Inactive [ECON] ecoCreature 0.2.2 - Mob & PVP Rewards [1.4.6]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by mung3r, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. Offline


    ecoCreature 0.2.2 (Belay that nose-picking, Cadet!)
    Mob & PVP Rewards
    More plugins to try:
    MobRider - Finally, a proper use for saddles!
    DeathTpPlus - Death notifications & recall!

    • Coin rewards, coin penalties and drops for:
      • Killing mobs
      • PVP
      • Kill streaks
      • Death streaks
      • Leveling
      • Breaking blocks
    • Share coin rewards with:
    • Increase or decrease coin rewards based on:
      • Biome (swampland, forest, etc.)
      • Environment (normal, nether, etc.)
      • Time of Day (day, night, etc.)
      • Weather (sunny, stormy)
      • Permissions Group (e.g. default, elite, etc.)
      • Factions (neutral, enemy, etc.)
      • Heroes party
      • mcMMO party
      • MobArena participants
      • WorldGuard region
      • Regios region
      • Residence region
      • Towny membership
      • Weapon used
    • Customize items drops to include:
    • DeathTpPlus rewards:
      • Rewards for kill streaks
      • Penalties for death streaks
    • Heroes rewards:
      • Rewards for mastering a class
      • Rewards for leveling
    • mcMMO rewards:
      • Rewards for leveling
    • Prevent exploits:
      • Camping around Mob Spawners
      • Mob farming
      • Limit projectile use (e.g. Bow & Arrow)
    • Multi-world support
    Usage Stats:

    The original ecoCreature was made by ChrisB. All credit goes to him for his creation. Since his plugin has gone inactive since rb740, I have decided to continue doing maintenance updates for his plugin.
  2. Offline


    Not yet. It's been requested and it's on the "to do" list.
  3. Offline


    Hi mate,
    Back to using ecocreature ;)
    But with the new build i cant figure out how to change the messages on mob kills/rewards?
    Im looking for how to change the "you slayed" and the "no reward" message?
  4. Offline


    After installing the plugin and running your server at least once, take a look at the plugins/ecoCreature/default.yml for examples. It has comments that document the config in more detail.
  5. Offline


    thanks for your work

    i have a problem with mobarena with the R1 version of your plugin. i just can't make it work inside the arene ( my players earn no money), it's working fine everywhere else.

    I put MobArenaRewards: true
    is there something else to do to make it work ?
  6. Offline


    You'll need to install this dev build which has the bug fix.
  7. Offline


    Hi mate,

    Yes i know, i see custom messages with a # infront of them, and when i remove the # and change the message, i dont get any messages on mob kill anymore? (i only change the words, i dont remove any color codes or ' " that could break the line).
  8. Offline


    You have to place those examples into the mob reward table. For example, if you want to add custom messages for a Cow, look for the Cow node in the rewards table and do the following:

        NoReward_Message: 'Killing cows will get you nothing!'
        Reward_Message: 'Nice job kill a cow!'
        Penalty_Message: 'The Cow God has taken your money!'
  9. Offline


    alright as i thought. wat i liked from the previous version is that you had 1 default message you can set for all mobs. but o well thanks for the tip mate.

    keep up your work i preffer this eco mod for mobs above all :D
    mung3r likes this.
  10. Offline


    Where would i find the item id and data id for a specific enchantment on a tool/weapon?

    like if i wanted a diamond sword to drop with efficiency 2 on it what would the code be? 278:????
  11. Offline


    There are some examples I posted previously here along with links on he various codes and such.

    But honestly, I need to update the documentation on the homepage so people can easily find it for themselves.
    FuRiouSOne likes this.
  12. Offline


    still the same ....
  13. Offline


    Copy and paste the lines from your server.log that shows the version of ecoCreature you have installed. Also, your default.yml config so that I can see your setup.
  14. Offline


    I have an error with the magmacube :/

    2011-12-21 19:31:50 [SEVERE] Could not pass event CUSTOM_EVENT to ecoCreature
        at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.managers.ecoRewardManager.registerCreatureDeath(
        at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.listeners.ecoDeathListener.onCreatureKilledByPlayer(
        at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.listeners.DeathEventsListener.onCustomEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.listeners.ecoEntityListener.onEntityDeath(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDeathEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.dropDeathLoot(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.die(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.damageEntity(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.f(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet7UseEntity.a(SourceFile:33)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
  15. Offline


    Doesn't look like magma cube. Looks like a villager, no?
  16. Offline


    hi again,
    sorry for saying it was not working, for some reason the file didn't update

    it's working fine

    thanks for your work!
    mung3r likes this.
  17. Offline


    Hey just finished reading thi thread and after a day of searching i feel this is the best place to ask. My issue is that i have been wanting to spawn XP orbs in my server to better it. However, when i use a spawner to spawn the entity like with mobs and things like arrows, using the value of 2, i only get a spawner that shoots out xp orbs with a 0 value because they wont level anything up. The command i was using to get this far is /item 52:2. I was guessing that i need to add a further damage in order to get a value for the xp orbs? If any of you guys know how i could maybe do this it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  18. Offline



    Edit: Now it's good ! There was a conflict with DeathTpPlus, I used a version who did not manage mob of 1.0!

    Saddened for this useless comment:/
    mung3r likes this.
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    Ah, interesting. I'll create a ticket.
  21. Offline


    Currently it prevents Mobs from dropping items near a certain distance from mob spawners which is great. However my problem is players who are mob spawning for EXP.. Is there anyway to include exp blocks near mob spawners?

    Thanks :)
  22. Offline


    Currently, there is no feature like this but others have asked for it. I created a ticket to track this feature request.
  23. Offline


    Ok can I please have the link to that ticket so I can track the progress also. Once this is implemented I will start using the plugin.
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    getting this error - Bukkit 1612 - Ecocreatures 0.0.9

    22:34:31 [SEVERE] Could not pass event CUSTOM_EVENT to ecoCreature
    at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.managers.ecoRewardManager.registerCreatureDeath(
    at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.listeners.ecoDeathListener.onCreatureKilledByPlayer(
    at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.listeners.DeathEventsListener.onCustomEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.listeners.ecoEntityListener.onEntityDeath(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDeathEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntitySnowman.dropDeathLoot(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.die(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.damageEntity(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.f(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet7UseEntity.a(SourceFile:33)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
  26. Offline


    I doubt they will allow it. due to the fact that if you can track it, you and hunt it down and kil... err edit it.
    the next logical path is editing the levels. /pluginname give player 100 levels.

    If you really want to make easy levels, get a admin to make you a [spawnmob] sign with 5 zombies in a cave.
  27. Offline


    Not exactly sure.... where would you find the item/data id for potions?
    And the same for enchantments. the only enchantment I know would be the
    one in examples where "Sharpness" would be "damage_all"... help?
  28. Offline


    Look at this forum post for a few examples.
  29. Offline


    Ummm I was trying to see if the <1 chances was working properly and seems the Math.round() function doesn't allow this to work good.

    The testing was a simple java program that counted the times needed by the randomizer until it gets the correct chance, so it was actually like the number of mobs I have to kill to get that chance and this is what I found:

    With Math.round:

    Test made with chance = 0.1
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 161
    Test made with chance = 0.2
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 212
    Test made with chance = 0.3
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 202
    Test made with chance = 0.4
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 227
    Test made with chance = 0.5
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 306
    Test made with chance = 0.6
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 201
    Test made with chance = 0.70000005
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 384
    Test made with chance = 0.8000001
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 71
    Test made with chance = 0.9000001
    Correct Random 51.0
    Times Randomized: 1000
    Test made with chance = 1.0000001
    Correct Random 1.0
    Times Randomized: 6
    Test made with chance = 1.1000001
    Correct Random 1.0
    Times Randomized: 75
    Test made with chance = 1.2000002
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 27
    Test made with chance = 1.3000002
    Correct Random 1.0
    Times Randomized: 19
    Test made with chance = 1.4000002
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 98
    Test made with chance = 1.5000002
    Correct Random 1.0
    Times Randomized: 0
    Test made with chance = 1.6000003
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 29
    Test made with chance = 1.7000003
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 6
    Test made with chance = 1.8000003
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 44
    Test made with chance = 1.9000003
    Correct Random 0.0
    Times Randomized: 35
    Test made with chance = 2.0000002
    Correct Random 2.0
    Times Randomized: 79
    Without Math.round:
    Test made with chance = 0.1
    Correct Random 0.015593175004557924
    Times Randomized: 606
    Test made with chance = 0.2
    Correct Random 0.016051600323852
    Times Randomized: 177
    Test made with chance = 0.3
    Correct Random 0.2633580415667969
    Times Randomized: 235
    Test made with chance = 0.4
    Correct Random 0.031167494502171156
    Times Randomized: 61
    Test made with chance = 0.5
    Correct Random 0.46633531010643603
    Times Randomized: 64
    Test made with chance = 0.6
    Correct Random 0.13877310132046627
    Times Randomized: 37
    Test made with chance = 0.70000005
    Correct Random 0.5337161749500496
    Times Randomized: 190
    Test made with chance = 0.8000001
    Correct Random 0.22693680909516845
    Times Randomized: 86
    Test made with chance = 0.9000001
    Correct Random 0.06226630035762737
    Times Randomized: 24
    Test made with chance = 1.0000001
    Correct Random 0.5418998635924099
    Times Randomized: 156
    Test made with chance = 1.1000001
    Correct Random 0.41684042335730087
    Times Randomized: 36
    Test made with chance = 1.2000002
    Correct Random 0.9877601030253924
    Times Randomized: 101
    Test made with chance = 1.3000002
    Correct Random 0.9443984912149483
    Times Randomized: 3
    Test made with chance = 1.4000002
    Correct Random 0.1783245890657703
    Times Randomized: 50
    Test made with chance = 1.5000002
    Correct Random 0.1776436860226438
    Times Randomized: 112
    Test made with chance = 1.6000003
    Correct Random 0.20741500140666336
    Times Randomized: 15
    Test made with chance = 1.7000003
    Correct Random 1.6903668783805337
    Times Randomized: 21
    Test made with chance = 1.8000003
    Correct Random 0.13485091147888983
    Times Randomized: 29
    Test made with chance = 1.9000003
    Correct Random 1.8082492031043285
    Times Randomized: 5
    Test made with chance = 2.0000002
    Correct Random 1.1399183356154197
    Times Randomized: 50
    As you can see the only times you can get a lower chance than 1% with Math.Round is when the randomizer is 0.0, and this is made usually after 100-200 randomize, it means people will need to kill more than 100 mobs (really impossible btw) to get a drop that is less than 1%, and without the Math.round you can get it sometimes by less times like 20-30, of course depending on the chance, 0.1 is very low I know.

    I vote you get rid of Math.round :) I did already :p, this will leave people to chose % more freely don't u think?
  30. Offline


    On closer inspection, the way the math works out, you actually get rewards only 0.5% of the time with the rounding error instead of 1%. Not sure why the rounding was in there to begin with but I see no reason to keep it anymore.

    Thanks for looking at this closely.

    Created a bug ticket for this error. Thanks.

    Bug ticket created for this. Thanks.

    Try this build.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  31. Offline


    Will with work with factions correctly? Have any users reported trouble?

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