Inactive [ECON] SpoutWallet v1.5 - A display for your wallet [1.2.5-R5, 1.2.5-R4]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Spice_king, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SpoutWallet - A display for your wallet:

    Please go to the BukkitDev page for the latest downloads and change log.

    Adds a line of text on screen that shows how full your wallet is. Also displays your rank. You can also toggle the display with /wallet and can use PermissionsBukkit to change who can see and who can toggle the display (P.S. Don't give toggle without use, because that's just mean!;))

    This is my first "sip" of Java from the Bukkit, and it took me a bit to get it to work.
    The plugin was a request from my brother who wanted to have something on his screen that shows his balance.

    • Uses iConony4/5/6, BOSEconomy, EssentialsEco to find the amount of cash you are holding.
    • Shows your ranking only in iConomy5. Revoved as of V1.4.4
    • Can ignore EssentialsEco, in the event you use it for just commands.
    Download SpoutWallet

    Source Code

    Sample config:
    UpdateSpeed: 20
    yOffset: 3
    xOffset: 3
    Funds: You have %s with you.
    location: TOP_RIGHT
        red: 255
        blue: 255
        green: 255
        red: 255
        blue: 255
        green: 255
    SpoutWallet.*: Users can see and toggle the display
            Default: All players
                SpoutWallet.Use: true
                SpoutWallet.Toggle: true
    SpoutWallet.Use: Users can see the display
            Default: All players
    SpoutWallet.Toggle: Users can toggle the display
            Default: All players

    Todo list
    • Add BOSE and EssentialsEco support
    • Add config
    • Add a toggle for the display /wallet Suggested by @darkcloud784 here done in v1.4.0
    Stuff that Can't be Done Yet (Spout API change needed)

    • Add option to only show when inventory screen is open. Requested by @enenra here
    • Lock to other corners and play nice with different screen sizes. Requested by @Pawned here Done in v1.4.0

    • Fixed config saving bug that was introduced by 1.4.4
    Version 1.4.4
    • Moved to Vault from Register
    • Updates for deprecated Bukkit APIs.
    • Make safe for Bukkit 1.1-R5 ;)
    More Changelog (open)

    • Fixed warnings in log (Quick fix warning: Will mess up XX_CENTER and XX_RIGHT location options, fix for this is being worked on)
    Version 1.4.3
    • Removes Widgets on disable
    Version 1.4.2
    • Added support for iConomy 6
    Version 1.4.1
    • GPLed my code
    • Fixed yOffset for Funds text
    • Added enum catches
    Version 1.4.0
    • Fixed on Spout 1.0.5 builds
    • Added Permissions (Bukkit)
    • Added colors
    • Can now use a corner other than the top left!
    • Toggle it!
    Version 1.3.1
    • Added an option to ignore Essentials, in case you use it and iConomy or BOSEcon at the same time
    • Fixed a disable error, pointed out by @Moe041991
    Version 1.3.0
    • Added support for EssentialsEcon and iConomy4 via Register
    Version 1.2.0
    • Added BOSEconomy!
    Version 1.1.0
    • Added config
    • Adds the ability to change the default messages
    • Can hide rank message
    • Change how fast it updates
    • Move the message's location on screen (up or down)
    Version 1.0.1
    • Fixed crash with non-authed or non-SpoutCraft client
    Version 1.0.0
    • First Version

    This plugin is now GPLv3!
    Taranis01, olimoli123 and Koutacles like this.
  2. Offline


    There isn't a Server side Rei'sMap for Spout unfortunately. So it's the Client's Side mod.
    There's a Screen of the console why bug is happening

    Thanks again, your idea rox chickens !


    Je précise que le plugin ne provoque aucune erreur au lancement.
  3. Offline


    First off, you don't mod the SpoutCraft client, at all. All normal Minecraft mods are inherently incompatible with Spout and SpoutCraft, due to the large amount of rewriting done. I'm more surprised that the client still runs more than anything else. After deleting .spoutcraft/bin, and not ever touching the stuff in there ever a again with mod stuff, use this instead.
    Wulfspider likes this.
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Those instructions mean nothing to me, as they are not written by the mod's author, ReiFNSK, or the SpoutDev team. Modding anything in .spoutcraft/bin is not supported by anyone. Now to be fair, I did try the minimap via those instructions, the minimap worked fine, but it never made the error that you reported (I used the toggle at least a dozen times) and silently ate the widgets (in this case, my text).

    Also, make sure you are running the latest recommended builds of Spout, SpoutCraft, SpoutWallet, and CraftBukkit.
  6. Offline


    That's really surprising. Thanks a lot for your time, i'll check this out.
    Just to be sure, toggle = /wallet, right?

    Ok the errors are gone, error due to me but still i can't see how money I have.
    Really i don't uderstand. I just made a whole bunch of tests
    With everything up to date (recommended builds)
    All plugins off, it still doesn't work as far as i install Rei's map...

    " and silently ate the widgets (in this case, my text)."
    Doyou mean you could not see the text?

    Ok I think i get it now,
    U can't mod Spoutcraft (as u said), it messes things up. So it's not your plugin's falt.
    I beg for Rei's map to become an addon or a plugin...
    That's too bad, Rei's map is far better quality than bMinimap :/
    Once again, thanks a lot for giving your time to help
  7. Offline


    I agree too that Rei's is better and hope to see addons on the scale of some of the SSP/SMP mods, like RedPower2.
  8. Offline


    I get this error on startup

  9. Offline


    I need more info than that to help, and upgrade to v1.4.4.1.
  10. Offline


    Move text to left side of screen please (or have option to), some of my plugins give lots of notifications in the upper right corner
  11. Offline


    There have been config options for that for as long as I can care to recall.
  12. Offline


    oh shit, well dont I look stupid. I must have scrolled right past the folder in my plugins. You're doing a great job, keep it up lol
  13. Offline


    I wish new version is coming soon
  14. Offline


    how can i remove the "you have" ? i just want to show the balance so the %s
    but it don't work if i do :
    Funds: %s
  15. Offline


    This plugin spits a NullPointerException at start:
    [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling SpoutWallet v1.5-7cc51c6 built Sat Aug 04 2012 CDT AD @ 10:56:13 (Is it up to date?)
        at com.github.spice_king.bukkit.spoutwallet.SpoutWallet.onEnable(
        at org.dynmap.bukkit.SpoutPluginBlocks.processSpoutBlocks(
        at org.dynmap.bukkit.DynmapPlugin$BukkitEnableCoreCallback.configurationLoaded(
        at org.dynmap.DynmapCore.enableCore(
        at org.dynmap.bukkit.DynmapPlugin.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.i(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.init(
  16. Offline


    I'm am sorry that I have not been keeping better tabs on this thread, I keep better tabs on the BukkitDev page.
    The BukkitDev page is updated with the current version.
    Try this: Funds: "%s"
    Uhm.... why is Dynmap trying to load my plugin? Anyway, I need your CraftBukkit and SpoutPlugin versions. Looks like you are using a 1.3.1 server to me, but I could be wrong. Will look into after getting the needed versions.
  17. Offline


    SpoutPlugin: b1358
    CraftBukkit: git-Bukkit-1.3.2-R1.0-b2377jnks
    Dynmap: 0.80-1315
  18. Offline


    I'm sorry to say that, with the default configs, I am unable to replicate the NPE.

    I've tested with about the save versions listed (Spout was one build newer, changes are just using 1.3.2-R1.0 not 1.3.2-R0.2) with Vault 1.2.9-b248 and BOSEconomy

    Have you made any changes to the configs for any of the plugins?
  19. Offline


    I'm using iConomy 7.0 (not BOSEconomy). Removed configs for iConomy, Spout and dynmap - still NPE
  20. Offline


    From what I can tell, the NPE may be the result of a corrupt or modded jar. Could you try redownloading SpoutWallet?

    I came to this as an idea for why it was getting an NPE when setting the wallet command and tested with a tweaked plugin.yml that is missing its command section. This tweaked plugin.yml did cause a NPE right where you got yours.
  21. Offline


    Downloaded the one on Bukkit Dev, that didn't help:
    2012-10-04 22:31:21 [INFO] [SpoutWallet] Enabling SpoutWallet v1.5-7cc51c6 built Sat Aug 04 2012 CDT AD @ 10:56:13
    2012-10-04 22:31:21 [INFO] [SpoutWallet] Hooked Vault!
    2012-10-04 22:31:21 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling SpoutWallet v1.5-7cc51c6 built Sat Aug 04 2012 CDT AD @ 10:56:13 (Is it up to date?)
        at com.github.spice_king.bukkit.spoutwallet.SpoutWallet.onEnable(
        at org.dynmap.bukkit.SpoutPluginBlocks.processSpoutBlocks(
        at org.dynmap.bukkit.DynmapPlugin$BukkitEnableCoreCallback.configurationLoaded(
        at org.dynmap.DynmapCore.enableCore(
        at org.dynmap.bukkit.DynmapPlugin.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.i(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.init(
    Just in case - MD5 sums:
    4affb42e4bf5f450aa16ad3c2c0446c8 *SpoutWallet-1.5.jar
    b8359eaa103245e26756c045c8c3c06f *dynmap.jar
    5d9daeb3a8e29a686b9715ad7cd33011 *spoutplugin.jar
    44ac426e15226b1f73455b0f8008cc8e *craftbukkit.jar
  22. Offline


    Well, I'm stumped. I can't seem to find the NPE on my testing server. How about trying without Dynmap?
  23. Offline


    No NPE without dynmap. So, I guess I'll have to bug dynmap developer, right?
  24. Offline


    Looks like it. If they need me for something, just let me know.
  25. Offline


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