Plugin category: Misc. Suggested name: DroppartyRefill What I want: A plugin that refills chests via config. So the items that you want you can configable in the config EXAMPLE: Items: - 102:2 - 231:2 ect..... The items you named in the config are spread in the chests. Maby the chest that you want to refill you can select with a command? or wright the cords in the conf of the chests? I dont know that part maby you guys know something. Ideas for commands: /dprefill Ideas for permissions: No Permissions Needed (OP Default) When I'd like it by: A.S.A.P Thanks! - Brian
I don't believe anyone will be interested in helping you when you bump your post like that. I believe this is what you fancy:
The Gaming Grunts Haha true, but just make sure to include in your post how great the weather is today!
Instead of saying that, why not simply save him some time and link him to plugins that will work for him, like Serilum did?
Well Its Kindof A Waste Of Everyones Time For Creating This Forum Discussion When He Could Have Simply Just Looked It Up In The Search Bar: "ChestRefiller" or "ChestRestocker" Or Every Few Minutes -_- EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.