Easier Permissions

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by nickhayeck, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Hey bukkit peeps i was wondering if anyone could make a plugin that made things much less time consuming and a gui would be nice too.
  2. Offline


    Use the plugin request format, its nicer to read then "Hey can you guys make me this, thanks". And this is not going to be "user friendly", you would have to have a shit ton of commands, and its just easier to edit config files than try to set perms in-game! Trust me, you can set perms in game using PEX, there is more than 40 commands...
  3. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    nickhayeck Your request lacks a good description, please tell what you want
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    timtower He's basically looking for a Program that will help him edit permissions that isnt Notepad++ or he doesnt need to know how to edit YML files.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Then he is in the wrong place
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    NO NOTEPAD++. WHAT MADDNESS ES THIS <<< sorry caps
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    Umm... I really meant like a nice control center for your server (gui) so that you dont have to go through the endless hours of copying and pasting permissions!! BTW why does every body act like a jerk to people that need a little help. honestly if you have a suggestion or you dont like something BE NICE ABOUT IT!!!
  8. Offline


    ... lol
  9. Offline


    No one has been mean, or rude to you, i'm sorry to say this, but you cant take criticism! And why the hell did you bring that picture up? No one has been racist, or show any discrimination towards you, and no one has said that they are going to hurt you in any way... So basically you are being overly dramatic!
  10. Offline


    Well I think if you look in the bukkit tools section you might find something worth taking a look at. I know there are some websites/programs out there that will allow you to create permissions files by just checking boxes.
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    Locked since this isnt getting anywhere and is not a plugin request either.
    timtower likes this.
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