Inactive [ECON/MECH] MoneyDrop v1.6.2 - Drop tangible virtual money from players and mobs! [Spout] [1.2.5-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DrakeSpirit, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    What does it do?
    It does what it says on the tin: MoneyDrop drops money.
    When a player or mob dies he will drop a configurable amount of virtual money (read: iConomy money) on the ground with the other loot he had.
    This money can be picked up by other players just as they would pick up normal items. Instead of going into their inventory, the money will go directly into their wallet.

    Sounds good, but does it support my economy plugin?
    MoneyDrop supports iConomy 4,5,6, BOSEconomy 6 & 7, EssentialsEcon, 3Co, MultiCurrency, MineConomy, eWallet, EconXP thanks to Vault.

    So how do I set this thing up?
    Step 1: Make sure you've got one of the supported economy plugins set up on your server.
    Step 2: Download and set up the Vault plugin.
    Step 3: Download MoneyDrop.jar and place it in your plugins folder.
    Step 4: Start up your server and shut it back down again.
    Step 5: Edit the .yml files in plugins/MoneyDrop with your favorite texteditor.
    Step 6: Start up your server and you're good to go!

    Whoa there, what's all the stuff in .yml files for?
    MoneyDrop creates a seperate .yml for each world you're using. They'll be named the same as the world they affect. The options in each file are the same, so if you want to use the same settings for each world, you can fill in 1 file and copy the contents to the other files.

    Dropped-Value is the value of 1 money item. If you set this to 0.1 and you let a sheep drop 64 items, the player who picks up the stack will receive 6.4 money. Keep in mind that when you set dropped amounts later on, you will be setting the quantity of items dropped, not the quantity of money.

    Player-Dropped-Amount is the amount of money items a player drops/keeps when he dies.
    40 will cause a player to lose up to 40 money when he dies, -40 will cause a player to lose all but 40 money and 40% will cause a player to lose 40% of their money.
    You can set a seperate value for each deathcause. Keep in mind that lava falls under fire, not other.
    % is the actual amount of money lost, not the number of items dropped. If the money can't be fully converted into items (e.g. 14 money with a money value of 5), the grim reaper will keep the change (so only 2 items will drop, for a total of 10 money).

    Dropped-Material-ID is the id of the material dropped money will look like. The default is 266 (gold bar).
    Unfortunatly, materials with multiple versions such as dyes will be invisible except for the shadow they cast.
    When you change this, all money that was already on the ground when you shut down the server will keep the old appearance, but can still be picked up as money.

    Pickup-Chat-Notification-Enabled will send a chat message to the player with the amount of money he picked up.
    Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Enabled will do the same, but in an achievement window if your server and the player is running Spout.
    You can set the displayed message with Pickup-Chat-Notification-Message, Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Message and Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Title.
    The word "<money>" (without the quotes) will be replaced with the picked up value.

    Pickup-Sound will play a sound if your server and the player is running Spout.
    Put an url like here. Accepted file formats are .wav, .ogg and .midi.
    Keep in mind that players will have to download and listen to this, so don't put something huge like Beethoven's 5th here!

    Independent-Drops sets if the money is added to the list of mob drops or if it's dropped independant of it.
    If other plugins prevent items from dropping, but you'd still like MoneyDrop to drop money, set this to true.

    Mobspawner-Drops-Allowed will prevent monsters spawned from mob spawners from dropping money if this is set to false.

    Mobs-Only-Drop-On-Kill will only make mobs drop money if they are finished off by a hit from a player if set to true. If set to false, mobs will always drop money on death.

    The WorldGuard settings allow you to set wether or not a player/mob should drop money depending on the region it's in.
    Global-Mob-Drops is the general setting wether or not mobs drop money. This will be overridden by specified regions.
    Global-Player-Drops does the same, but for players.
    Mob-Drop-Enabled-Regions is the list of region names where mobs will drop money.
    Mob-Drop-Disabled-Regions is the list of region names where mobs won't drop money.
    Player-Drop-Enabled-Regions is the list of region names where players will drop money.
    Player-Drop-Disabled-Regions is the list of region names where players won't drop money.
    If any of these regions overlap, the smallest region will take effect.

    You can configure money drops per mob:
    Dropped-Minimum is the minimum amount of money a mob will drop.
    Dropped-Maximum is the maximum amount. If it's lower than the minimum amount, it'll be set to the minimum amount.
    Dropped-Frequency is the chance a mob has to drop money. 1.0 is 100%, 0.5 = 50%, etc.

    If Spout or WorldGuard are conflicting, you can disable MoneyDrop support for them by setting their Enabled properties to false.

    How can I get my own plugins to play nice with yours?
    If you're messing with player/monster drops and you don't want MoneyDrop to be affected, change Independent-Drops to true.

    If you want to poke around in my plugin, the source is included in the jar. You're free to mess around with it, but give me credit.

    If you want to build on my plugin, you can use dropMoney(Location location, int amount) to drop currency at that location.
    You can use the getWorldSettings method to take a look at the settings for that world, so if for example you want to know the material id used in the world "world", use MoneyDrop.getWorldSettings("world").getMaterialID().

    This stuff's pretty awesome, can I buy you a drink?


    Something's not working right, can you help me out?
    Of course, but I'll need the following information:
    • How and when it happened, so I can try to replicate it on my test server
    • The entire error log
    • The contents of the affected world's .yml file
    • A list of the plugins you're using that affect economy, item pickups or mob deaths
    • The MoneyDrop version you're using
    Please check if you're running the latest version of your plugins before posting.

    • Added support for Ocelots, Cats and Iron Golems.
    • Updated for 1.1-R5.
    • Added Minecraft 1.0 creatures.
    • MoneyDrop now requires Vault instead of Register.
    • Minor bugfixes.
    • Support added for multiple worlds.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed broke players to drop money.
    • MoneyDrop now requires Register as a seperate plugin.
    • Preferred Economy now needs to be set through Register.
    • Added Mobs-Only-Drop-On-Kill property.
    • Fixed a bug with Register.
    • MoneyDrop now complains when you're using an invalid Material ID.
    • Fixed spout support.
    • Fixed mobspawner drops.
    • Added support for the giant and human mobs.
    • Added support for 1.8 mobs.
    • Optional plugins can now be disabled.
    • The value of a single dropped item can now be set (decimal support).
    • Pickup notifications are now customizable.
    • A preferred economy plugin can now be specified.
    • You can now choose whether or not monsters spawned from mobspawners drop money.
    • You can now set a different value for each player death cause.
    • Fixed a bug that caused mobs to always drop the minimum amount.
    • Added % support to the Player-Dropped-Amount setting.
    • Added WorldGuard region support
    • MoneyDrop doesn't discriminate money based on looks anymore.
    • Initial release
  2. Offline


    Set up a github repository please, it would be much easier to mod your plugin, and if you like the changes that someone has done on your code, you could merge them onto yours easily.
  3. Please, make that money is dropped only when the mob is KILLED by a player. Because each new day in Minecraft, there's a lot of money on the floor from burned monsters.
  4. @Astaen have you set Mobs-Only-Drop-On-Kill to true? Because that should do exactly that.
  5. Offline


    Does anyone know if they changed pigzombie to something else because everything works except for the pig zombie.

    pig zombie does not work. They changed it or something happened. I'm running the latest crafbukkit.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  6. Oops. Sorry, I'm definitly blind.
  7. Offline


    Has anyone tried this under 1.0 with a CB dev build? Was using Mobdrops but that's 1.0 broken and seems abandoned. And this actually looks like a better plugin.
  8. Offline


    For some reason when I edit the config file with my notepad++ it never saves the config. I've never had this problem before with any plugin so I would love it if you could help. Thanks -GarrettHar
  9. @GarrettHar Which config file are you editing? Can you edit other files in that folder? Which MoneyDrop version are you using?
  10. I have a suggestion: Since you can add items with Spout, Could you make a money Model/Item?
  11. Offline


    Could you hook this into SpoutMaterials / UltraItems? I'd really like for my custom spout items to work with this, but they currently don't because you said that items with damage numbers (like dyes) will show up as invisible, and I dont want that :/
  12. Offline


    I just get gold ingots no money why? here is my config:/ :
      Mobspawner-Drops-Allowed: true
      Mobs-Only-Drop-On-Kill: false
      Dropped-Material-ID: 266
      Dropped-Value: 1.0
        Enabled: true
        Pickup-Sound: ''
        Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Enabled: true
        Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Title: $$$
        Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Message: Picked up <money>$
      Pickup-Chat-Notification-Enabled: true
      Pickup-Chat-Notification-Message: Picked up <money>$
        Enabled: false
        Global-Mob-Drops: true
        - exampleregionname1
        - exampleregionname2
        - exampleregionname
        Global-Player-Drops: true
        - exampleregionname
        - exampleregionname
      Independent-Drops: true
      Mob-Attack: '0'
      Player-Attack: '0'
      Block-Explosion: '0'
      Block-Contact: '0'
      Drowning: '0'
      Fall: '0'
      Fire: '0'
      Suffocation: '0'
      Suicide: '0'
      Other: '0'
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 10
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 50.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
        Dropped-Minimum: 0
        Dropped-Maximum: 0
        Dropped-Frequency: 0.0
  13. Offline


    awesome, works with 1.0 but new mobs aren't included..
  14. Offline


    will this be updated for 1.0 so the new mobs will be included???
  15. Of course it will.
    I'm in the middle of exams though, but I'll try to sneak out an update if I can find some spare time.
  16. Offline


    The dependency "Register" plugin has become inactive. Does this mean MoneyDrop will become inactive?

    If not, are you working to support 1.0?
  17. @spydercanopus I'll be switching from Register to Vault in one of the next versions.

    1.6 is out!
    It was a bit of a rush job, so let me know if anything broke.
    You now need Vault as a seperate plugin for MoneyDrop to run, meaning you can get rid of Register.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  18. Offline


    Im having a problem....I the owner of the server gets money from killing mobs but no one else does......can you help me out
  19. Offline


    do we have to download vault for this to work?
    like vault says permissions.
    what if we have bpermissions?
  20. @Pwnagedude10 I'll look into it as soon as I can find some time. Could you post some more info like your .yml files?
    @benthamanowns Vault doesn't do anything on its own. It's just something that allows plugin developers to interact with other plugins so we don't have to code for each and every possible economy, permission or chat plugin.
    So yes, you have to download Vault for this to work, but it won't replace your permissions plugin.
  21. Offline


    Mobspawner-Drops-Allowed: true
    Mobs-Only-Drop-On-Kill: false
    Dropped-Material-ID: 371
    Dropped-Value: 1.0
    Enabled: false
    Pickup-Sound: ''
    Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Enabled: true
    Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Title: $$$
    Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Message: Picked up <money>$
    Pickup-Chat-Notification-Enabled: true
    Pickup-Chat-Notification-Message: Picked up <money>$
    Enabled: true
    Global-Mob-Drops: true
    - exampleregionname1
    - exampleregionname2
    - exampleregionname
    Global-Player-Drops: true
    - exampleregionname
    - exampleregionname
    Independent-Drops: false
    Mob-Attack: '5'
    Player-Attack: '10'
    Block-Explosion: '0'
    Block-Contact: '0'
    Drowning: '3'
    Fall: '5'
    Fire: '0'
    Suffocation: '2'
    Suicide: '0'
    Other: '0'
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 2.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 3
    Dropped-Frequency: 1.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 0
    Dropped-Maximum: 1
    Dropped-Frequency: 0.1
    Dropped-Minimum: 0
    Dropped-Maximum: 1
    Dropped-Frequency: 0.1
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 3.5
    Dropped-Minimum: 5
    Dropped-Maximum: 10
    Dropped-Frequency: 7.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 3.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 3
    Dropped-Maximum: 7
    Dropped-Frequency: 5.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 5
    Dropped-Maximum: 8
    Dropped-Frequency: 6.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 2
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 5.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 3
    Dropped-Maximum: 7
    Dropped-Frequency: 4.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 3
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 2.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 0
    Dropped-Maximum: 1
    Dropped-Frequency: 0.1
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 3.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 0
    Dropped-Maximum: 1
    Dropped-Frequency: 0.1
    Dropped-Minimum: 3
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 3.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 2.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 4.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 2
    Dropped-Maximum: 7
    Dropped-Frequency: 4.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 3.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 0
    Dropped-Maximum: 1
    Dropped-Frequency: 0.1
    Dropped-Minimum: 0
    Dropped-Maximum: 1
    Dropped-Frequency: 0.1
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 3
    Dropped-Frequency: 2.0
    Dropped-Minimum: 0
    Dropped-Maximum: 1
    Dropped-Frequency: 0.1
    Dropped-Minimum: 1
    Dropped-Maximum: 5
    Dropped-Frequency: 3.0
  22. Offline


    Do I to delete my old config file for money drop from previous version? It's not working for me. I installed Vault, then the updated MoneyDrop.jar and it should be working... but monsters don't seem to be attacking and they aren't dropping any money.
  23. @Pwnagedude10 Your config works fine on my test server, both as op and normal player.
    Is the problem the monsters not dropping any money or players not being able to pick up money? What other plugins are you using? Are you sure you edited the config file for the right world? Have you tried setting Independent-Drops to true? Btw, setting the Dropped-Frequency higher than 1.0 doesn't do anything extra.

    @spydercanopus If your config file is named config.yml then yes, it's outdated and should be moved to one of the newly generated ones. Monsters not attacking shouldn't be caused by MoneyDrop, are they still idle if you run your server without it? As for not dropping money, if you're sure your config files are ok, try setting Independent-Drops to true.
  24. Offline


    The other players dont even see money the monsters arent dropping it and config is for the right world becuase i get money
  25. Offline


    Is it possible to make it drop a custom item from SpoutMaterials?

    Btw, great plugin and wondering if you could do one for HP drops on monsters, like they could drop hearts or something, and it has the sound effects

    EDIT: Sound isnt working,
        Enabled: true
        Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Enabled: true
        Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Title: IConomy Gold
        Pickup-Achievement-Notification-Message: Picked up <money>$
      Pickup-Chat-Notification-Enabled: true
      Pickup-Chat-Notification-Message: Picked up <money>$
    Even downloaded it, but not sure where to put it cause it saids in the tut.
  26. Offline


    Just wanted to thank you for the fix on upgrade from old version.

    Config.yml no longer is the file to edit. The new version creates a file for each world, that you must copy your data to.

    Awesome plugin.
  27. @Pwnagedude10 The only thing I can think of then is that another plugin is conflicting with MoneyDrop.

    @Meteo I don't think it's possible atm, but it's an often requested feature, so I'll probably look into it one day.
    As for the sound, the url needs to end in .wav. Try placing it in your public folder on dropbox and getting the url from there.

    @spydercanopus You're very welcome.
  28. Offline


    K, Thanks Drake ill go try it out ^^ glad u replied fast.
  29. Offline


    I have a request for yu.
    I was thinking if it was at all possible to set it to stay physical until they "sell" it to a clerk at a bank.
    I know this may defeat the purpose of this plugin. But sense this plugin works so well i thought i would ask here first.

    An example scenario:
    Player kills mob.​
    Mob drops money.​
    Player picks up the money and is placed in his inventory. Up too a stack of 999 or something (if possible).​
    Player goes back to the home village.​
    Player goes to a built in economy device in which he can "sell" his cash. (Most likely a [Sell] sign from essentials)​
    Player receives virtual money that he can now spend.​

    An example scenario that involves the reason/challenge.
    Player kills mob.​
    Mob drops money.​
    Repeat last two steps. Again.. Again... Again..​
    Player realizes hes gotten to far from home and begins to return.​
    Player then realizes hes also out of nourishment.​
    Player runs into to many creepers and dies.​
    Player rushes from spawn point all the way to his death point.​
    (Optional) He only picks up a portion of the amount he had, due to the settings.​
    Player repeats all of the previous steps again.​
    Player finally makes it to home only to deposit 1/3 what he had. (Example 156/557).​

    Its a rather simple thought at first glance. On second glance it might be a though add, i wouldn't know though because i don't know how to program java. All i need is something to have the settings you provide in your plugin but allow the item that is dropped to stay physical. And the economy plugin takes over from here. If this request cant be done with your plugin and you know of an alternate one that will suit my taste i would absolutely love to know.

    Another thought about the physical aspect is that when enabled i don't want the virtual money from players (on death) to be taken away. Instead, the player will drop all of the physical money but only a portion of it will be left.
    Although, I do use Dead Man's Chest on my server so i don't know if it might make your plugin conflict. So consider this last paragraph a secondary request, seeing as all of the rest of this post is way more important.

    Please and Thank You

    Also, Your plugin Rocks!
  30. @TrinaryAtom Why not just make mobs drop extra items and allow players to sell those? This can be easily done by combining other existing plugins (a mob drop plugin, a shop plugin and an economy plugin), except maybe permanently losing part of your items on death. I'm not sure if there's a plugin that does that (yet).
    In any case, I think this behaviour would deviate too much from MoneyDrop's intended purpose. I suggest combining several plugins to get the desired result, but if you insist on it being done in 1 plugin, you could always post a request in the Plugin Requests forum.
  31. Offline


    It was more of less a thought. i may look around to find something similar.
    Just thought you guys might have wanted to know :). Maybe it may spark another idea ;).

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