Solved Dropped items enchanting different items?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by iClipse, Oct 7, 2016.

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    So I have an idea for a plugin I wanna work on, but there are afew problems. What I want to do is make it so that when you drop lets say a diamond sword onto an enchantment table with a wither skull it gets Lifesteal I added to the lore. So can someone show me how to do it? Thanks.
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    1. Create a List of "Items". This will contain all dropped swords.
    2. Go into the onEnable. Inside here create a Repeating task
    3. Inside the task, loop through all the items in the list. Use an Iterator object for this.
    4. Add an if statement to check if the item is on the ground.
    5. If the block the item is located on is equal to an enchantment table, add the lifesteal enchantment
    6. If the item is not on an enchantment table, remove it from the list. this is why you have to use an iterator object
    7. Listen to ItemDropEvent.
    8. If the dropped item is equal to a sword, put it into the list.
    iClipse likes this.
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    om my goodness. thankyou. I didnt even know itemdropevent existed (im abit new)!
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