I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say that I wish I had the old piston mod back. Pretty much just like normal pistons, but without animation. Also the ability of pistons to launch the player or sand/gravel. The config would simply be just choosing which block to be recognized as a piston, and how many blocks a piston could push at once. Would anyone be willing to revive this old mod for the better good of all Bukkiteers? I for one would love you to infinity and beyond
This plugins seems to recreate some of the piston functions: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/me...t-feel-a-bit-more-real-or-not-rb-1-2-5.23075/
Maybe. I'm not doing a config though, just pm me the ammount. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Im not asking for new blocks, just use something like lapis lazuli blocks to do it, like the old one I saw that plugin, although it looks pretty cool, I'm mainly just looking for pistons being able to push more than 15 blocks at a time
dont you u just need to state in the plugin to create an entity that would be created when the piston exteds with a peice of sand or gravle infront of it this can be done with a player entity so why cant it be donn with a sand enity
Source for original pistons has been released upon request! http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/inactive-mech-bukkitpiston-v0-54-pistons-plugin-for-smp-860.12665/ I don't know much about plugins, but would it be simple to update and change the block limit? I also found this mod, allowing exactly what I want, but I doubt is possible to incorporate this into bukkit: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832790-123-piston-unlimited-block-pushing-smpsp/ Thoughts?
But maybe you can check if the player is moving up and the block under the player ist a piston-head. Then set the Z velocity of the Player, or not?
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/me...t-feel-a-bit-more-real-or-not-rb-1-2-5.23075/ "Pistons can launch you, blocks, and other entities! One of my personal favorite features of pistons is revived with this plugin. Don't want it? No worries, it can be disabled just like everything else. Pistons now launch ALL entities, this includes dropped items, arrows, boats, mobs, etc."
This doesn't support pushing more than the current piston block pushing limit. Pretty much, I'm wanting a piston plugin that allows self-building structures and such like the old plugin did. I know it's not possible (at least from what i've heard) to allow the normal pistons by default to do this, but with old ones you can
Probably is possible. From that thread: so its a purely server-side mod. Only problem is it is for 1.2.3 not 1.2.5 and hasn't been ported to Bukkit. Maybe this is the line which needs to be changed to alter the piston block pushing limit: https://github.com/Bukkit/mc-dev/blob/master/net/minecraft/server/BlockPiston.java#L304 Code: if (l1 == 12) { return false; } The server could be patched to change this code, or a plugin could perhaps replace BlockPiston with its own, exactly the same but with a customizable extension limit. Anyone up for it?
How hard would it be to do this? That is the main feature I'd want, I'd be happy with it! I'm not experienced at all with modding (only followed tuts to make a couple basic ones) so I don't know how to port it to bukkit or anything
Some features are impossible but not all, I'm currently using Falling Blocks to bring back the old piston block "launching" feature.