Inactive [ECON] MC Jobs v3.1.8 - work hard get paid [1.3.1-R2.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by RathelmMC, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Offline

    Robert McKay

    Hey RathelmMC. First of all, thanks for developing this plugin.

    There is something wrong with Jobs on my server, as it doesn't let anyone join a job. When I type
    /jobs browse
    it tells me "There are no jobs you can join". When I type
    /jobs join bulldozer
    (as an example) it tells me "The job you have selected does not exist!".

    I am running CraftBukkit 1.2.5 R-3.0. I have already used the default jobConfig.yml that you provided. Also, the information is being stored using SQLite. As for permissions, I am using the latest version of PermissionsEx. I have assigned everyone the proper permissions (mcjobs.jobsavail.*,*,

    Thanks ahead of time!
  2. Offline


    [quote uid=90683114 name="mazso852" post=1136103]what mc jobs eror help plz

    server log=<Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Inside your soldier job it's trying to access spider the wrong way. Did you change something? The config file is in UTF8 so should work everywhere. Also what program are you editing the config file with?

    [quote uid=74963 name="Robert McKay" post=1137522]Hey RathelmMC. First of all, thanks for developing this plugin.

    There is something wrong with Jobs on my server, as it doesn't let anyone join a job. When I type
    /jobs browse
    it tells me "There are no jobs you can join". When I type
    /jobs join bulldozer
    (as an example) it tells me "The job you have selected does not exist!".

    I am running CraftBukkit 1.2.5 R-3.0. I have already used the default jobConfig.yml that you provided. Also, the information is being stored using SQLite. As for permissions, I am using the latest version of PermissionsEx. I have assigned everyone the proper permissions (mcjobs.jobsavail.*,*,

    Thanks ahead of time!

    /jobs browse is not a command. Without seeing your startup log I cannot give you more information.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
  3. Offline

    Robert McKay

    Just realized I installed the wrong plugin (I installed Jobs, lol).

    Please don't mind my slowness.
  4. Offline


    No problem. :)
  5. Offline


    Why wont i get payed when i do the job? Ihave downloaded vault 1.7 and iConomy and this jobs plugin , but when i do jobs my money wont raise. Can somebody help?

    And i have joined the job.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  6. Offline


    Did you edit the config file to tell it to use money and vault?
  7. Offline


    How can i edit that?

    ok, got it thanks! great plugin!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  8. Offline


    Good to hear.
  9. Offline


    the last job plugin i tried paid the person the money for the job, but also let them keep the resources, such as wheat if they had a farmer job, but that didnt make sense to pay them PLUS let them keep the item.
    Why would a job pay someone to keep stuff? Does this job make them turn in the block to get the money?
  10. Offline


    Because it pays for doing the action, not the product of the action. The mod is designed to interject new money into the system not move money or value around the system. I would suggest using a chest mod if you want to pull money or items out of the system.
  11. Offline


    Hey i was wondering how to make a job that when you kill people you get money, because i made a job with one of the Tiers player, doesnt work.
  12. Offline


    could you possibly improve this so it will work on hypercolony? (made by regalowl)
  13. Offline


    player should work. Does the job still work when you add player?

    I don't actually support any economies. I only hook into Vault. If they ever add support then MC Jobs will have support.
  14. Offline


    I keep getting this in my terminal:
    01:38:35 [SEVERE] Could not pass event BlockPlaceEvent to mcjobs
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callBlockPlaceEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock.interactWith(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemStack.placeItem(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.interact(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet15Place.handle(SourceFile:39)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/palmergames/bukkit/towny/utils/PlayerCacheUtil
    at com.dmgkz.mcjobs.listeners.BlockPlace.blockPlace(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor142.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    ... 14 more
    It keeps popping up over and over, increasing the size of my log file. Help?
  15. Offline


    MC Jobs 2.6.15 will only work with Towny v80.1 or higher. The Towny team made a considerable change to their mod between v79 and v80 which breaks backwards compatibility.
    nucapb likes this.
  16. Offline


    ummm excuse me but can I ask how to change the payment type to money? because I once had it on my server and I noticed it pays exp but no money, what should I type to make the payment type to money? I tried dollar, $, or any type that I should put --" pls help
  17. Offline


    This is why.
  18. Offline


    I run a server with 60+ users on during peak hours and 63 other plugins. I am giving this one a shot (Thank you) as another method to earn $$ but I noticed this plugin causes nasty lag spikes.
    I noticed this plugin runs off the main thread. Any chance of multi-threading this plugin anytime soon?
    Also, any suggestions in regards to the config to run this plugin as lean as humanly possible?
  19. Offline


    Unfortunately not anytime soon. Multi-threading the payers is something that I'd like to do at some point, but is going to cause a long beta/buggy period. It is really easy to cause concurrent modification exceptions. Not to mention I am not even sure how much CPU I can save off the main thread since, I believe, the xp payer will still have to be on it. I know that iConomy 6 will possibly erase all the user data if it's stored in a flat file format.

    Basically it's a very serious change and will only effect servers that have more than about 25 people on at any given time.
  20. Offline


    I am a op on my server. and i love the looks of the plugin :) but i dont have permission to get any of the jobs :'(

    edit: I am able to access sightings of all the jobs but there all in grey and i have no perms to join any.
  21. Offline


    If you just want to use the normal bukkit permissions make sure that in the config file useperms is set to false. If it is set to false then everyone should have permission to join all the jobs.
  22. Offline


    it still wont work do i have to change something: language: english
    usePerms: false
    multiWorld: false
    payment_type: money
    payment_mod: vault
    pay_scale: normal
    log_mod: none
    pay_spawners: false
    spawn_distance: 8
    listener_enabled: true
    leveler_enabled: true
  23. Offline


    Show me your startup log.
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


  26. Help. It wont display any jobs, it says that it is out-dated and that my pay scale is too low so i shall set it to high, it did that and it says the same thing:(
  27. Offline


    Don't worry about the pay scale message. I added it, but it doesn't do anything yet. As for jobs not displaying. I'd try letting it rebuild the config.yml file. Delete the mcjobs directory and let it rebuild.
  28. Offline

    Live or Die

    Hello, i dont understand whats "tier1" "tier2", do you need to get to some level to break tier2?

    Thank you in advance :)
  29. Offline


    Higher tiers pay more money. The info is here.
  30. Offline

    Live or Die

    Thank you!

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