)">Alternate download is attatched</font>
@Axfan : Please remove your AdFly link, they are banned. Also, guests cannot download attachments, so give us a GitHub/Dropbox direct link.
@Juze Thanks for the heads up @Minim0nkey1 Yes, but that will require a different plugin. @holy_noah If I get more requests sure, but i'm going to try and keep it as simple as possible no config files etc. Thanks ! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
could you add iConomy Support? and also a command where could be set how many the item should cost. and also a command where could be seen all items which are selling and also how many it costs and also a command if the item is selling by anybody thank you in advance <3
can you please fix this bug, if you have no gold on you, and you do /buy wood 3 it will just give you the 3 wood for FREE
screw this! this plugin has more flaws than ANYTHING! can buy stuff with NO GOLD the buy system is WEIRD.. why cant u not round and just make it one solid price for each one. Very complicated to users You CANT change the currency! AND YOU ARE THE WORST PLUGIN MAKER EVER! Fix those and MAYBE you with have Better stuff Oh yeah! Make it so you can SELL items. I am TIRED with interal error CR@P! FIX IT!
Hey this sounds like a great pluggin, but whenever i use any of the commands, its says Internal Error, how can i fix this? thanks